ITT: pics from the Veeky Forums thanksgiving meet up

ITT: pics from the Veeky Forums thanksgiving meet up

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no, no, no this isnt real.

it is

stop it please, this madness doesnt need to continue



why would anyone do this to themselves


oh come on



This shit looks like thanksgiving from my childhood
Probably why I fuckin hate it so much now


It's a cornucopia. Godbless 'murrica.



Please stop reposting this fucking meme. It isn't real, it's an art installation/photoshoot.

Don't believe everything you read, people.

yeah, and?
Don't people know it's all intricately set up like this, it's still great.



No one actually takes it seriously. It's a meme, you dip.

guess which one is me

the retarded one kappa

Is that a glass fedora?

Fucking nu-males


Gas chambers were invented for waste of human flesh like those creatures.


me on the left

do american really sit on piles of hay in their houses?


Only on Thanksgiving, but its more of a traditional thing.

Only when our individual flea cultures have waned and we're trying to build up a larger population on our bodies.

no it just a thanksgiving thing.

"It just werks"

What percentage of the people pictured have been sexually abused by a trusted family member?

The answer may surprise you!

Pls b Anna, and pls b my gf

I really enjoy this image, though I doubt an art student does not comprehend a fundamental concept like symbolism. If there is anything more masturbatory and self-indulgent than cutting a block of wood into a crude dragon because you think dragons are cool, I can't think of it.

>H-hah. I knew it was fake all along, b-baka

>Veeky Forums

what's also comedic is that art quality is subjective, but his is objectively unfinished


Is this a real Veeky Forums meet up?

4-5 of those chicks I would be all over and based on the competition I'd definitely be getting laid.

>stop having fun

The retard with the nerf gun over his head on the right next to the insecure fake blonde