How can this be a delicacy?

How can this be a delicacy?

What's in there to eat?

they taste great

You eat the whole thing, ya dingus.

The bones are small, there's a bit of meat there to justify it's usual place as a starter, snack, or soup addition. Maybe you should try it before shitposting about it

Skin and cartilage

Delicious cartilage

Know this white guy married to a Vietnamese girl who refuses to eat any Viet food, but tells me how good the chicken feet are. It's convinced me to try them.

>give me the part that was in constant contact with chicken shit please

t.Asian man

I use them for stock.

>it's OK to take literal intestines of stuff them with meat, but god forbid you eat a trotter

yeah ok fair enough touche

no one eats large intestines jackass, and chyme is just bile and food mash

it's not a delicacy

just delicious skin and cartilage

good for joints and skin

People do in fact eat large intestines.

those chicken feet look fucking huge

i buy a pack once in a while to scare the kids with

They taste exactly like chicken wings, but with knuckles.
And they're insanely fucking cheap. You can get them for about $1/lb, and while a good amount of the weight is just bone you still get a sack full of chicken feet for less than a mcchicken.

Pic related, they're a staple bar food in Korea. This was a BIG fucking bowl for four and it only cost about 3500W

Looks good, senpai. I Ioved pojangmajas in korea. Some weirdass shit, but it was max fun. Koreans know how to party. Soju flowed, I'll say that.

I don't know why people freak out when you tell them chicken feet is tasty

They're skinned or else they'd be yellow and tough as shit and nobody eats them as a meal by itself.

Its just delicious gelatinous fatty piece of meat and absolutely divine when cooked properly

I fucking love these in dim sum tbqh famingo

Same reason why thin sliced pig ears are a thing.

Must not be from the UK then.

It is someones job to invert them.

People are afraid of eating chicken legs?? This is hilarious. They are amazing. It's like what these people have said

If you like the taste of chicken skin, then you'd probably like a chicken foot.

The texture takes getting used to because there's no meat to speak of and it's mostly just a kind of cushion of fat with bits of cartilage and bone here and there. They aren't very nice but the skin is still nice, crispy chicken skin.

They're only really shitty when they've been boiled instead of bbq'd/fried. Then they're just pure shit.

they're not that bad tbch

they're just not a lot to eat and there's a lot of bone to eat around; very labour-intensive snack

It's a delicacy because there's only 2 small feet per chicken, compared to the rest of the bird that ain't shit.