Is there a cure for nihilism?

Is there a cure for nihilism?

it's called
>growing up

Just fucking Killy yourself my dude

>Is there a cure for nihilism?

Yes, it's called Friedrich Nietzsche.

>Implying he ever got close to done with the project of overcoming Nihilism

following authority isn't always the way, user

here you go OP

Drugs, but it can work the other way round though.

I always worry that if I take drugs it will feel like that moment when I'm really tired, and just going to bed, and feel like i'm about to go insane and only sleep can save me from mind collapse, except I feel like drugs would push me past that point where I feel my mind is going to collapse, and I would start hearing noises which aren't there, and I would start feeling that there were things near me that really wouldn't, and I would be convinced that my perception of reality is actually falling apart in front of me and I would curl up in a ball on the floor unable to move, because of the overwhelming anxiety attack and loss of perceptive ability.

That can happen. Been there, your brain keeps making connections between things and won't switch off but there's no actual logic or fact checking supporting any of it. I'm pretty sure that's what a psychotic episode is.

All true, and most of the "truths" one discovers on drugs can be reached through reason alone, without any nasty side effects.

The sweet release of death

Drugs give another perspective, dummy.

LSD/DMT if you aren't 100% bitter angsty pseud and you have an iota of open mindedness in you

how can you pretend to found a cure for the cure?

Nietzsche if you aren't a bitch faggot who can be truly introspective.

Jesus Christ.

Why does there need to be a cure? Would killing yourself be the ultimate form of nihilism?

2nding this. Worked for a friend of mine.

Only dank memes, /b/ro.

Realize that the fact that life is meaningless. This is true. We are just temporary meatbags with consciousness. But this means it's a blank page and you can fill in whatever. You will then think, "why bother, it's meaningless, why do it"? Because the alternative is too horrible. Are you going to spend your life in a vodka fuelled daze, listlessly paging through lit? No. Find your reason to live.

I did this. My goal is pleasure. Hedonism. We, as animals, can find pleasure in things. Fill your life with these things and do what you want.

Also, this

this happens and then you fall asleep anyway and have a weird memory

when did memes go so wrong

the holy bible

Leap of faith. Not even memeing. Only thing that truly works. Find something you value for it's own sake and make the continual progression and effort to orient your being exactly with that value knowing you'll never arrive but continually live and die for it

Hanshan Deqing was a famous Chinese Buddhist monk from the Ming dynasty, who lived about 400 years ago. He was known as a great reformer of Buddhism during that dynasty, and he advocated both Pure Land and Chan together. Perhaps most significantly, he wrote a nice autobiography all about his own cultivation, which became very popular thereafter. The following excerpts come from the translation by Richard Cheung.

First, we have a short account of developing samadhi through concentration on sounds. These events are from when he was 30 years old, when he was living alone in a hut as a hermit.

>Hoping to master this technique (i.e. concentration on sound), I went to a wooden bridge every day and tried to listen to the water without thinking about it or anything else. At first, all I could hear was noise. My mind kept thinking. But after a little practice, my mind began to settle down. Then, one day, when my thoughts had ceased to surge like the water, I became so immersed in the sound that I actually forgot myself. The noise and my existence were gone. Serenity enveloped my mind. After that, whenever I heard a sound that previously would have annoyed me, all I had to do was concentrate on that sound without mentally grasping it, and I would be lulled into the same serene state.

>Every day I cooked rice and ate it with wild vegetables and porridge. Then, after the meal, I’d take a nice walk. But one day, while I was walking, I happened to stop and stand still, and in that blissful moment, I entered samadhi. Soon I ceased to be aware of anything except a great brightness, round and full, clean and still like a huge round mirror. Mountains, rivers, and the great earth, itself, appeared in the mirror. When I regained consciousness, I returned to the hut and noticed that the rice cooker was covered with dust. How long had I been in samadhi? I couldn’t guess.

On another occasion, when he was 31, he records dwelling in samadhi for five days. After breaking into his house, visitors were only able to rouse him with the chime of a small bell.

>For five days in a row, a servant boy came to my door and knocked, but he never got an answer. When Prefect Hu returned and heard about my failure to respond, he ordered his men to break into my room through the window. They found me wrapped in my robe, still sitting in the same place. He tried to wake me up using every trick he could think of, but his efforts were all in vain. I did not respond.

>Suddenly he remembered once having picked up a small musical instrument called a Ching that was on the table of his Buddha shrine. He had asked me what it was for and I had explained that in India people used it to wake up monks who had entered deep samadhi and couldn’t be awakened by other means. He got the Ching and holding it close to my ear began to strike it. Slowly I awakened. When I finally opened my eyes, I didn’t know where I was or how I had got there. “This is your fifth day of sleep,” the Prefect said. I said, “It feels more like my first day of life.”

Esoteric Kekism.


Don't fall for all these "find your all meaning to life" bullshit, OP. Read Camus and become the true Übermensch, the absurd man. Worked well for me.

Not this gay thread again!

Too true.


You know how between monkeys and humans a lot of weird shit had to live so it could evolve into us?
That's what emotion, sentiment and ideology is to social evolution.
It's the shitty weird step between savages and logical, rational and reasonable beings.
It is not the be all and end all of humanity and should really be left in the past as soon as possible.
Nihilism is realism.

Don't stare into the void. It doesn't matter whether life has a meaning or not, or if reality is authentic. I think that every sentient being divides its world to "good" and "bad". And that's is the only thing to be concerned about. To realize what is good, what is capable of bringing us joy, to create something like that. To strive towards that good and keep away from the bad. Love, beauty, art, knowledge etc, all spring from this principle, and that's the only basis they need. Do the leap. Fuck nihilism. Just don't be an edgy egoist and remember that like you there are other humans experiencing the same shit, and we gotta be there for each other. I guess.

underrated answer
dedicating yourself to your executive functions rather than your logical or emotional circuitry

re: deciding and affirming your ability to act and choose your actions is meaning enough, and cravings for otherwise 'objective' meaning are entirely emotionally void, as they can only be appeased momentarily by contemplation of 'the big other'

if you'd like a big other simply consider your unconscious and its implications

Nihilism is a meme, who gives a shit if it's all meaningless anyway? You're here presently, so live.

i think the problem with all philosophy is the definition of a meaning

what is a meaning without an outcome? you may as well regret you ability to consider meaning

If you're unwilling to follow religion, no. However, reactions to nihilism vary greatly, and are certainly subject to change.

There really is no reason to feel this way about life.
The only time I would have described myself as 'nihilist' would have been if I was depressed or young(no offense).
I don't think there is anything to be sad about really. I don't know if this statement will help you out.
But keep in mind people are just wired differently including yourself.
And I feel like the core belief of nihilism is feeling you know what's best for the world. At least the way it's worded leads me to believe that.
And you become depressed because you feel if only you were given the chance your plan could change the world and would fix everything.
I think most philosophers had this exact thought at one point but that's where how your wired comes into play. Make sense?
But it's also up to you if you want to 'play ball' with the rest of the world or be a cynic.

Death is the only answer

You don't cure nihilism, you adapt to it and learn to live with it.

If you really get the nihilisms you can't self-delude your way out of them again.

Unironically faith in god

I'd argue in this case, the term 'adapting' is the same as self-delusion.
If you think about it.

Of course not. You can come to terms with your father's death without making up a story about how he is still alive.

Yeah but were talking about beliefs not a traumatic experience.
These beliefs guide you to be able to function in the world.

Now. In your words.
>You don't cure nihilism, you adapt to it and learn to live with it.
The word cure is a heavy word. Implying it's a sickness/disease.
So this implies you believe in nihilism and it's teaching and you're now sick.
Now you feel the need to adapt to it to function with the world.

>If you really get the nihilisms you can't self-delude your way out of them again
Same thing here. Self-delution is a heavy word. Implying you need to fix yourself through self-delution.
So this implies you believe in nihilism and it's teaching and you now 'see to much of the world.
Now you feel the need to self-delude in order to adapt with the world.

The conclusion is the same both ways, no?
Hopefully explained it well enough

nihilism > hedonism.

Different user, self deception raises the possibility of relapse (potentially a stronger one) when whatever lie is realized as a lie. Cure implies a solution to nihilism that is pretty much permanent. Refusing to think about meaning or lack thereof is different to developing a coherent system that takes meaning into account. (Of course what could be a cure and what is self deception is another argument)

> not nihilism=hedonism
Surely that's how a nihilist would see it

im not a nihilist. im a spiritual being.

If nihilists believe in nihilism why do they feel a need for a cure? Isn't that their truth?
>Cure implies a solution to nihilism that is pretty much permanent
I see what you're saying but look at this way.
I don't agree you can 'permanently remove' a belief, you believed in so much you felt you had to cure yourself from it, in the first place.
Why self-delude yourself from the beliefs you hold true. How do you know what's truth? I guess I see self-delution as worse then a cure. Such a slippery slope to crazyville.

Of course these are my opinions.

Here's your (You)

no it's not. i like all religions, they teach spiritually the same thing.

I have no clue what you meant by that, or if you're even the same user.

A pizza and a pint of beer


By realising that even nihilism is susceptible to nihilism. There's no need to busy yourself with the lack of meaning you've ascribed to the world.

Ascribe some meaning yourself, or steal it.


Read Plutarch's Life of Caesar and then Life of Cato the Younger. Then practice doing real things because you think you should do them instead of playing Counter Strike all day. If that doesn't work, you're probably just lazy and need to grow up like the other anons said.

i never noticed that the chart recommended tillich's "the courage to be." for anyone facing existential crises, this would be the first book i'd recommend.

if it sounds appealing, then go into kierkegaard, augustine and plato for further development.
>specifically, plato's "laches" and "phaedo"

if it sounds like corny horseshit, carry on, my wayward son. (to be fair, it is pretty simplistic)
>p.s. upon his death, a BDSM dungeon was rumored to be found in tillich's basement. rad.

Well you might give it a read again, then


It helps with low dopamine which can cause a depression where everything loses meaning and everything seems pointless.