Where does Veeky Forums find quality recipes?

Where does Veeky Forums find quality recipes?

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lots of places, a lot of youtubes from foreign moms are out there

From blogs where I have to read their life story and go through 7 clickbait pages before the recipe is listed, then I realise it's in retarded ameriblubber measurements so I close the tab and try another recipe until it's in master race metric

>he can't convert

I usually just google variations of the same recipe for 30 minutes straight until I find one I like. Sometimes if I want to make something specific I see if Chef John has made it, and if he has I just follow the video.

I was never taught retarded measurements at school, so other than knowing 2.2lbs is 1kg or 1000g I have no idea what ounces are and no plans on taking up braincells to learn

it's pretty simple if you look up a conversion chart online and know basic conversion methods, but hell I'm sure you can just type into google "what is 4 american ______ to metric ________" and it'll give you an answer

Yeah I know, it's not that hard for one ingredient but when the recipe contains 8oz of butter, 6 oz of general purpose flour and 1.5lb of halal ground pork among 10 other ingredients it's easier just to close the tab and find a recipe in metric

Also lol @ those sites who automatically convert it for you, 1tsp of jizz ends up converting to like 4.92892ml

We have teaspoons here too you stupid website

How To Basic's Youtube channel.


I don't need recipes. I can cook based off smell, taste and sight alone.

My cooking skills > your cooking skills

Do you hate eggs?



Alton brown for baking

Serious eats for techniques

Food in my beard for flavor combinations and hipster nonsense

Allrecipes for daily use


Or he could always just avoid American recipes and not end up a big fat lazy smelly cunt.

>big fat lazy smelly cunt
don't talk about the french like that


Veeky Forums

what did he mean by this?

it's the worst place on the internet populated by midwest moms copying others' condensed soup-based recipes. i know because i made that post as a joke.

cooking with ja/ck/ show

>t. awful chef who thinks he's Gordon Ramsay

NY Times is breddy gud for all around cuisine, that's usually my first query: ____ NYT; I've had a subscription to Cooks Illustrated for ages and it's a gold mine. Serious Eats great, Savuer and Splendid Table are pretty good as well. Maangchi for Korean, Japanesecooking101 for Nippondesu, Woksoflife for Chinese, Svyum for Indian. That's the short list.

About.com/food/ is good for international cuisine/reference and despite being the useless shitposters they are Oz surprisingly has a great site: taste.au

Two final additions: acadamiabarilla for Italian, it's exhaustive, and gourmetslueth is extremely useful for finding substitutions


chef jOOOHn fROOm fOOOOdwISHEEsdotcOOOm

ur mum


My kitchen towels come with 100 recipes each tube
Sadly I run out of towels before I can make them all

1 towel per recipe, there's a reason


Why isn't this in a sticky or something?

It's shit.



rarely disappoints me. it's got a load of italian and international classics that seem to be pretty well curated in my experience. you may need google translate though as there is no english version

I go to used bookstores and find cookbooks that interest me. Then I go through and put post it notes on the recipes I want to try. If I really like a particular recipe, I'll add the book and page info to a notebook I keep for the purpose. I also mark up the books heavily with any changes I feel a recipe needs.


As an alternate question, how does one learn to be a cook?

Just do it? Go to school then just do it?

What I did was follow recipes to the T. It tasted weird or bland, so I tried it again the next day with changes I thought it needed. Way too big of a change, tastes badman. Try middleground on 3rd day, much better, but still not perfect. Do this for your 5 favorite dishes, then try making your own dish, no recipe in front of you. It will taste of death. Write down why. Try again, avoiding the last mistakes. Tastes shitty, but eatable. Write down why, try again. Etc.

Have a reference as to how it should taste. No matter how many times I try to cook indian food, if I never had it before, it will never taste right.

He said learn to be a cook, not learn to cook.