Is KFC good in your country?

Is KFC good in your country?



I lived in China for a while, I'd gladly take that entire menu over the KFC one here. Their fried chicken is better here

meh its ok
plus is nobody really makes chicken like that here
cons is nobody does it because nobody really likes it
im ok with nuggets, popcorn chicken, tendies, wings and i havent tried the burger yet but the actual chicken is pretty disgusting

Australia. It varies. Some outlets do the colonel proud, general guide is if it's staffed by Muslims or Indians, don't waste your time.

Muslims give all the centre breast cuts and breast cuts to their extended families and friends. My local KFC (Granville, NSW) is notorious for giving white customers 50% wings, 25% thighs and 25% drumsticks. Plus if they're halal, any pork/bacon products are cooked in a microwave that you can be sure is not cleaned with any great enthusiasm.

Indians are incompetent, slow, and skimp on fucking everything. You open the popcorn chicken and it's a small in a medium box, same with the chips, same with the batter on the chicken itself. Plus they accidentally leave out a nugget or two.

Look for KFC's owned and staffed by whites and you'll do much better.

I can't decide whether it's much better here than in the US, or our standards for fast food are just lower. The seasoning is salty but good, the chicken is juicy, and the breading is crispy. I enjoy it. The menu isn't that diverse, but it doesn't need to be.

Never heard clapfats say anything good about KFC, but over here it's easily nicer than McDonald's and Burger King.

You seem to know your shit.
In QLD, if tempted by the 9 pieces for $9.95 deal, get all hot and spicy.
It's not soggy and wet.
Expect to be jewed on breast pieces though.

As much as people complain about the turdskin over here in Bongistan, it's nowhere near as bad as Australia, in fact it's comparatively benign in most areas.

Poland, and kinda no
The fries are always soggy as fuck, the chicken is meh tier, and we dont have many side thingies save for a salad and coleslaw, but we have this bad boy pic related and it's really fucking good

>staffed by whites

I think we can extend that generalization to basically everything

Is that mayo and barbecue sauce on a burger?

It's pretty good here in Japan

we are slavs, we enjoy our mayonez, and also this version is "the true american experience" aka slap some bbq sauce on it and call it special and authentic
since it's really popular they made like bilion diffrent variations like pic rel with cheese sauce

no its shit

US here. It's shit.

white non londoner detected

I never cared for it, but about a month ago I noticed they sold two identical sandwiches with different names, and had the brilliant idea of asking the cashier what was that about. Turns out one of them is made with breast meat and the other one with leg meat. Needless to say the leg one is fucking delicious.

Burger here. The chicken at my local Cucktucky Fried is some greasy-ass shit. Like, I can't even stand the original recipe chicken, it's almost like they try and overdo the herbs and spices. Tis pretty disgusting. That's pretty much why I only choose Extra Crispy everytime I order from there. I've yet to try the Nashville Hot Chicken though.

But, I hear aussie KFC's pretty fuckin good though, and they have a more wide selection of food to choose from. Really gotta check it out sometime if I can. The Zinger sounds pretty damn tasty.

Only good thing is they deliver.
Rest is overpriced trash.

Latvia here. We have one and it's just decent, definately not the best place to get fast food

im mixed race and from west london

It's shit.


It used to be good until like 2005, 2006. Now it's shit.

No. Also My grandma is from Kentucky and I have been there.

Sucked in for living in a mudslime Indian shit hole

Here in a relevant state our kfcs are staffed by incompetent Aussie teens who don't give a fuck but still they don't judge anyone and hand out the right combination of chikken per order

Sydney is not Australia. Other non mudslime parts of the country enjoy it just as the colony intended. I feel sorry for those poor cunts in Sydney

That's interesting you have fries. I thought maybe they all had potato wedges

The muslim heavy parts (of which there are many) are fucking hellholes. I hate going to both shopping centers near my house because it's like fucking Abu Dhabi.
I don't mind the asian places because I'm a shameless yellow fever faggot and there is a ton if qt asian girls in summer gear atm.

Oh and also the asians bring incredible food with them.

>walks I to kf on north side of Milwaukee (nigger town)
>line of negroids
>asks if this is the welfare office
>beat up

America - eh.

I'm Vietnamese though and I've seen a lot of KFC in Viet Nam and it looks like they love that shit.

We don't have kfc

I only had KFC two times, when I played in LANs with my team when I was still good
I fucking loved it but I'm not really refined food-wise so I'm not the best critic


t. polack

It's alright.
Probably the second most popular fastfood place here after McD.

Used to work there it all depends on whos the cook and how they mix and flour freshness

Get out mudslime

They even have fried chicken and other cool chicken menu items in China McDonald's

No . I don't waste my time with any Asian food a white guy has cooked . Unless I'm that white guy. Most restaurants that serve Asian food that are staffed by whites are over priced, cleaner and better decorated than they need to be, and make gay ass fusion recipes instead of the real dishes

Kentuckyfag here,

KFC is usually good but some stores out in shitty areas skimp you on stuff or just reheat it. Find a place that's in a nice area and had tables and stuff and it's God tier fast food

China has the best KFC imo. Been there a few months ago, they had szechuan pepper flavoured fried chickens

Anyone who would actually consume food items grown in china is an ignorant fool.


No, there's better and cheaper food available everywhere.

Best KFC I've had but holy shit is it expensive

Cost me $20 to get full but goddamn it's good, even their salmon

Japan - Great with a unique menu
Canada - Ok, big fan of the green coleslaw (unpopular opinion)
Vietnam - Surprisingly great and cheapest KFC I've been to

Very very hit and miss in the UK.

KFC seem to give zero shits about training their staff. So it's usually hell in there.

The inner city ones tend to be better as they're busy as fuck and have shit tons of staff.

Non central ones have like 2 people working in them at anyone given time. Everything goes to shit.

Australia. It's so greasy and disgusting and gives me really runny shits the day after.
But I can't stop eating it.

The only decent thing at Japanese KFC is the washoku katsu sando and its pretty over priced. The actual fried chicken isn't that great. The honey is some weird fake maple mix. Its really only good during christmas if you get one of the special christmas meals. But those are nutty expensive if you've ever had a roast chicken mela in the US

>KFC seem to give zero shits about training their staff.

This must be universal. I'm Australian and whilst I agree with the guy earlier who said Muslim and Indian run KFC franchises should be avoided like the plague, even the predominantly white ones fuck up way more than any other takeout chain here. I just expect to have a missing item in my order, something wrong or have some product not available/20 minute wait every time I go there.

usa, it depends on the kfc

the ones staffed by black people ironically tend to be the best. kfcs staffed by mexicans cook the shit out of everything and will give you the wrong recipe half the time.

all of it is extremely unhealthy and the chicken is of questionable quality, but if you want fried chicken and cannot bring yourself to go to the immense trouble of doing it yourself, it's pretty good for the price.

i only eat it a few times a year, it gives me the violent shits more often than not.

>the ones staffed by black people ironically tend to be the best.


It's amazing. They got these spicy chicken drums that's pure sex. You can get like nine of them for less than 150 baht.

Wow, i live in Granville too :) right about the chicken man.

I'm English but I worked in Romania for a few months and the KFC there was god tier. Here it's still pretty great though.


hell no

all of the competing chains blow them out of the water

Bulgaria. It's good.

When I was in the UK for couple of months I have never had worst fast food then the KFCs in London. And I went 3 times to 3 different places.

All major chains are absolutely woeful in London.

The general rule of thumb is to find a smaller place, there's a few hidden gems depending on whereabouts you are.

Avoid all McDonalds / KFC / Burger King etc, none of them are any good at all ever, and they will fuck up an order of medium fries.

Canada - Many franchises owned and run by Filipinos... feels like a refugee camp when ordering inside, but Spicy Big Crunch and fries with gravy is worth it.

Which part of china? Lived in shanghai for 6 years and their chicken was dry as fuck


And the one near me is actually pretty decent though I can't speak for the rest of my state or the USA as a whole

From Iceland(super good) live in denmark(out of the way, not as good as iceland and expensive)

It's not finger lickin good anymore tho.
They switched to Canola oil to make healthy progressive fags that kept bitching about KFC ot being healthy happy. KFC held out not giving a fuck about the healthfags until the fags got Obama involved, and Obama threatened to help get KFC out of poor neighborhoods because he thought that it was mostly poor people who ate KFC
>Making it law to not allow fast food joints in poor neighborhoods

KFC finally gave in, and switched oils. Now it taste like a ghost of it's former finger linking good self.

Obama fucked up KFC's shit.

Turkey - good but used to be better.

It's not finger lickin good anymore tho.
They switched to Canola oil to make healthy progressive fags that kept bitching about KFC not being healthy happy. KFC held out not giving a fuck about the healthfags until the fags got Obama involved, and Obama threatened to help get KFC out of poor neighborhoods because he thought that it was mostly poor people who ate KFC
>Making it law to not allow fast food joints in poor neighborhoods

KFC finally gave in, and switched oils. Now it taste like a ghost of it's former finger linking good self.

Obama fucked up KFC's shit.

KFC in America is ok...
KFC in the Philippines different story
All the gravy you want for free and rice with your meals.

>is KFC good in your reality?


Because in this part of space/time we inhabit, that shit hasn't been good for twenty yrs.

They can have regional items. But that chicken is shit and has been for a long time now.

>Muslims give all the centre breast cuts and breast cuts to their extended families and friends.

To be fair all white run KFCs give centre breast cuts and breast cuts to their extended white families and friends as well. Whites are just as bad to you if you're not "one of them"

This is sometimes true.

>rice with your meals
and this is considered a good thing?

Czech republic

It's good, but could be better. Needs more "options".

Not big fan of their fries though.