Post your best and easiest dishes

Post your best and easiest dishes.
It doesnt have to look good, all that matters is how it tastes.

Bonus points for fewer ingredients.

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cacio e pepe

>pasta carbonara
my go to dish when i'm once again in the middle of poverty but want to eat something that doesn't "feel poor"

what is that? an egg?

Yeah, apparently. Not my pic. When i do carbonara i crack some eggs in the sauce, but i never eat eggs raw on the side like that.

the worst thing is that the pasta is touching the shell, which is the most dangerous bit.

Dangerous? How?

that's where the salmonella is.

Salmon cannot live in an egg

I call bullshit. I've seen many salmons live in and/or on many eggs

Ah. Well, the pic is taken from a swedish site. They claim we dont have salmonella here so whoever made that should be fine.

Last weekend's dinner.

Lunch a few days ago. Grilled squid with soy wasabi dipping sauce and homemade kimchi.

They must've cleaned the egg with antibacterial detergent before using it. I'd still find it gross to have eggshell on the plate though, even if it's intact like that. Raw egg as well, I'd be very disappointed if I was served this and would probably leave that egg alone.

Get creative with the stuffing (rice, bread, veggy w/e)

Best poverty dish I have ever made (chicken is cheaper than veggy, and great for leftover)

Salmon CAME FROM eggs you dummy

>homemade kimchi

You want to get married, user?

Last time I checked, polygyny was illegal in my state, but otherwise, sure.


Grits & hashed browns or latkes.

Bake some scrambled eggs, set aside. Chunk up some tomatoes, throw them in a pan with some sugar and salt. Bake in 3 rounds of 3min till soft and mushy. Throw the egg back in and mix. You put this on top of freshly cooked rice and eat it together.

This is one of my favourite meals to eat.

doesn't sound too bad, but i'm confuse
>Bake some scrambled eggs
what do you mean by this?

Auntie used to make this when I was a kid.

Onion, 1 medium-large/large
Beef mince, 80% lean or so, 400g
Salt, as needed
Rice, cooked, day-old, about 500g (roughly a litre container full of the stuff)
Strong beef stock, a half cup or so
Cheese, shredded, 100g
Tomato, firm-fleshed variety, diced, 1 medium
Lettuce (or blanched cabbage greens), shredded, several leaves
Cucumber pickle, sliced in half-moons, 1 large
Ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard, as desired

Remove a quarter to a third from the onion and set it aside; chop the rest of it.
Put the chopped onion and mince in a cold pan and set to high heat; meanwhile, slice the other bit of onion.
When sizzling audibly, salt the mince/onion mixture generously and stir-fry about until the mince is crumbled and cooked.
Add the rice and stir-fry about until all the grease is absorbed and/or it starts to stick.
Add the beef stock and toss about until the rice absorbs the excess moisture and heats through.
Bowl up as four portions, topping each with a quarter each of:
• the cheese
• the set-aside still-raw onion
• the diced tomato
• the shredded lettuce (or cabbage)
• the cucumber pickle slices
in that order.

Serve cheeseburger fried rice, offering ketchup, mayo and mustard from squeeze bottles to be added at the table to each diner's taste.

My favourite I-don't-feel-like-cookin'-but-a-nigga's-gotta-eat meal to make is roast pork on rice since the supermarket is just a short walk down the road and is open late. I just go in, have them slice me some roast pork, take it home, open the rice cooker, serve up some rice, top with onion greens and roast pork and eat that shit, usually with a simple microwave-blanched green veg with garlic and mushroom sauce alongside. That's typically snap beans as I seem to always have fresh snap beans in the house.

Pretty sure they're mammals

I posted this earlier for crock pot poorfag but here you go. Simple as shit and you can feed an army with it

Buy as large a pork shoulder as you can afford and will fit in your crock pot, large bottle cheap BBQ sauce, 2L bottle store brand root beer, and 1 Hershey bar. Cover meat liberally with salt and pepper, put in crock pot and add root beer until about 2/3 the way up the meat. Add Hershey bar on top. Cook on low at least 6 hours. When done, pull meat out and shred. This will be simple because it will literally fall apart. Separate all the fat off and bone if you paid for that weight. Add sauce to shredded meat. This is the best BBQ in the world and you can refrigerate what you use immediately and freeze what you don't.

Add microwaveable rice, half a can of tuna, half a can of chicken, and chili. Add water and microwave for half the listed time for the rice. Then add frozen veggies and microwave it the rest of the way.