What do you think of Monero?

Will it moon?

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>What do you think of Monero?
it's only used for fentanyl and nothing else

>Will it moon?
no, $150 EOY

Attached: oijaewfio1.jpg (1132x766, 133K)

XRP and XMR are going to be the #1 and #2.

only crypto that people regularly use for actual monetary exchange for physical objects

that automatically makes it more useful than 99.9 percent of coins

btc + ltc + xmr + nano + eth = god tier coins
I should have listened to the guy in 2016 who posted this shit every day on Veeky Forums:


Too bad I bought @ 100$

Ripple? Why do you think so?

Yes that what I was thinking. I see Monero stronger than the rest of crypto.

Because it's supported by the banks and government. The black market is only 20% of the world economy. The world's top 1% controls a collective $250 Trillion in wealth worldwide. The top 10% controls $500 Trillion. The bottom 90% controls $90 Trillion. The top 1% will choose who wins the crypto game. Just like they chose to use paper money instead of gold and silver.

Attached: Ripple Network Corporate Partners.png (979x594, 72K)

Thanks. Which do you think it will have in 2-3 years?

Ripple is supported by the government? What the fuck. You Ripple fanboys are beyond saving. Ripple is the biggest scam in the crypto world fucking ever, even bigger than bitconnect. They just "printed" 100bln tokens and cashed in 100% from every single one. No ICO, no mining, no regulated redistribution. Once the governemnt actually starts to understand crypto currency Ripple is the first one to get punished. Its centralized commercial private asset so its easy for them, they just know where to go and shut it down. Other cryptos not so much.

>Which do you think it will have in 2-3 years?
Define "which", define "it". I don't understand your question.

Bernanke publicly endorsed Ripple. Look at their board of directors. Ripple has said from the beginning that they are designing XRP to be compliant with government regulations.

Attached: Ripple board.jpg (1102x739, 254K)

How much is going to worth Ripple in 2-3 years*

No specific timeframe, but my target is $1000 with a $50 Trillion market cap. There is more than $90 Trillion in central bank paper and electronic money worldwide, and alot of that will go into the next world reserve currency. I believe that it's going to be XRP. I also believe that RIpple the company will hold onto 50 billion XRP and become the new head central bank of the Western world, and use it's XRP reserves to selectively intervene in the markets for the next 100 years or more.

Attached: RIGHTFUL WORLD RESERVE CURRENCY.jpg (1280x1024, 257K)

-Ripple labs is pure commercial company cashing in 100% profit from every XRP ever sold (and to ever be sold) *this is a fact and Brad didnt say that on the television, sorry*
-Ripple labs owns 60bln XRP tokens on private ledgers (not to be confused with another 55bln in Escrow to be released to the public and further enrich Ripple labs jews) for the purpose of further developing Ripple labs technology (and to be rich) * this is a fact and Brad did say that on the television*
-Ripple network is centralized and private blockchain database. Meaning the nodes are not available to the public. *this is a fact and you can read it on the whitepaper. It is not stated straight this way because its fucking gay of course*
-XRP is only a side product of Ripple labs and its current only purpose is to be traded as speculative asset on the crypto currency martket to fundraise Ripple labs *this is fact and logical conclusion*
-Ripple labs offer the transaction platform technlogy for money to the institutions (they can use any other crypto currency for free if they want to) *this is a fact tweeted by the other Ripple labs jew*
-If any bank agree to partner with Ripple labs they may not have to use xRapid and XRP token. If they do, they will not be entering public market exchanges (that would be insane) to buy and sell XRP for and after every transaction. * this is a logical conclusion since there is no clear statement on that*
-XRP main selling point is "crypto for banks" so if this fails XRP will be left with no purpose or at least lose public interrest. *this is a logical conclusion*

Riddle me this.

Attached: 6A8C256C-B488-4F5A-9F90-6131356A7FCF.png (827x1181, 58K)

Attached: 6001B96D-B96C-431E-96A0-295BD3D32044.png (600x821, 783K)

Sumo is superior. The fact that it's low marketcap makes it fly under the radar of regulators and data collectors.

Id accumulate if a hardware wallet was available.

>-Ripple labs is pure commercial company cashing in 100% profit from every XRP ever sold (and to ever be sold) *this is a fact and Brad didnt say that on the television, sorry*
I have no problem with this. Are you against property rights and the free market? Do you want to replace all for-profit enterprises with charities?

>-Ripple labs owns 60bln XRP tokens on private ledgers
that 60 Billion XRP is on the same ledger that everyone else uses. It's being held in the wallets of Ripple Labs.

>(not to be confused with another 55bln in Escrow to be released to the public and further enrich Ripple labs jews)
Provide us your source for this bald-faced lie. The Ripple protocol is open source. All 100 Billion XRP that could ever exist have already been created.

>-Ripple network is centralized and private blockchain database.

> Meaning the nodes are not available to the public.
Anyone can create a ripple validator. The software is available for download from Ripple's website.

>-Ripple labs offer the transaction platform technlogy for money to the institutions (they can use any other crypto currency for free if they want to) *this is a fact tweeted by the other Ripple labs jew*
Smart. Kind of like how Sony put a DVD player in the Playstation 2, while Sega and Nintendo didn't put DVD players in their consoles. Most people bought the Playstation 2 because it was more versatile.

>-If any bank agree to partner with Ripple labs they may not have to use xRapid and XRP token.

>If they do, they will not be entering public market exchanges (that would be insane) to buy and sell XRP for and after every transaction.
Lies. xRapid sources XRP liquidity from public exchanges.

>-XRP main selling point is "crypto for banks" so if this fails XRP will be left with no purpose or at least lose public interrest.
Yes. However, I believe it will succeed with banks.

Attached: WELCOME XRP.jpg (1500x977, 1.18M)

Nobody needs your parasitical forks and copycats.

imagine shilling xrp in a monero thread.

Monero supporters are some of the only rational people on this board. Hardly anyone else is capable of logical discussion. I only said that XRP and XMR are the future #1 and #2 and someone else asked me why, and here we are now.

It's not complete as XVG. Won't moon.

feels good man

This is fucking hilarious. Capping to laugh at you for years to come.

Good. Cap it. It will be funny.

any thoughts on vechain?

I only follow Ripple and Monero.

are u the same ripple shill from last week? ripple shills sound logical. maybe it's just one person?

nice try

>$50T mkt cap

Laughed so hard that I shit my pants after reading this.

I've been shilling Ripple for a few months, so it was probably me.

>I posted it again!

nano ledger s support very soon user


Why do you do it on this shitty board? Are you associated with Ripple? What's your ulterior motive?

Who do you think created bitcoin? Lmao
Ripple lmao

I want as many people as possible to become millionaires. Someone on this board shilled me on Ripple, so I shill others in return. Also, I like talking about economics and geopolitics, but there's nobody to talk to about that stuff in real life. Also I believe in not telling anyone in real life about crypto except for maybe the most trustworthy people who deserve to know (for me that is only 1 person). I still want to talk to people about crypto, so I come here.

Nice, I like my ledger more than trezor. Ill pick some up on bittrex and maybe itll be on ledger within a couple months.

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What's preventing Ripple from being volatile like BTC?

>user expects Ripple to go to $1k or some shit
>retard understands that Ripple is not volatile
nothing like coming on Veeky Forums for discussions

>retard understands that Ripple is not volatile
$0.25 to $3 to $0.60 is not volatile?

Ripple will continue to be volatile. However, I believe it will stabilize at $1000.

Spot the odd one out.