Tell me the perfect method for making boiled eggs and for making poached eggs NOW you fucking losers

Tell me the perfect method for making boiled eggs and for making poached eggs NOW you fucking losers.

I`ve got 2 eggs and one pan, no fucking SALT so dont bother fucking saying to use that.

I will then decide if I want my eggs boiled or poached alright you fucking CUNTS. Hurry the fuck up

LMAO you call yourself cooks?

KEKS more like. Fucking faggots cant even describe how to boil or poach an egg.

Absolutely pathetic

Fill pan wih water turn on heat
Place eggs wait 45 mins
Massage the eggs
Remove stick in cold water

This is true stuff, faggot, listen.

Place room temp eggs in pan covered with water. Heat to boiling. Remove pan from burner. Wait 10 minutes. Perfect hard boiled eggs.

Says the autist that needs instructions for fucking eggs.

You have no SALT? WTF?

SeriousEats says: "Add 1 inch of water to a large pot. Place steamer insert inside, cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Add eggs to steamer basket, cover, and continue cooking, 6 minutes for soft-boiled eggs or 12 minutes for hard-boiled."

Works great.

You better watch what you say to your betters you dumb little faggot, I will find you and I will fucking end your gay little life.

Bake your eggs

They come out perfect every time, are just like hardboil without the whole boiling thing.

Preheat oven to 420
Take damp towel and lay it on the even, put however many eggs you wish to bake
Bake for 20 minutes
Perfection every time.

poached you cunt

>plastic wrap over mug
>break egg into mug
>tie up egg bag
>chuck in pan for several mins
>retrieve with fork and unwrap eggsack

OP gargles horsecock


you make poached eggs without the sack, you use a fork or a spoon to keep the egg together while boiling it at approx 80° in a stock to give it extra flavor

its not worth the hassle tho

and op is faggot indeed

I decided to boil my eggs so you faggots can fuck off now, you`re worthless to me

and it only took you two hours

I`m not going to start the thread ten minutes before I intend to make the eggs am I you stupid cunt.

It took you hours to figure out how to cook literally the easiest thing there is to cook and you're trying to pretend you're better than literally anyone?

A homeless leper is two steps above you.


Quiet now child, I can barely understand what you`re trying to say.

Get an egg poacher.

Poached Eggs:

1. Pot with Cold Water
2. Bring it to the boil with some Salt
3. Crack an egg into a cup
4. Swirl the water with any tool so that it is moving around
5. Put the cup into the water allowing the egg to fall out with the swirling water
6. Let it cook until the egg floats up wrapped in white (remove excess separate egg whites as this is happening)
7. Put it onto a plate
8. Done

Did you just admit that you have a lesser reading skill than a child? What a pity.

Keep practicing, one day you will be able to finish green eggs and ham.

For perfect soft eggs, cook them 10min at exactly 74℃.

Nice damage control, faggot.


anyone who tells you to put the eggs in cold water and bring it to a boil is a retard and doesn't know what they're doing

boil water, put eggs in for 5-15 minutes depending on desired doneness and altitude

wa la

grill them, stupid

Enjoy your cracked eggs retard

I do 8-9 for that perfect inbetween state where the yolk is solid but there's this little mushy middle. mmmmm.

Serious tho, steam your eggs. Put them in cold water (ice water is even better) and they peel really fucking easily.

enjoy never knowing the doneness of your eggs, retard