Meet a "literate" girl

>Meet a "literate" girl
>Expect nice conversations
>she says she loves psychology and Freud
>seems good
>go on a few dates
>she doesn't understand a single thing well
Why are women unable to understand anything well and why do people think I'm gay when I want to build a nice friendship with another male.

What do you mean by nice friendship?

She probably did but you're just fucking autistic to talk about anything else and share interests.

Fucking loser.

people don't think you're gay because you want go have friends, people think you're gay because you're probably a mincing nancy boy who wants serious discussions about freud on a date

>why do people think I'm gay when I want to build a nice friendship with another male.
this and also why do my nice male friendships turn to ash as soon as they get a gf

You're so gay you even posted a demon with a mouthbutt. I bet you want that mouthbutt to give you a big kiss

Only in the last 50 years has this women are equal nonsense actually been taken seriously.

You should feel like an ass for falling for the romantic stories of women being more than something to fuck and plant your offspring.

Just go out and do things, have fun, have nice conversations and such. I meet bunch of people but every time I ask if they want to go somewhere or do something I'm always looked at as if I'm gay. I even go to some cooking classes and have nice conversations with some people but every time I try to actually build a friendship it goes down the drain because they assume I'm gay. I don't look nor act gay.
She brought up Freud.
Stop whiteknighting. If you ever had a conversation with a woman on a topic that is not completely basic you would understand how bad they are at understanding and interpreting things. She has a bachelors in Psychology, yet she is abhorrent at it.

>Only in the last 50 years has this women are equal nonsense actually been taken seriously.

Oh shut the fuck up and learn to communicate if you're so intelligent. Only psueds who shill say this shit.

Fuck off.

>Stop whiteknighting

I'm not I'm demanding you quit your autistic shit for your own self benefit

>Meet "literate girl"
>Expect nice conversations
>She says she loves philosophy
>Seems good
>Go on a few dates
>She's a pro-natalist, hedonist slut

So are most men here

You're too critical. If you actually find a girl who reads the content you want, she'll probably be jaded or obnoxious or have the mindset of a middle-aged woman or be ugly. Sorry user, but the pickings are slim. Learn to appreciate more common things.

Read this thread and realize why you're single

It's because all of you are obnoxious attention whores who will never be loved in your life as long as you blame everyone but yourself for it.

Man up and stop being a bitch

>If you ever had a conversation with a woman on a topic that is not completely basic you would understand how bad they are at understanding and interpreting things
kek you sound frustrated OP. Your situation is so absurd I think its bait. Its hard to find anyone interested in intellectual pursuits because most people who honestly do something else. I'd suggest looking for girls in the relevant places. Also if this girl doesn't understand Freud why not explain to her what she doesn't get? She's probably a lot smarter than you think.

Why you so triggered roastie?

Just because the threshold of female capacity is basically everything is so far below the heights achievable by man, doesn't mean you need to be so woefully jealous and bitter.

How does it feel never getting laid?

>have a connection with a girl on okstupid
>in her bio section section says "I want a guy that can hold a conversation with me and is interesting"
>proceed to start an interesting conversation with her
>she gets bored with the conversation and also never asks me anything interesting

everytime. women think they can't find a guy who wants to have actual conversations with them but the problem is they are boring as fuck and then blame it on the guy for having nothing there. kill me

>Talk to one (1) girl
>Why are women

Every time

>Why you so triggered roastie?

I'm telling you what you need to do. Thank me. Now.

>Just because the threshold of female capacity is basically everything is so far below the heights achievable by man, doesn't mean you need to be so woefully jealous and bitter.

You're living proof of the opposite

It feels like getting laid. Because I get laid.

Because I have the capacity to not be as fucking awkward and cringy as the men who post here.

Women were not made for being smart, the Lord made them for making babies and cleaning dishes. Now to the other issue, that is men being unwilling to form close friendships due to a fear of being labeled gay. This phenomenon is entirely the result of the proliferation and spread of homosexuality in the secular western world. Take for example Muslim countries, where their is a cultural custom of men kissing each other upon greeting one another and even holding hands in public as a sign of friendship. Of course they have little fear of such public displays of friendship and platonic love because homosexuality is the last thing on their mind(hopefully). This is how the western world used to be, until very recently.

The average woman couldn't carry a conversation if you put it in a bag and stapled the bag to her bag desu

t. Not like other girls

>''literate girl''
how's that?

she seems to be 16

also if you just want to be friends with somebody you just talk random stuff until you know what their truly interest are.

>>have a connection with a girl on okstupid

The men there are even worse

Why are you so triggered someone didn't meet your standards?

>xD le autist
Got me good there. I love it how women can only go to spouting some insults like autist or forever alone. Give me one example where females are better than males, except giving birth. Hell, look at chess and explain to me why all the top players are male.

I tried to explain it to her, ignorance kicked in, she told me she knows more about it because she has a degree in it and felt insulted.

im gunna call bullshit because the men are not bull shitting around you know what they want. You on the other hand are impossible to pin point what you want and get bored or annoyed off the slightest thing

>Got me good there. I love it how women can only go to spouting some insults like autist or forever alone.

That's what you are though. You are an obnoxious attention whore and if your mom didn't raise you to be this much of a nit.

>because the men

Why choose one


literally every womanhating thread. and you say that women are all the same