Nothing can travel faster than the speed of lig-

>nothing can travel faster than the speed of lig-

>Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

Ftfy faggot.

tschereknow radiation when a photon travels faster than the speed of light in the MEDIUM not vacuum...

>when a photon travels faster than the speed of light in the MEDIUM
>when a photon
>travels faster than the speed of light

gona assume that not a troll.
Ait here we go.
The speed of light in water is slower than in vacuum (disharmonious absorbtion and emission of photons of water). This means stuff can be faster than the speed of light in a given media but the tscherenkow radiation is the result (not sure if analog to brems radiation)

Spotted the real brainlets. Learn to actually parse sentences correctly, and maybe you'll spot your errors. After all, as a certain feminist once said: Words matter.

no, it's traveling faster than the phase velocity of light in the given medium.

the glow is so beautiful

You are the worst kind of idiot

Really? You people think "light" "particles" "travel" at a "speed"?

Wow. Maybe /mlp/ isn't the worst board here.

>photon has no mass

>photons exist

>photons have momentum

>in a vacum

Isnt it still lightspeed but bouncing off atoms at a longer distance than just a straight line through? Or is it absorbed and emmitted? I nnever got how it can ttavel as a particle but is a wave.

its "nothing can travel fast than (the speed of light in a vacuum)"

>worst kind of idiot
that would be people who are completely and loudly fucking wrong who then call other people idiots for pointing that out.

youtube has some good videos that show what it is (multipath wave interference), as well as explaining why it is not the bouncing path model

its not going faster than light u mong. its going faster than the standing wave that light produces when it travels thru the medium

>Ftfy faggot.

lmao. Post got BTFOd so fast.

If photons must always be at 'c' how can light slow down in mediums? Checkmate Veeky Forumsentists

Thiswonak isnt even smart. Someonepost the chessplaying one.

Can we get an actual expert to tell us why cherenkov radiation achieves FTL speeds temporarily? No more meme answers please...

It doesn't do that you silly bean.

it travels faster then the speed of light IN THAT MEDIUM. it doesn't violate relativity.

>Dr. Pavel, I'm FTL

You're not getting it because most of the posts in this thread are just saying 'HURR A MEDIUM' and not bothering to explain the medium doesn't make the radiation go faster, it makes the light go slower.

another candle jack thread? what a jo-