Anyone else adore egg salad as deeply as I do?

Anyone else adore egg salad as deeply as I do?

egg salad is good
potato salad and mac salad are better
but for me, it's the chicken salad, with grapes in it, the best lunch

Egg salad sandwiches, some tabasco and a 40 of shit malt liquor is nearly as satisfying as sex to me.

>but for me

For me

I don't like it as much as someone whose life's purpose is ministering the people in the Gospel of Egg Salad does. It's underrated food, though.

enjoy your clogged arteries

I detect a hint of jealousy in this shitpost.

i love egg salad sandwiches and bagels cause they are usually one of the cheaper sandwiches on offer and they fill you up really well.

Egg Salad is fucking great. Especially on toasted white bread or a croissant.

Egg salad on top of a chicken sandwich is fucking amazing.

Egg salad sound's just something really American, c'mon put up even a recipe


Egg salad is for people that wanted to make potato salad but realized somebody finished off the potatoes in the pantry halfway through

It really is. Doesn't mean it isn't delicious though.

Wouldn't be surprised if it were an english recipe they forgot with the rest of their own cuisine as well.

what? egg salad is for sandwiches, potato salad is a side dish for sandwiches.

Egg salad is one of the greatest foods ever invented. I think I could eat egg salad and bread for the rest of my life and be happy, provided I got to change the recipe every once in a while.

Egg salad is just boiled eggs mashed up with mayonnaise and various seasonings/additions of your choice, and it's delicious. I like mine with lots of dill.

Egg salad is awesome. I also love chicken salad, potato salad and macaroni salad, but since this is an egg salad thread:

Anyone got any dank egg salad recipes they could share?

Yo. I'm high but does the idea of a pickled egg salad sound good? Or am I just high and retarded

Egg salad is my ambrosia of the gods when I'm low carb cutting weight.

Best stuff. But the farts...

i pickle my eggs in dill pickle juice leftover in the jar.let them rest in it peeled for a week or so, it does discolor them but makes the best damm egg salad youll ever eat

For me it has to be the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

dill is an herb you retard

Dill in egg salad is good. It's not uncommon.

I noticed that I've never had egg salad like that. In my country it's known as egg butter, made of eggs and butter. That salad seems better though.

I'm embarrassed that I ever enjoyed eating that. The thought sickens me now.

I love the taste, in fact I add this shit to my potato salad and pasta salad to make it taste like there are eggs in it

powdered sodium sulfate.
Pajeet pls

Hey, don't knock it til you try it. Add a little pinch to some mayo/mustard potato salad or pasta salad and you'll see what I mean.

>eggs with mayo

Yes egg salad is patrician

Why not just add eggs like real cooks do?