Fattie tip for comfort food

so this fat girl told me tip on comfort food. brown some ground beef with texmex spices. then put torilla chips, beef and some cheef in the oven till chees has melted. im goin to store soon.

should i try this or no?

>taking advice from a fat girl
Shit son, comfort food is a relative term. Her idea of comfort food sounds like my idea of a guaranteed shit splatter.

fug now i have think of something else then

Wtf I hate texmex now

Sounds like shitty nachos. If you havent had nachos before, go for it. Throw in some onions, tomato, and cilantro so the grease wont make you want to kill yourself.

do i fry em abit on the pan or just throw them in the oven? whats cilantros

Fry them a bit, honestly if that all goes in the oven its just to heat the tortilla chips and melt the cheese, all of which can be done separately. Cilantro is also called Coriander.

can i put white beans in?

It's nachos, sure you can. You can add gaucamole, salsa, corn, lettuce, fuck sky's the limit

thnkas. now to the store and then cooking

now im gonna cook and post after done my virginity nachos

rate my ingredients:
ground beef witch nachos spice mic
2 eggs
white beans in tomato soos
jalopeno slices
2 tomatoes

You're basically making nacho toppings and eating it from a trough.

Look up "Seven layer bean dip" recipe, and make that. Make a version with seasoned ground beef in it. Serve with nacho chips.
Far superior to make a great dip than to pre-mix your chips and toppings.

how'd you cook them?

on a hot greasy pan, you goofball

too late its in the oven already. thanks for the recipe still. i left out the salsa dip im gonna use it as a condiment.

i had the whole thing on the pan and i put them on the center. i hope the oven fries them enough.

its done boys.. time to get my fatty on before bar..

>captcha pick up trucks



You fucked up.
You should have just made a dip, chips on the side.
Enjoy your soggy garbage chips, and never do that again.

Looks like crap, but somehow, strangely alluring. I'd definitely try it.

What is there to try? There's nothing novel about it. You already know exactly what it will taste like

i was told too late!!

thanks. when all the flavours combine its a great taste. only minus is the dryness but genial of me to save the salsa as a condiment so it takes the dryness away.

havent done this before. only eaten tortillas