Time to burn down my house

Time to burn down my house.

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That doesn't look like food or cooking OP.

Its booze.


Two or three days worth of dishes to clean up first

Take a picture of the pot plants.

Veeky Forums loves to rip on this guy, but his house does look comfy.

Which ones. At this point theyre taking over the house.


Pretty sure this is the Homeworld guy in Maine.



It's just really cluttered almost to the point of hoarding but he seems to be cleaning it up a bit. I actually like his eccentric style.

I'm certain it is these threads are a ride

newspaper moonshiner man is back, das good, das good


Have to cobble together a cooling system .


Nobody else notice the cannabis plants growing in the OP?


needs snow.

Can you explain your cooling system here?

I think i got the water level stable .

Submersible pump
and the two holes in the still

whats to explain?
its very simple

Aforementioned snow.

Is that pot?

the plant looks sick as fuck

Its been through some rough times. It wasnt worth putting it under a light so I brought it upstairs

Forgot to clean the pipes

the cold water needs to enter from the bottom hole senpai


They have now been flipped


How much moonshine will you get from this?

With the hairy hands, red explorer, depressed dog, and rabbits and chickens!

Still have the blood on your back door window?

I have no idea. Ive never done this before .

Fuck Year Hot Pockets.

One of the guys I rent a room out to doesnt cook at all.

It's basic math.

IIRC, our dear friend has 15 gallons bubbling. Let's say it's at 8% abv - therefore he has 1.2 gallons of 100% abv.

He won't capture the entity, and the first run typically yields a 40-50% abv product (averaged as it starts higher and wains). Our beloved virgin should realistically capture around 2 gallons of 40% abv. Since it's a shitty potato mash, he'd be smart to run it through again and end up with about a gallon of 85% abv liquor which he can dilute into gatorade and sugar in an attempt to penetrate a passed out lady.

Given he couldn't read a basic recipe (which is the reason he's on food stamps), I suspect these calculations are all for not.

>are all for naught.

Speaking of basic reading skills, I fixed that for you.

>which is the reason he's on food stamps.

Im on food stamps?

* there are also heads(minuscule) and tails which I forgot to deduct.

tldr: stay in school, crime doesn't pay.

Are you the Maine OP?

Ive decided to freeze distill this one. So outside it goes.

You shop at that shitty WIC corner mart by choice?

>freeze distill

Yum! A potato Eisbier. That's the perfect pairing for a hot pocket.

Its the closest store and I needed sugar.
I usual buy food at whatever store at 7-8 am. That way I can beat the old ladies to that days clearance items.

More pupper


That's a nice pupper you've got

>all for not.
All for nought


please don't tell me you're giving it a test run with straight vodka ...

She better be. Her medication cost 200 bucks a month.

No. Thats the thumper. It works better if You start with alcohol

Thanks you douchy dubs

OP. how much do you charge for the room you rent out?

You seem like an insane person, OP.
I like it.

500, No utilities .
Free pot.
Occasionally get dragged into helping on some project or another.
Usually I cook to much food too.

Gonns be awhile

Heres the posion part.



Its dripping


What a grand still! Hopefully there's a leak and you all chain smoke. I'll enjoy reading this in your paper.


>Colt 45

What's wrong with her eye?:(


>growing weed


You failed to abide by the golden rule of growing: No smell, no sell, no tell.

That dude is going to run his mouth about your weed, and some assholes are going to try to bust in your place and steal it / rob you.

Luck, regardless.

yeah op should knock that shit off. If you're going produce on your own propety you need tohave enough land to keep casual observers from connecting your use to your production.

Like those dudes in the meth game back in the 90s who would cook for months without selling a single shard, then dismantle the lab, wait a while, then sling hard.

Im already drunk

Its legal here. I have under the limot for plants. Im fine

Lazy dirtbags too stupid to grow their own and looking to make a quick buck don't care about that, bro. They just want free weed to smoke and sell.

So far

why is what's coming out of the still cloudy? what abv is that?

>still no pics of the weed you be growing

venting the c02 to increase growth rate?

Dogs get little warts/tumors as they get older. I think thats what it is. Like big skin tags

Nope. Its cherry eye.

I don't do the 'shine, but i do brew the wine. Stay safe and don't kill yourself op, seems like a fun project nonetheless. Is the risk of botulism higher bc of potatoes and low acidity? I always add extra acid to my wines to be safe, but fruit is already decently acidic

Booze is cooking . But pots not.

Dude. Just get a water distiller or two and run it on a dimmer switch + Kill-A-Watt. You'd be in $60 for two x 1 gallon stills and the electrical.


That's a nice looking plant.

Cannabis really is a beautiful plant, and I'd like to grow them for ornamental purposes as well as for bud.

ya well dont put a fucking leaf in your picture and make everyone interested then buddy boy

post more feet


Good to see you haven't cleaned in an entire month OP. You scumbag

This place is going to go up like a match

Nobody gives a fuck its just weed you nerd

Its been cleaned completely a few times sense then. This is not one of those times.

Went blind already?

Is the house on fire?

rip in piece OP ;_&7


i'm voting for methanol poisoning

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker


Who's this cunt?

RIP op, he never got to fix his car.

It's [current year]. It isn't that hard to obtain weed or grow your own any more if you got a fetish go look at google images ffs. Jesus it was easier to get weed than it was to get booze when I was underage and that was almost 10 years ago now.

"Pot heads" are so dumb I swear they don't even know the country is moving on without them knowing and accepting the shit..

How do you know when the poison part has ended and the safe part has started?

Nice thread OP.

My recommendation is to lose the thumper, and get a bigger reservoir to house the coil. Also like other user said distill it 2 or 3 times. You can even dilute it down to 45% carbon filter then distill again.

Oh boy it's Maine bro back again. Always good to see your threads.
You and the texas bro with the cats are my favorite threads. Pretty much the only reason to keep coming back to this shithole.