Big Green Egg vs Kamado Joe

Hi All,

Does anyone have any insight on which one of these two are better? I've been doing research and it looks like they're basically the same except for accessories.

Will bump with humor




I have never used a kamado joe but I did have a big green egg. I loved that thing like normal people love their dog. I don't mean normal people who love their dogs like they were their own children, I mean normal people who understand a dog will die after 10-15 years. But ya, someone stole it out of my back yard and I haven't been in a financial situation to get a new one yet. But I fucking loved it. Grill, BBQ, smoke, even throw a pizza stone on there and it's like a pizza oven! I highly recommend a big green egg if you have the cash for it. Not saying it's better than the other one, but you certainly won't regret purchasing one.

Fuck you and your dead mother in the ass.


My wife and I have been leaning towards the Egg. That was our original plan actually but the Kamado looks like it had a few extra accessories. I saw that the BGE has the same ones but you gotta throw down extra for it. Did you get a chance to use those or did you just use the BGE standard?


>spending $1k-$4k on a $50 ceramic planter and a $10 heating element


Sounds like someone's mommy got deported

Would this actually work and not blow up?

The only extra thing we had was the pizza stone. Like I said, we never had a chance to use the other one, I can't say anything bad about it. If the other one is cheaper but will do the same thing, I can't see much issue getting it. But all the same I will be getting another egg one day come hell or high water. When something works as well as that thing did, you develop a bit of brand loyalty. Kind of like what I used to have with my Volkswagen tdi diesels...


The egg is a lot more than a smoker. You can grill, BBQ, and use it as a pizza oven as well.

We've been noticing that from friends of ours. Everyone who has gotten a BGE has not stopped talking about it.

Tbh we'll probably just get the large BGE and just buy the accessories that we want. Based off of what you just said kind of confirms everything we've heard haha.

Veeky Forums > everyday world

All things you can do with a flower pot.

The bonus of a flower pot too is you can grow flowers.

Can you grow flowers out of the egg?

Yes, if you really wanted to, but then you couldn't cook with it, and that would be a shame...

I hear kama do Joe has the best customer service in the industry. I went with a Vision for 1/4 the price works fantastic for the price.

I prefer the Saffire over both, have tried all 3

watch Smoky Ribs.
he covers both of those thoroughly, if i remember.

why the fuck would a ventilated ceramic container with a hotplate and pie tin full of sawdust explode?
you're trying too hard.

Has anyone actually done this and met with success?
