I'm doing it guys, I'm at the end of my wits with my school's shitty dining hall...

I'm doing it guys, I'm at the end of my wits with my school's shitty dining hall. They force us to pay thousands of dollars (yes, you HAVE to have a meal plan, even if you don't live on campus).

When I get back home this evening, I'm gonna show the picture of the oily pasta. It was disgusting.

it's long

tl;dr the food fucking sucks and I'm submitting this to them

As for what I'd submit, it would be a McChicken.

It's a perfect example of a monopoly. Not only do you have no other choice for where to eat, but you're actually FORCED to eat there. What incentive do they have to improve when you'll eat there anyway no matter what crap they put in front of you?

Only the free market can save you.

You should be greatful their wiling too go out off there way too feed you fuxxing spoild baby

there is nothing wrong in the OP voicing his/her/their concerns. he/she/it is only trying to better the service

Threaten to call the department for health

>Sending them an angrily worded complaint
You fucking pussy,
March up to the god damn director of the cafeteria and yell at him for 3 hours. I did that my first year when one of my friends was in danger of not even being able to attend because of the meal plan cost, and I berated that asshole for no less than two hours straight because of how unbearably shitty and expensive the food was.
The following semester he and the "head chef" (whatever that means for a buffet hall) came up to me 3 individual times to ask me if I thought the food was any better.
It actually was. Still mediocre as hell, but infinitely better. They finally learned how to cook rice and pasta.

Are you an Osprey too?

>going to a Shartwells school


You may as well put an "I can't even" in there too if you're going for the high school girl writing style.

>It's a Sodexo meal
Thankfully my university allowed you to do some cooking using their equipment as long as you notified them in advance. Blacks and Hispanics don't know how to make a proper sauce and meatball.

>mfw my shitty state school just brought in chartwells
>mfw dining hall + chick-fil-a + dennys + erberts&gerberts + sushi bar + burrito place + freshens + a bunch of other shit

Wow, you actually write like you are posting on Veeky Forums.

If I were the person reading this, I would laugh at what is clearly an emotional 18-year-old. Learn to write like a mature man and you may be taken seriously.

Aw, OP, welcome to college. Get over it. It's one fucking year. If you let it, it will be a character-builder. If you don't, you become a douchebag frat boy.

>Why would I
>That's right.
>but, hey, I guess whatever
>Don't get me started on the meat.
>a bunch of
>You need to fix that, definitely.
>The good makes everyone sick.
>That's right, digestion is horrible
>I feel dirty when I eat in crown
>the old cushions
>Why is Sovi a million times better than Crown??
>Crown NEEDS a revamp.
>It just angers me
>because they've never had anything better in their life.
>It's depressing because I swear
>I'm done
>PS. Your breakfast foods suck

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahah what a fucking self-entitled baby. I bet you showed this off to your peers to try and feel like a hero.

I want to see the oily pasta

Are you the hero in all you stories?

Instead of being an angry little bitch why don't you help them you fucking faggot. Those chefs have to cater quickly to the student masses with an obviously limited budget. Go hell them.

post oil pasta

>forced to pay for goods you dont neccesarily want
>goods are shit, but you deal with it for a few weeks hoping they are just getting back into their workload after summer
>goods provided are terrible, you would never ever buy these goods if you werent being forced to
>go complain about how fucking shit this deal is

then you come and say
>"b...b..but user they have a lot of work to do, how can you expect them to provide the service you have been forced to pay for, t..t..they are are human beings, why dont you help them provide you with the service on top of that ridiculous amount of money you had to give them

so now you are asking him to work for his shit food on top of paying for it

you are fucked in the head mate

post secondary education is a scam, my college forced me to pay for a gym membership and a bus pass even though I didn't use either

My faculty recently got a new building, including a new restaurant. They actually make some quality stuff. Daily fresh sandwiches, two servings of soup, and two options for meals of the day.

We don't have meal plans. most students just bring their own lunch to school and use the restaurant to get some coffee or maybe a sandwich. Its a good system.

For example, Monday we had pasta with mushrooms in cream sauce with olives, capers and parmesan cheese OR escalope with sauce, romano beans and oven potatoes. Costs 5 euro's, which is ok I guess

Can you not read? It clearly says that students including him are forced to buy a meal plan, so they're not going out of their way to do shit.

All of this. Also

Try again when you've learned to write better than they cook.

Look at this fucking guy lol

literally me right now, euuggh

troled hard LUL

Are you complaining or not?

You have to go back, asap

Do not return to this site

Learn to speak English

I'm sorry op.

>mfw both main dining halls are decent
>Subway style sandwich/wrap stations in both
>pretty good breakfast with many options
>stations that serve junk like chicken sandwiches and cheeseburgers and fries of you want to eat like shit
>station that serves a different meal every night, quality varies depending on what they're cooking but when it's good, it's good

>mfw city campus so many alternatives if you don't want a meal plan (not forced)
>convenience stations with snacks and coffee in every major building
>chick fila
>Einstein's bagles

Honestly I don't know how everyone here isn't a fatass

You need to review how you write an essay, OP. You are trying to convey information, not act hard in front of your mates. Re-organize your thoughts into proper order and give it another go, because this sounds kind of important.

pic related; me at that cafeteria

>that ragemail
maybe if you didn't suck so much, you wouldn't have to go to such a shitty school.

Take photos and send them to all your local newspapers.
Sneak some out in a doggy bag and bring it straight to the city hall when the mayor is taking questions. Ask him if he'd like to try what the city's students are being forced to pay for.

there is old saying: if you dont like what they make cook for your damn self.

when you are at collage mommy and daddy dont cook for you, its up to you to find /buy/cook for yourself to provide nutrtion. not to rely on them to feed you if the food is as bad as post claims. buy a recipe book, follow it = good meal. not rocket science.

Do video reviews.

All the text in the world won't do shitty food service justice.

Except they're FORCING HIM to pay for a meal. Those shits aren't cheap you know

you are fucking retarded