Anyone else in uni right now?

Anyone else in uni right now?
State your major and give a short description of how the people in it are like.
>Mechanical Engineering
>People who are a strange mix of childish nerd and Chad, trying to have a social life but usually studying most of the time

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Students really don't know each other and brutally fight amongst each other, eventually competing for the same few good positions and careers. Not gonna get better. But a lot of pretty posh girls who learn all day and seek to get fucked by someone who does it well.

>Computer Science
>Everyone in it is either retarded or a Pajeet (or both)

>A disgusting amount of normies

What level of math are you doing at the moment that the normies haven't been cleared out yet?

I'm on the fucking 3rd year of a third world meme university.


Tbh there's a fair mix of people, I'm relatively normie, only slightly aspie, and a few other regular people. Then there are also autists of varying degrees of functionality. Like, there's some that run around constantly and always brownnose professors and are generally socially incompetent, and there are also some that are borderline dysfunctional. Like, I know a junior that is essentially not a human, I have no idea how he was allowed to progress that far. Can barely string sentences together, extremely cringy to listen to him talk, and dumb as all hell.

>Anyone else in uni right now?

Is this even something you need to ask? This is Veeky Forums


>A bunch of 'normal' people. Everyone seems to have good hobbies like music or sport and everyone is social and has a social life. The entire group sometimes go out... except for me. I have no hobbies like music or sport, I am asocial and I do not go out with them nor talk to them.

I don't know what to conclude from this. Mathematics students are normies and asocial retards like me are just the exceptions to the rule?


>Everyone is optimistic and there is a mix of high achievers (people who want to become researchers) and low achievers (people who unironically want to be math teachers).

That's all.

Students are waaaaaaaay too chill for their own good.

I've always wanted to marry an econ major, so I don't have to think about that shit

>The definition of normal and average human beings. Not even chads or anything, literally if you condensed humanity in 50 people it would be them

I have a master's in chemistry and let me tell you that the more you go the more you will notice that chemists are either normie as fuck or complete autistic lab rats, there is no middle ground.


Tbh that's how it kinda seems lmao

5 year Computer Science degree
It's a split between normies, dumb autists and smart autists. But hey, at least everyone seems to be good at math.


A couple of dudebros
Then there's some who are just in it for the money bringing everyone around them down.
There's this one tech wizard that is incredible with electronics diy and all around everything else related to EE, spends most of his time in his apartment on projects as far as I could tell, barely see him out of lectures.
2 grills, one of them who is doing EE as a hobby degree with her husbands money, the other is pretty good, both very social obviously.
And then there's that one weird guy with a villain mustache always going on about outer body experiences. I swear to god that guy must be on some kind of meds.

Such is the life of an EE

>Computer Science
>everyone gives off a slight sense of autism and social ineptness
>many of us have poor hygiene
>no one knows how to interact with girls
>it took years for the computer science majors to start "socializing" with each other
>there are only about 10 girls in the major
>they're all either landwhale feminazis or poo in loos

The memes are true desu.

I'm computer engineering, and I have yet to meet anyone the same year as me, since it's just a combination of CS and EE.
I have a comp e senpai, he's pretty normal/cool.
The EE majors are pretty middle of the road people, they just seem like your average young person who's doing engineering because the world said it was a good idea.
The CS majors are normie af, and there's a huge age spread. The local economy is booming because of the tech industry, so most people in that major see it as there way to provide for themselves/family. Additionally the CS major at my school is extremely competitive so most people have their shit together. There's a couple of stinky/turbo autists, but nothing like how Veeky Forums makes it out to be.


There are a few rare people who are cool and not socially retarded, but they are few and far between.

Common hobbies include video games and anime..

>Annoying autist, 9gagger, redditor, muh IQ faggots

>Nuclear engineering

> this major entirely consists of a mixture of overly inflated egos and borderline, if not full-fledged, autism. I refrain there is at least 1% of my classmates that truly have a passion for the subject and have a more realistic approach, ie; developing nuclear energy in a more efficient and effective. Rather than the pedestrian autismo constantly saying they have the "revolutionary design" for a new multistage neutron bomb without fission initial stage.

TLDR; this major is full of triggering

what university are you talking about?

>ms applied math
>ass kissers and status signalers
either than that quality they're alright. seem like a generally intelligent and personable bunch.

The math students in my school seem rather relaxed and carefree, great group of people. Even though I can easily see their intense competition between them all, its rather obvious.

sometimes their/our compulsion to be right is overwhelming

A mix of weebs, neckbeards, and some regular folk just trying to get by

Not one you've ever heard of.

>i dont know I dont talk to anyone

You're right on the spot
>The best students are quite social and generally normal, albeit not without small weirdness
>Disgustingly uncultered and with inferior, normal moral values
>the worst students are either same normies, but more stupid or just autistic asocial retards

can't really tell what you mean by this comment

I just finished my degree this semester. I'm free!
But, my major was math.
People were surprisingly mostly normal people. No autistics or socially inept weirdos.


full of clueless chicks and wannabe doctors

Double major

-highly motivated over-achievers
-constantly circle jerking about muh interview prep and personal projects
-handful of super smart chads, most are normies, some are blue-jeans-and-hoodie wearing weirdos

-Most are normies who don't really give a shit and I presume just picked the major because they didn't know what to study
-Lots of girls in the above group
-The few people who actually give a shit about math are super smart frat chads

Chemical physics. We're all fucking nerds.

>>The best students are quite social and generally normal, albeit not without small weirdness

I'm the guy you are talking to and I am the one with the highest grades in every single class we take. It is actually not even close. The classes average is C while my grade in every class was A.

So it is more like the worst students are social and normal.

The best are asocial.

>anyone else in uni right now

im convinced 99% of sci posters are in high school.

What the fuck are you going to do with oenology? Also, do you go to Brock by any chance? That's the one university in my country that offers this degree. (A friend of mine went there for that.)

4th year Russian CS here.
Same. Though it's normal people and fun autists (in the good sense of the word) around. Fun bunch. All the "I wanna make vidya gaems" crowd got kicked out after second semester, when physics, linear algebra, discrete maths and diff eqs started.

>70% normie 30% weirdo

It's higher than the campus average, but surprisingly normal for such an autistic major. There's seriously half cute girls in my analysis course.

i think it's like

>good behavior is that which gibs me social reward

>goodness is superior

or something like that.

some people aren't too reflective about themselves

No longer in uni but this was my experience:

>mostly cool people mixed with a few socially awkward autists
>mostly intelligent but unable to comprehend anything that's not in formal logical terms

How can there be so many chads in such autistic majors?

I guess real life is different from Veeky Forums memes.


My best explanation is that when you are a complete autist then someone with maybe just minor social problems who has a girlfriend looks like a fratboy chad dudebro.

It is all a matter of perspective.

I bet if you make this thread on Veeky Forums and ask them for a description of the people in their majors you would get the CS people talking about everyone in their major is an absolute sperg faggot and so would the engineerin people there.

>physics grad school
>everyone is either a huge autist or a complete alcoholic

Shit, I'm studying to become a math teacher. Should I just end it now?

I'm in a one year course that a relatively prestigious university in my country offers to people who show potential to do a degree but don't have formal qualifications to be acceoted.

I wanted to do theoretical physics but I'm struggling to get my head around basic equations of gravity, so now I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.


What is geology like?

I keep thinking about switching to it but every time I hear it's either "there are no jobs bro don't do do it" or "there are plenty of jobs bro"

Nope. They're actual chads in top frats. I'm sorry you go to a shit school were the gamer losers are the cream of the crop, but at mine there are plenty of high achieving chads. Good genes come in packages.

Well I'm no chad but
>if you're smart and disciplined like a true academic you'll probably be able to realize if you want to be a healthy attractive human you should allot some time for the gym
>while girls, in the main, are a distraction, fucking a girl in a hard class does wonders, because you can collaborate/rely on her. Even better when you're doing better than her.

Also, you've clearly never been to Veeky Forums. They literally meme about how autistic they are.

I took physics with a literal supermodel and a fitness trainer and im p sure the both did better than me in the class.

It depends. If you do it because you don't see yourself being capable of research or something, then yeah.

But if you do it because you really want to, then it's okay, as long as you try your hardest not to suck major ass.

because life isn't like a videogame where you only get so many points and they're allocated different for each person

some people are smart and attractive and social

Yeah Feynman used to write about his 2 hour leg days and how some of his best work in qed came on those days.

Only people itt with a clue understand the relativity of these things

>chemistry and biology
Chemistry is filled with stoners and drugs. They party very rarely and there is a mix of anti-social and social people. One guy has only ever been seen drunk at the bars or hungover in the computational chemistry lab studying. He fries his balls off on acid every week and he aces every class, looks like the kinda guy that'd have his application to work as a janitor rejected cause he looks to unprofessional. Most don't like math but are fairly good at it and can do dimensional analysis in their sleep by the time they finish quantitative analysis. Some of them are cool and some are assholes like this one guy who keeps pouring out his chemical waste down the sink saying it's not his problem.

Biology is a huge department at my school. A handful of autistic spergburgers and a shit ton of normies. They have shit like ethidium bromide just laying around, there's even a door handle in the department literally stained blue by peoples hands. Many of the ones that focused early and are trying to do research are cool cause they have a goal and it's fun to talk about with them. The pre-meds are fucking insufferable for the most part, acting like hot shit when they can't even do dilutions without a freaking chart and a calculator.

Upcoming generation after millenials has a high proportion of realistic people how managed to be popular and smart. The beginning of said generation are college sophmores right now, as once you reach that they will assuredly have 0 recollection of 9/11 and would have grown up in the Great Recession, Gen Z.

Dumbed down education and technology addiction, folks

>engineering mathematics/mathematical engineering
>drawing so many shafts i have no time to actually study for my algebra class

This is entirely dependent on your uni.

anyone have the unintelligent version of this picture?

I do, it's a mirror.

Mechanical engineering at a large university.

I hang out at an on-campus music venue a lot of the time, and there's a healthy mix of different majors, so my view may be skewed.

>indie trash but with good hearts
>everyone is overworked and lonely so people tend not to have qualms if you insert into their groups as long as you're not manipulating anyone or trying to butt into a place of power
>the social crowd is often at the stage of ironic enjoyment of injokes and memes
>as you spend more time here, it becomes increasingly evident that a large segment of the people are asocial but it's hard to tell what fraction of them are because you only ever see them in class and in dorms
>since there are always ALWAYS companies on campus looking to grab some of our students, there's a thriving professional community, meaning a fair amount of real-world wisdom and professionalism permeates the student body, especially at the higher levels, making our sperg count low even though the general intelligence is high
>invite-only-unless-you're-a-girl frat parties each week as well as parties where it's really just a bunch of friends hanging out with non-generic booze (exception being yuengling, the best generic booze) and sometimes anime or movies
>you may be judged or challenged or further informed but will not be mistreated or rejected for having an unpopular opinion; the understanding is that we're thinking people
>"I heard professors at Princeton are letting people sit out their tests because they're upset at the US election results. Good thing we're not Princeton." -- quote from one of my professors while he handed us our midterms
>lots of asians, but they're actually from asian countries; chinese is an often-heard language
>silly conversations include putting compressors inside of compressors to increase compression and system heat, shaping speakers like various instruments to change their timbres, and using an octopus as a control system element

Fun nerd school.

90% of chads study business or shit-tier humanities degrees.

>some are blue-jeans-and-hoodie wearing weirdos
>tfw this is me

>I bet if you make this thread on Veeky Forums and ask them for a description of the people in their majors you would get the CS people talking about everyone in their major is an absolute sperg faggot and so would the engineerin people there.
>Veeky Forums

Yes, the majority are business tards. There are a good amount in STEM as well.

>drawing so many shafts i have no time to actually study for my algebra class
what, you're so obsessed with sucking dick that you're drawing them in your notebooks now?



I do math as well. The top 1% are well adjusted normies who have everything going for them.


>How can there be so many chads in such autistic majors?

All the good traits correlate with each other unlike the Hollywood stereotype so

>all the other good genes

Everything goes hand in hand. If I look at my university, the Professors are all very tall and from obviously wealthy backgrounds and none are hideous.

>confirmation bias
Awkward lanklet brainlet coasting of daddy's money thinks he's a success

this post reeks of shit.

might I ask what school?

4 girls mate >(

There is data confirming the correlation, plus it just makes sense

and the winner of our daily low iq contest is

>a bunch of dumbfucks oh why did I choose Literature fucking why god


>my professors are the smartestest people on earth
have you got to the lesson about thinking outside of the box?

you've never met an ugly fuck whose 10x smarter than you because he puts in the work? get into the real world kid no one cares what you look like.

very few actual math majors but they're nice people, we have a common disdain for engineers so we get along

>some are assholes like this one guy who keeps pouring out his chemical waste down the sink saying it's not his problem


I only socialize with CivE's.


My incoming class had ~75 students and by senior year we had about 25. My experience is that most people who stuck with chem were fairly normie with a few quirks. They would be okay working/talking with other people, but they have some aspie tendencies that prevented them from becoming a true normie.

Granted, there are a few fratbros and sloots, but most people are tolerable. Classes are about 60/40 male to female. The women are mostly looking at pharma or looking to go into some kind of sales position after college. The men are a lot more focused on going to graduate school, with a much smaller portion looking for work outside of the field.

Because you're gonna get a master's and then a phd and then teach, thus perpetuating the cycle of who fucking cares

My roommate's an environmental science major and wants to hear if anyone's got any opinions on that

My opinion is that it's not science and it's for hippies.

CS at small state school.

Pajeets, typical anime nerds, older people going back to school for the money who always complain about failing Calculus.


90% total chads. Like, retarded-level, "How the fuck do I functional" blub-language assholes that are literally just here for a piece of paper so they can go make 100k a year writing python scripts to automate shit for their bosses. Literally know three chads that have pulled this off that graduated before I do.

>Muh Java
>Muh C
>Lol that was hard right guize? But now I python

Btw this is a "really good school".

Then there's also a decent amount of hipster faggots, and they all act like they're cool because they get Bs in everything and are really into javascript. Which is like, okay, I get it, literally everyone uses it, but how does that make you hip?

Then there's a couple total autists, myself included, who cry themselves to sleep every night while jacking off to videos about homotopic type theory. We don't hang out, we all hate each other because of REALLY trivial differences in stuff like freebsd vs openbsd vs netbsd and shit like the best way to implement reversible logic or whatever. It's like a "who has the best quipper fork" contest with these fags but mine's the best and will be most important in 30 years once we get the hardware down.

Yeah I don't know about the smart thing. I'm 28 and I fuck a lotta sophomores and they're dumb as bricks.

>but mine's the best and will be most important in 30 years once we get the hardware down.

how old are they
how do you do it
do you just go "wanna date" and then shag and leave or what im curious

If you don't have problems with lying to people...exploitation awaits


>people who have never touched a boob

>Computer Science & Engineering
>a good amount of run of the mill autists with poor conversational skills, a few total shut in sperglord hacker types, some relatively normal guys yet on the reserved side by normal standards, some of the worst women college has to offer

They're like 19-20. They're sophomores.
I know a little bit about everything. Not a lot, just enough to be able to figure out in two minutes what they're interested in, what I know about it, how to relate it to something they don't know about, and make it sound like I just totally find them interesting the whole time. Pretty much just make these chicks feel smart and special.

And it isn't like "hey wanna date", it's just playing off the fact that all these yup bitches want attention and giving it to them in a way that doesn't take a lot of thought or effort. Also I mainly go at girls that aren't very obviously crying for attention like most normie hot chicks, but like fine girls that have something weird going on, like their dad left when they were three and maybe touched them or something but they're still smart enough to be fine and not look like total garbage. But who probably look like melvins to chads and who still make the autists awkward. But I'm an autist, too. Idk. They're like fucking 20. It ain't that hard to look smart and interesting to a 20 year old when you're pushing 30 as long as you have your shit together and don't look terrible. I mainly fuck sociology and anthro majors that haven't signed on to the sjw thing... same kinda girls that used to play hella kingdom hearts but didn't really watch animu, like 10 years ago.

hey man

It isn't really about lying. It's about faking being interested in whatever dumbass shit they're into, but by being educated about their dumbass shit. It's not that hard. They don't have that much mental capacity so whatever they're down with takes like 2 seconds to look up and form an opinion on.

Okay but for real, it's important to learn the language of shit that hasn't been invented yet (nothing has true qbits), but it can all run on conventional computers, albeit really slowly. That hardware's right around the corner, sort of. When it hits, the fuckers that have been quippering for the twenty years leading up to it are gonna be way ahead of the game.

>Theology and Literature
>Amazing, open minded individuals who can offer broship