Who is the most influential writer of all time?

who is the most influential writer of all time?

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Gombiasto Vico

JKK Rowling

Cuckbooks for cucks.

I'd say Oscar Wilde (De Profundis to Name one)

Martin Luther
>be postin his 99 high theses
>Eternally fucked over Church
>Shoah'd Jews.
Vid. Related is most influential poet although. Truely a literary masterpiece, with meaning able to be derived in every word he coo'd.

How could it be anyone but Homer?

If anyone has an adequate retort, I'd love to hear it.

Other than God? Whoever drafted the Peace of Westphalia imo.

Even heathen countries still abide by it.

Whoever invented the first writing system.

Homer, Cervantes, Petrarch, Wordsworth

The most influential twentieth-century novelists were Joyce and Hemingway.

Ovid may have built off of Homer, but I'd say he's a contender. Just look at what he did to Shakespeare alone.

Dr. Seuss

Moses (or God)

Richard Dawkins


my diary desu
no, Hitchens and Tolkien.

either homer or shakespeare, no contest.

Saul (Paul) of Tarshish.

>either option A or option B
>no contest

without dante there is no shake

Bad post.

Without poopoo there is no soil and without soil no crops and without crops no dante. Dante is worse than shit



You have committed the great fallacy that Kant stands against, which is confusing the IS and the OUGHT.


the authors of the bible

ITT: people post footnotes

he is not a writer, or even a real person

Aristotle because he literally invented thinking


that is hume you nigger

This is actually a decent candidate, imagine how many people's first book was the good Doc


Before "blah blah" just think about the quality of literature that came from Russia from multiple writers all around the same time. It's honestly astounding that writers like Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov all came from the same place and essentially the same time or at least back to back of each other. They all have a similar writing style and they all wrote similar works dealing with the aristocracy and similar protagonists.

His portrayal of the superfluous man in Evgeny Onegin essentially gave birth to Russian literature as we know it today.


>most influential writer
>a playwright

And who is the most influential musician, a poet?

Patti Smith

the venerable Bede

was going to say Johannes Gutenberg but he didn't write anything of his own

Plays aren't written, they emerge, fully formed in binary and actors simply process the data on the stage.

Jim Morrison.


Why must Germans ruin everything?

Virgil. EASILY. Like, it's not even close. For almost 2000 years every single educated man in Europe was forced to read and translate him as the first part of a basic literary education.