Why do Americans shit themselves in grocery stores?

Why do Americans shit themselves in grocery stores?
Is it a combinatination of junk food and beetus medication?

We don't. That shit is from home pant shitting. We like to wear it to the stores.

In Europe your senile old people shit themselves too, you just imprison them in nursing homes as soon as possible so you can pretend they don't

Personally, i like to get someone elses shit and put it in my pants so i can laugh at all the idiots that think i shit my pants.

Or prices are so low even Americans can't believe it.

OP's pic doesn't look like old, senile people.
These guys are relatively young.
What gives? Is this a Midwest thing, Wisconsin or some other flyover state?

They're just pretending to shit themselves, joke's on you for thinking they did

The man has flabby pale arms and is wearing cargo shorts with a belt and autism shoes with white socks that go halfway up his calves

The woman has short grey hair, poorly fitting neon blue pants with sandals, some kind of elbow psoriasis, and appears to be wearing a watch

Even without seeing their faces I can tell neither of them are 'relatively young'


>Or prices are so low you'll shit your pants

Disgusting people.

It's just Preparation-H hemorroidhal salve that they applied a bit too liberally on a not thoroughly cleaned anus.

It's a combination of not showering/cleaning ass and not changing own's clothes, for weeks on end. I don't think most of these people literally shit themselves.

I shit myself once on a road trip. I have to admit I felt a little silly walking into Mc Donalds with shit stains on my pants.

It's a HFCS side effect.
Those people eat so much of the damn stuff it fucks up the digestive system.

Some times the laws of physics don't allow for good hygiene.

Is this actually a thing?

poop in coupe

Of course it isn't. Someone just cherry-picked some photos and stuck it with babby's first troll "do Americans really _______"

Wasn't there some user who did a bit of digging on this subject? I remember seeing a post about how fat blocker pills will make you shit all liquid and frequently, this was thought to be a cause for a lot of these people. Probably along with what said.

Many cherry picked, many shopped.

I actually saw a shart in a mart though. Once. So they're real things.