Machine Learning

Hi Veeky Forums MLfag here in there last year of highschool and planning on studying here: I am wondering whether it is better to study Engineering Mathematics with programming courses or Computer Science and Engineering with Statistics courses in order to later research Machine Learning.

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You would want computer science if you're going to do ML with a lot of Linear Algebra courses and statistics.

Cool user, thanks for the help

do data science
it's pretty much the same thing but as a data scientist you can literally choose your wage.
I am not kidding, 300k starting is not obviously still unusual but not absurd in silicon valley

He's doing undergrad so doesn't matter what he takes really he'll get introduced to these subjects in a typical compsci or math undergrad then can go to grad school for ML/data science specializations

Wages mean nothing because data science could be automated and disappear in a few years, just learn yhe basics first then in 4 years reassess

An undergrad CS degree is a terminal degree that will NOT prepare you for graduate school in CS or any other field. Major in EE or Pure Math or anything else if you want to pursue graduate education in CS.

but data scientists are the guys doing the automation.
These are exactly the jobs which are nozt going to get rationalized (for now obv.).
Data Science is going to blow up in the next years as companies start gathering Exabytes of data someone has to make use of.

Lund University hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

In my language Lund means dick. Enjoy 20 nigger dicks up your asshole when you go there.

So because in you're language that means dick that means the university is bad?

>Wages mean nothing because data science could be automated and disappear in a few years, just learn yhe basics first then in 4 years reassess
Do you even know what data science is?

But for undergrad should i still do CS or should i listen to ?

Dual major in CS and math. Not sure why there's such dispute in choosing one or the other.

Yes? No self-respecting university would call itself a cock. Nobody wants to learn how they take nigger dicks up their anuses on the reg.

You should talk to a program advisor at the school or approach an ML professor at your school not listen to anybody here.

What you certainly need is a grad level stats course. For example you can learn regression from a stats textbook but unless you've gone through a thorough graduate-level stats course, you probably haven't seen the edge cases that invalidate assumptions and necessitate a more complex regression e.g. your regression may suggest there is no effect but when you look at the residuals, you may find systematic bias that you can model using a subject-specific random effect or some transformation as a generalized linear model. Shitty ML/data scientists produce invalidate analysis all the time because they don't have a rigorous grad course in stats so ask your program advisor what you need to get into one.

Well is Sweden there is not undergrad system like in the US. Instead you specialize from the start of a 5-year program

I can see you've just taken your first semester of a data science masters.
Trust me, the whole 'exadata' meme is overblown. Garbage data is garbage data, and the more data you have, the harder it is to perform sophisticated machine learning algorithms.

you sure know better than all the companies investing millions in supercomputers.

Which companies?
HPC is dead and underfunded.
Filled with 2nd rate "computer scientists".

>you sure know better than all the companies investing millions in supercomputers.
You're sure eager to show you don't understand the argument.

Not many computer science degrees are very mathematical. You know that mathematics, physics, and engineering are strong on mathematics, though. If you're going the CS route, I would be careful about making sure you're getting enough maths.

ProTip: The best degree for ML is Applied Mathematics.