How do you guys improve your frozen pizzas? I add a bit of piri piri seasoning to give it an extra kick

How do you guys improve your frozen pizzas? I add a bit of piri piri seasoning to give it an extra kick.

Add black olives, anchovies, and some fresh tomato slices.

A dose of oregano helps.

Post what that looks like.

Parmesan and a bit of tabasco sauce

Sliced tomatoes, more cheese, lunch meat ham, and onions. I feel no shame.

I throw mine in the trash and make a pizza from scratch you worthless faggot :^)

Why did you spend money on a pizza only to throw it away?

half a pack of cheap, dirty pepperoni and some jalapeno is my standard.

Because I make more money than you and enjoy throwing it away just to spite you

bra that ain't 'go 'za

more cheese, jalapenos, green olives, and tobasco sauce.


That's Pokemon

>implying there's a difference

One bag of plain potato chips.
Half a bag of pepperoni.
One bag of crumbled sausage.
One healthy squirt of sour cream.
Lemon juice. (fresh)
Tabasco sauce.
Mexican cheese.


I buy casa di mama's on sale, usually at its lowest sale point of 4 bucks CAD, I steal hot genoa salami, steal parmesan, buy loose basil(if its packaged and 2 dollars I steal it), and I usually have taragon and oregano at home but I only use the oregano, I pick half of it with the basil and put it on the pizza before I put it in the oven, and I put the Genoa salami on top of it, then I pull it out of the oven after the appropriate time, add the other half of torn herb leaf, and finish with olive oil and a tiny bit of good old fashioned kosher salt, while the pizza cooks I either dance, smoke a dart, or clean my kitchen.


3 years too late for that meme, kiddo ;)

I agree.


You have to go back

Nice contribution to the chans kiddo, you're way out of your league.

kill yourself

Clever response kiddo, you have potential, one day you might make janitor on Veeky Forums.