ITT we share pro chef tips for advanced culinary skills

I'll start. Does it seem like you keep having to add more salt to a sauce, soup, or gravy?

PRO CHEF TIP - add a splash of citric acid to it. Adds depth to the flavour.

You can also use some mild vinegars.

Okay then. Carry on making fast food threads you useless retarded niggers

Is this how you are in real life too?

Does it seem like when you're trying to make a thin pizza dough with active dry yeast it always winds up too thick?

PROTIP: Use sourdough starter instead of active dry yeast (pic related.)

Does it seem like your roast chicken is always dry?

PROTIP: Brine it and for a 4lb chicken roast at 400F in a dutch oven with lid for 45 minutes, then remove lid for the remaining 45 minutes.

Does it seem like your always still drunk when you walk into your work kitchen?

PROTIP: Do just a little bit of high quality cocaine before you walk in the door.

Doesn't it wear off mid shift?

>thin pizza ever

Great tip thanks I will definitely try soon

This is a pretty shitty tip.
Just shove a quartered lemon or medium onion in the cavity if you're to lazy/retarded to truss it.

I shove half a lemon and onion in the carcass and truss it as well. Still comes out better in the dutch oven.

I read this reddit thread too, OP.

>thin pizza never

Was going to say this but with heroin

Leave please

>thin pizza beaver

it's not just the paella that will have you shitting uncontrollably

I hate that nobody has commented on this fucking dbz fusion of lamb chop and Shari Lewis because that woman is Goddamn terrifying

Hi (You)

lol this faggot lifted right off of

What's a good brine for chicken? One that I could brine breasts in

In fact what's a good brine generally? Can you explain the 'why' behind brining?

>reddit invented homosexuality
This is what millennials actually believe

If you're cooking for a woman ejaculate in the food. That way even if you don't get laid you basically get laid because she swallows your semen.

to get the nicest mince on a shallot, cut it in half, then lengthwise, then across those pieces

Brine is a saline solution with whatever flavors you may want. My base brine is 1 quart water, 1/4 cup kosher salt, 1/4 cup brown sugar, and a few cloves garlic peeled and smashed. But you can add any flavors you wish.

Brining works because the saline solution passes through the permeable meat cells during the soaking process using the method of osmosis carrying the flavors along with the solution. Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane – in this case the meat cells. Through diffusion, the salt and flavored water within the meat cells balance with the salt and flavored water in the surrounding brine which results in a higher concentration of salt and flavored water in the meat. The salt also breaks down some of the protein helping to tenderize it. It works because you can weigh the meat prior to brining and after brining and observe a 5%-10% increase in the weight of the meat.

Brining will not be effective with solution added chicken, however, as the process has already occured.