Can you cut this pizza into 9 slices Veeky Forums?

Can you cut this pizza into 9 slices Veeky Forums?

156 IQ reporting in.

Get MENSA on the line.


I'd just order 8 more.



Somebody call Domino's and tell them to send all the doctors home, I'll be doing the operating today.



Sony makes really nice mobiles right?

>turning 5KB into 200+ with a few lines

Windmill of Peaczza!



That pepperoni distribution makes me want to kill myself

On a Samshit work phone, just downloaded the Sony app. It isn't as intuitive as I would have liked, desu.


one for everyone!

>tfw to intelligent for slicing

I don't know what the fuck this is meant to be, but this picture accurately represents how I feel now I can't enjoy sex the same way since I got derealisation..

this has been interesting thread for /ck
good show OP

this is how to actually do it

9 slices is too many. 6 is max but only if the pizza is big

Im sort of lost on this one.

bauhaus pizza



Omg are you the hacker known as anonymous?



stop smoking weed for a while. Go for a run.



then it cuts the polony slice in to pieces


10 peices


29 pieces

Wouldn't it just be easiest to do 9 slices of each being "40 degrees" wide.....9x40 = 360 degrees

fuck off faggot


What the fuck is this garbage?

Kill you're self

At least we know you weren't educated in 'murrican public schools.

Can you help cut my wrist?

I just bring a protractor into work and cut equal 40 degree slices



x always go first you retard.
KYS right.





very complex funny i like it


Quite the puzzler!


Bland memes

This is a proper meme. Take notes, everyone.

>cut 4 times across to get 8 slices
>cut one of the slices once
>9 slices


kill yourself

Simply epic


>kill yourself
Is it summer already?

Don't be angry just because you can't find the true meaning in memes.

Post more complex, on the spectrum memes, please.

I second this. That was a really good meme.



That za has pimples



it's the mcchicken

You can't win from there retard. Waste of a move.

This was fucking pointless.

Hey Jordan, It's your mum. You are supposed to be finding a job, not posting about hard-boiled "tendies", and Jig-Saw puzzle pizzas. Please Jordan, your father and I are worried.


That's only eight slices, you idiot.

No, dumbass, it's four Nine Slices

if you don't immediately recognize it, leave.


if I'm not wrong, wojak is literally fucking his brain which is so large(777 IQ) that it can be formed into a couch and a girl



Kek'd and check'd

don't worry I'm sure plenty are at a loss



What the fuck is wrong with you?

is this the new slipknot logo?

Why do you ask?



>order stuffed crust
>take crust part

these fuckers eat the taint

That's only eight, breh.

I got you're back OP


Time to fuck off back to where you came from


I call it "bold and brash"

I checked and there are 9 slices here, as requested by the OP. Good work.