Naturally Occuring Fibonnaci Sequence


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Looks like a vanilla spiral. Most ammonite spirals are not actually fibonnaci.


(Nautilus too, sage)

Jesus likes spirals

The sphere is the smallest volume & shit

Jesus mathfag confirmed

>died virgin
>put lots of fractals in nature
>put lots of cool Fibonnaci sequences
>put lots of symmetry everywhere
>makes every physical object behave in mathematically understandable way

Jesus is one of us

>>died virgin
The feet washing was just a metaphor


My liberal acadamia artist popsci professor friend has said that he doesnt think things like geometry actual exist outside of ideas. Never prooved it though, so i dont believe him

>Invent a pattern
>Try to fit everything to this pattern
>Find a close-enough match

Growth rate is proportional to current size. That means growth is exponential. Fibonacci is exponential. So things growing look like fibonacci.

Is it not a pattern unless there's a 100% match?

shut the fuck up

>this post
Who even let you past highschool

The reason you see the Fibonacci Sequence in nature is because it's effective, therefore evolution favoured it, just like how beenhives are made up of hexagons.

Butt-cucked philosophy fag detected

Sorry pal you chose the wrong major. If you want to understand reality you don't go to the humanities department anymore. Now continue watching from the corner as we scientists and mathematicians use our robust methodologies to further reveal nature's dirtiest of secrets


>Evolution works in mysterious ways.

The real logic of evolution is
>it just werks

Compulsory introductory material:

In the leaves of plants it comes from the availability of nutrients. I'm not a biologist, but I can sketch a rough argument for you. Leaves grow where the most nutrients are available. One bud sucks up all of the nutrients around it and so the next bud grows further away. This pattern of growth gives Fibonacci spirals. It isn't that mysterious and it frequently "fucks up" and you get patterns like Lucas numbers.

DAYUM, fedora fags BTFO

>One bud sucks up all of the nutrients around it and so the next bud grows further away.
Technically, that's how it works, but the signal is a different one, not nutrients. It's regulated genetically.

It probably evolved that way because it maximizes number of leaves in a given space for light absorption (and the maximum of seeds that can be packed into a given space in case of a sunflower for example).

In other cases, although it's often a logarithmic spiral.


Thanks bro. I was hoping more people would chime in. That's why I called it a sketch and knew it wasn't quite right.

>What is pareidolia

this, basically

but also, fibonacci sequences are essentially just recursive sequences. An object being equal to the combination of its precursors. This isn't like, a miracle or something. It's just cool looking. Like fractals. What, are trees with leaves NATURALLY OCCURRING BINARY SEARCH TREES?

is far more pressing

Giving thanks