
>causes cancer

Everything fucking causes cancer these days, at least with alcohol I can have a good time with my mates.

britbong reta rd

>tfw alcohol is the leading cause of lifestyle-related cancer, even more so than tobacco and obesity
But that's wrong, meat consumption is.

I couldn't possibly care less.

Most carcinogens are so rarely in your system, they don't matter (e.g. gallium).

A lot of carcinogens, you have to consume unrealistically high amount for sustained period, so they don't matter (e.g. saccharine).

Others, you are constantly exposed to it in regular course of life (or have significant chance of being infected) and they do exhibit significant carcinogeneity, so they matter a lot (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, red meat, HPV, coal emission).

>no amount of alcohol is safe
This simply isn't true. Study after study has shown moderate consumption to be beneficial to your health and measurably decreases mortality

Keep believing these stories, goy.

We totally didn't hire giant PR firms to plant these stories, we swear.

>consume substance constantly for over 15,000 years
People who drink moderately have longer lifespans than both people who drink excessively and not at all

>no amount of alcohol is safe

Most of europe relied on alcohol to get through winter. If alcohol was that bad we would have died out a long time ago.

The difference is that these are worldwide independent studies, not two studies from the tobacco industry.

way to be a debbie downer

The irony is, these studies will do nothing to help an addict whether they're true or false. Nice that a study produced some conclusion, but how did it help?

The French study on supposed cardioprotective effect of alcohol didn't actually establish a proposed mechanism for this protection.

They just looked at the fact that France has one of the lowest rate of deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and that the French frequently consume a bit of red wine with dinner, and proposed that red wine is why they aren't croaking from heart attacks.

It's the Mediterranean Diet study all over again. Foreign people are healthy, and they do something peculiar, so that peculiar thing MUST be why they are healthy, which is not how things work.

I gag a bit internally whenever someone talks about the "alcohol industry", or "tobacco industry".

As if vices only exist due to evil CEOs.

>vices and ceo's

And well you should gag, because they spend millions to ensure there is minimal competition, laws and subsidies that support their snake oil peddling, and investing in and supporting the prison industry to ensure a never ending supply of customers.

Yeah, corporations and ceo's are definitely your friend. Gag on that, moron.

i dont give a shit, alcohol literally makes life bearable, if i were to give it up i think i would just start doing heroine and shit

>because they spend millions to ensure there is minimal competition

The alcohol industry does? There are four or five independent breweries within a 5 mile radius of me. There is two brew shops down the street. I have five gallons of beer sitting behind me, and a mini-fermenter of kvass on my desk. If they spend millions of dollars ensuring there is minimal competition, then someone is robbing them blind.

Furthermore, you totally missed what hes saying. The ultimate responsibility is on the consumer. You cannot sell someone something they don't want. CEOs aren't evil, they're trying to make a buck by giving you what you want. Corporations ARE our friends because without them we wouldn't have what we wanted at such low prices.

>investing in and supporting the prison industry to ensure a never ending supply of customers

The fuck are you on about? Why would a corporation want to lock customers up? You realize that 'corporations' are not a game like the crips or bloods right. The privatized prison system is wrong and should end, but it is in no way related to alcohol production.

haha, yeah im sure the mediterranean regions are just lying about their lifespans and drinking habits

>the media keeps pushing bullshit alcohol industry-funded stories about how red wine is good for your heart because they're dependent on revenue from alcohol ads
I worked for one of those scientists who proved moderate alcohol is cardio-protective (and this wasn't in France). The research wasn't funded by the media or any industry but the NIH, and it was all peer-reviewed. Some of the research led to the Nobel Prize, when nitric oxide's effect on cardiac cells was discovered in the process.

Calling alcohol a carcinogen is a laugh. They'd have to instead say it was mutagenic, which isn't not. The media is actually the worst at drawing conclusions that are logical and scientifically sound from any study. The fact of the matter is, there is very little other than 1) feed alcohol to rats 2) all rats got cancer that can prove correlations like that. Reliance on the long term data like Nurse's Health study is one way to maybe draw conclusions, but there are far too many variables including one's genes to say something like carcinogen.

>haha, yeah im sure the mediterranean regions are just lying about their lifespans and drinking habits
Actually countries are known to be pretty notoriously inaccurate about "vital statistics" like that. Not that these countries lie in particular, just in general it's a political decision to not tell the truth. It looks nice to the WHO if you have a long lifespan, or low infant mortality, but the stats either aren't reported with any kind of regularity, or they're completely made up. Iceland probably knows for sure, and a couple others, but the rest aren't dealing with big databases, free nursing care, no home births, etc.

> corporate fascists aren't like crips and bloods.

What are you on about m8? They're precisely the same except for the lobbying that sold our legislature's corporate whores on the idea that the drugs that aren't overseen and prescribed by an unregulated pirate pharma-medico industry are taboo.

Start seeing the world without clouded lenses.

Here I am assuming we are talking about CEO's in general. It is well known that the oil industry tries to silence any invention that poses a threat to their business aka anything that does not use oil.

>drinking isn't the healthiest thing for you


Fucking hell, alcohol isn't what induced this prime retardation is it? You must be smoking some strong stuff, thick headed cunt. What the fuck are you even trying to say?

Also, no one thinks getting shitfaced is beneficial to their health. No one.

the people parroting this are probably the same people who were surprised that the star wars bitch died early in life after doing coke for 30 years

Not him but what the fuck does that have to do with anything related to what he said, you retarded sack of shit?

>Start seeing the world without clouded lenses

Ironic considering you're probably high as fuck right now. Do you even read what you write before you write it?

Huh that came out wrong, 'do you even read what you write before you post it' is what I meant to type however I didn't read what I wrote before I posted it.

Why is OP such an antifa loser?


The issue with this argument is that it's pretty hard to present this kind of argument against something that has historically been a part of human culture for so long. This isn't some meme compound that came into existence 20 years ago ... our ancestors have been consuming it for millions of years.

I'm already fated to die at 65 or live forever if my family history is anything to go by, why the fuck should i care?

Life is overrated. The real question here is why wouldn't you want to drink and smoke excessively? What are you some kind of Muslim faggot? FYI half my senpai is Muslim and I think they are all stupid sand niggers without any clue about reality. >>reee gots to pls Allah by not drinking alcohol because it hurts muh body !

What a load of nigger shit fuck you OP

Isn't it thousands? I thought the Sumerians made the first brew

>yes goy, dont eat meat or drink alcohol

Best comment in thread by a mile.