What's some good Japanese Lit?

What's some good Japanese Lit?


not Murakami

Mishima. Start with "The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea"

Yasushi Inoue
Yasunari Kawabata
Matsuo Basho
Fumiko Enchi
Sakutaro Hagiwara
Osamu Dazai
Yukio Mishima
Chika Sagawa
Lady Sarashina
Lady Murasaki
Michitsuna no Haha
Sei Shonagon
Natsume Soseki
Junichiro Tanizaki
Ogai Mori
The Manyoshu

You posted it, loved reading kappa and a fool's life.
Currently reading "Mandarins: Stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa" and loving it.


A guilty pleasure

Koushun Takami

not necessarily lit but definitely can be fun

just started the tetrology
its lit senpai

Add Kobo Abe and Kenzaburo Oe. Ryu and Haruki Murakami for that pulpy/grotesque and magical realism fix, respectively.

And there's a ton of lesser known horror/guro or even slice of life books out there worth reading, too. Did you know that "Parasite Eve" was originally a book? So was "Paprika", later made into an anime.

I love Kenzaburo Oe, A personal matter, was nearly perfect, felt like reading 20th century Dostoyevsky

which 1

Weeb here, living in Japan. Basically all the big names are worth your time.

Murakami - Comfy and absorbing. He's not a great writer but he's a great storyteller.

Mishima - My favorite, but is too nationalistic and sentimental for some.

Akutagawa - Very clever. One of the better short story writers ever.

Dazai - Edgelord core, bleakcore.


>I say what Veeky Forums says
Oh, fuck off. Do you have one solitary original thought or whim in your body at all?

I've read Mishima in English and Japanese and I always find it interesting that people tout "Sailor" and it always seems to be the "start here" book. I liked "Sailor" but it's considered a minor work and is barely read in Japan. I wonder why the West is so big on it. Maybe the Oedipal thing.


you know nothing about japanese Veeky Forums

murakami is universally condemned or ignored by the japanese lit community. he's the japanese dave eggers.

What are some good jp horror short stories?

japanese author power rank:
the top 5 are:


and then the second tier-

then you got a bunch of people whose legacies aren't totally clear yet or are just aren't as important as the above few-
r. murakami

etc. etc.

Ogai and Enchi are at least as important as Inoue.

im betting inoue becomes more prominent as time goes on.

Maybe. He did write a shit ton, there's probably a few more gems to discover in that massive oeuvre.

Okay bro.

But let's say that was completely true and not exaggerated. Who cares?

It's like

>the establishment says he's no good so I say he's no good

What a fucking sheep.

i think there's a good chance inoue gets more studied and focused on and "rediscovered" as a "previously underrated" author kinda shit. in part i think it's helped by his obsession with china, and china-related academia is generally "in" right now, or on the way to becoming in.

and he's a solid author so if he becomes more popular that's fine by me.

you've read a handful of jap authors that are memed and you don't know anything about the actual literary landscape. embarassing tbqhwyf

Can you even read Japanese?

I'd like it to. He's kind of an inspiration, seeing as he didn't start writing until so late in life.

Read the sticky you dip

Why are Veeky Forums users so fucking pretentious.

>everyone who's not a pleb like i am is pretentious

>Greentexting with faulty grammar
>Not pretentious

You literally fit every criteria you fucking retard. Are you not aware people can sense it from a mile away?

nigga that aint even me you were responding to i just popped in and see you sound like a butthurt pseud

You're not any different from him. I'm also not the other guy.

Yoko Ogawa's Revenge is good.

stop samefagging