Why is my egg so cute Veeky Forums?

Why is my egg so cute Veeky Forums?

That's the perfect egg to over boil and shove up my anus so I can pretend to give birth.

Too spherical 3/10

I'd fertilize it

b/c you laid it yourself

ur computer is homo.

>hehe I called someone that uses a Mac a fag

it was made in japan i guess

t. macfag.

It's fucking deformed

What happen if you eat it?

I don't know you must be dealing with some sort of inadequacy.

For you.

It would be extremely tasteful


>being gay is a bad thing
Wew fucking lad it's underage in here.

4 u

>>being gay is a bad thing
It is though

4 u

Seems like someone invited /pol/'s right wing death squad

No one invites them anywhere, ever. That's why they hang around their mom's basement and get bored after they finish in the circle jerk of /pol/ and reach out to new boards to try to get it up again. Don't give them the pleasure, user.


>right wing death squad
Is this perhaps the most pathetic /pol/ meme ever? These are people that believe white people are being genocided but you never see them actually do anything about it. BLM killed a bunch of cops, they went after the state, they beat white people up every single day. BLM is the real death squad, you just LARP on the internet.

this is a woman's hand, therefore this is not actually OP

>woman's hand, therefore this is not actually OP
how fucking new are you? even the board tan is female. get back to where ever you came from

show feet


> Taking 1500$ worth of pills a month just so you can be a promiscuous slut isn't normal. On the gay cock carousel it is.

They are a disease pool which knows few equals. After factory agriculture they are the most dangerous breeding ground of diseases and anti-biotic/viral resistance on the planet.

>even the board tan is female
wow, that's amazing, no other board has a female tan...

That's the meme you moron. It was mentioned in German news like it was a real terrorist threat when it's completely non existent.

While they're terrified of reporting real, daily Muslim migrant crime.


>Muslims believe so strongly in their religion and their hatred against western imperialism that they commit political murders, bombings and even strap bombs to themselves for the will of their god, for their the good of their people back home and acquire new followers
>altright goons that believe the white race is being genicided makes racist parodies of pop songs, worships a frog, watches BLACKED.COM and considers arguing on the internet a win against white genocide
You losers are the meme

Why is my Exeggcute Veeky Forums?