You are now aware of BNB slowly mooning

You are now aware of BNB slowly mooning.

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You keep using that word user....I don't think it means what you think it means.

Nice job creating a pump

This will pump so hard the next 2 weeks.
It will make me selfmade-bitcoinär.

BNB seems to rise when btc does. Did the same thing last night.

>slowly mooning

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not touching this yellow shitcoin

> ok, pamp it

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considering, coin burn, binance chain, fiat pairs, I'm all in

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+ Binance Chain

that's what I said

No he meant Binance Chain

hey user, I'll let you lick once we moon

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When you are a chink shill only replying to other chink shills.

No one cars about crypto anymore.

yeah Chinance Bain

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just....just one whiff please... my dear..bless us with... a *sniff* little gust...

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obvious thread to dump on fomoing retards is obvious...

what device is that?

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no, pump and dump retards already left, only long term hodlers are in now, get in or stay poor faggots

Sniffmaster 2000

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Sorry, no breaks on this train.

fags not buying gonna fomo in when it breaks new ath