
Whatcha you guys going to do with your leftovers? I was thinking of making a turkey casserole.

I eat them cold when I arrive home drunk

I might mix everything up in a bowl and make a sort of "pie" out of it.

Might be good, might be horrible. But I don't feel like preparing endless left over meals of the same shit.

I just throw it all away.

...? go give it to some homeless people in little lunch packs or something if you're really that stable you can just chuck away mounds of perfectly good tasty leftovers

If they didn't want to be homeless they would get a fucking job.

some people like being homeless or w/e but half of homeless people have jobs already, and the others don't have reliable transportation (which can get you denied jobs in the first place)

sounds like rich mommy and daddy gave you everything in life, am i right?

Pff fuck no, my family is poor as shit, but we scrape by.
I learned to eat MRE's and food bank food as a kid.

oooh, so you got handouts! that makes you better than homeless people. that's cute.

Only got handouts when needed because dad worked seasonal so come winter he had no job.

So why couldn't your dad >get a fucking job in the winter then?

I do the same except I throw in a couple of eggs, mix everything together, and make a leftover tortilla

He did.
We finally wen't from dirt poor to actual productive citizens because he actually did something and not give up and beg for money.

Just begged for food, ofc

Go give food to homeless people like your family got you hypocrite. Nobody said give them a house to sleep in

If you can beg for food you can do physical labor and earn your meal.
Just giving them food is just encouraging the homeless to be lazy.

You're seriously embarrassing yourself, i'd suggest closing your Veeky Forums tabs before you do more harm

I'd already posted my plans in another thread, but meh, I'll say it again.
I'm have a Post-Thanksgiving Sandwich Bonanza all weekend, with three different kinds of sandwiches, and then finishing the weekend up with a Turkey Pot Pie Sunday night. I love having lots of leftovers. Also,
I hate people like this.

MREs are expensive compared to normal food

I dont have much left over other than a lot of turkey. I plan on making 3 pot pies tonight and freezing two of them. I'll have to see how much is left after that, maybe i'll make fried rice or something

Not when you steal them from work.

That it true for all food. And all things non-food. It's irrelevant.

are you saying you got ALL of your food for free? how the fuck are you better than homeless people? please kill yourself

Well, I started out this morning having leftover mini quiches, deviled eggs, fruit, and croissants for breakfast. Later today, I'll either make another turkey dinner plate, or make The Moistmaker, haven't decided yet. Plus, I'll nibble on all the leftover goodies from the relish tray (3 kinds of pickles, marinated feta, 5 kinds of olives, pickled peppers, cherry tomatoes, pickled okra, etc)

I got a 30 pound turkey because it was the only not frozen one in the store and I bought it yesterday
I ate part of a drumstick and some breast

left the rest out on the counter over night and threw it away today because I ave no family or friends and I was by myself again. Yesterday a girl at work asked if I wanted to go to her house and spend it with her family because she knew I was alone. I really did, but didn't want to impose.

>tfw broke my no sugar diet for thanskgiving
God damn pumpkin pie is good.

Turkey tacos every year