Is dessert the best food of all time? I'm trying to decide between pizza, cheesesteak sandwiches, and dessert

Is dessert the best food of all time? I'm trying to decide between pizza, cheesesteak sandwiches, and dessert.

Dessert is a good food, but my own personal favorite food is dinner. I like having some good dinner for supper

desserts are all some sugar, candy, chocolate its all the same

Do you honestly believe that soldier?

same with dinner --- it's all just a bunch of atoms at the end of the day. and I sure do love the way atoms taste.

Dumbest post I've seen today. Especially if you actually so love desserts.

What? I didn't quote that second person. Even double checked for grammatical errors.

i'm happy you did quote me, tho - it was a free (You)


If you think desert is the best food you have an undeveloped palette


oh the ironing


haha clever


A bit dry and gritty for my taste, moron.

>empty calories

Shittiest food only acceptable for weekends.

I think lunch is the best food.

>americans don't consider cheesecake desert

Yes we do.

are you retarded

Fucking Europlebs amirite?

Cheesecake might contain cheese, but it is not a cheese in its own right.
In a multicourse meal, would you serve cheesecake alongside cheese and fruits?