Thoughts on mukbangs?

thoughts on mukbangs?

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Anyone who watches this shit is mentally ill and also thirsty as fuck

i want her to rub her feet on my face

I think I'm mentally ill but not necessarily "thirsty"

I don't think of anyone as a 'waifu' or imagine myself with them, etc.

Stop typing like a nigger.

It's okay to admire her from .webms as long as you don't watch it and don't know what his voice sounds like

What is mukbangs? Is she the new Queen of Veeky Forums?

You only like her because she has perfect teeth and a clear face.

>you only like her because she is an attractive person and you are attracted to attractive females

your insight is just fucking spot-on my guy.

I used spot remover on my dog, his name is stripe.
On the other hand you have another hand.

>powdered water

Be honest. Drunk, 2am, you really gonna say no?

I'm concerned with what she THINKS she could do because she's edgy and "not like other girls" so she googles ways to interestingly kill, because her entire way of life is manufactured and that means others can influence her, and she's not genuinely insane

mukbang is streaming eating, often a whole bunch of food. koreans started it I think? or maybe it was a japanese thing first? idk im not a weaboo. never watched anyone other than Agatha.

Lol dude what the hell are you talking about. It's a 18 year old girl making mukbang videos. What is this meme meta psychoanalysis

Who dis?

13:41 = truth

why would you watch 13 minutes of that shit? inb4 oh I was just skipping around.

and why watch such a basic bitch? that's what I'm trying to escape. deal w enough of those irl.

Never heard of this before, just looked it up.

Pretty sad and pathetic that lonely people do this.


it's Agatha aka threemilk T:

>those eyes at the end

what? she's 18. or is in

Who's this uggo? She looks like her parents were on meth, and she just naturally came out of the womb with a crack pipe.

>t. guy posting on Veeky Forums on a Saturday night.

>no friend detected

truth hurts dun it?

Not him, but I'm at a bar and with people and I'm posting. Doesn't mean anything

I aint no chad but I got a few. I still like watching Aggy.

>at a bar
>posting on Veeky Forums

sound awkward desu

That's even more pathetic

>thinking Saturdays mean anything
>being chained to the work week jew
>not owning your own business and making whatever night you want your "weekend"

By the way, you realize you're posting here too?

>By the way, you realize you're posting here too?

yeah but I'm not acting all hateful and superior. I'm on Veeky Forums because I'm a loser to an extent, just like everyone else on here.

>>not owning your own business and making whatever night you want your "weekend"

I own my own business but my clients work during the work week, so I do too. I imagine that's the case with a lot of business owners.

>pretending he owns his own business
>thinks owning his own business means he doesn't work during the week

11th grade troll detected

>not owning your own business and making whatever night you want your "weekend"
You're business is shit if you can just take off time or party whenever you please.

She looks like a qt 9 year old girl but I know she's actually an old hag.

>not strictly watching reviewbrah

shit taste detected

It is abundantly clear that you've never owned a business and really know nothing about economics

so so cute. she looks like she's 10, though.

I think this stuff is a little weird since they're just sitting there and eating for no reason other than to be watched while they eat, but I do enjoy watching videos where people eat lunch together or have a conversation while munching on snacks
Makes me feel a little less lonely when I'm eating

KEEMI is Queen of Mukbang!

yeah, livestreamed mukbangs are way better because there is some interaction at least through chat. some youtubers do retarded pre-recorded shit where they just ramble to themselves, and those suck.

That's more fat than muscle.

it's pork belly ignoramus

How does knowing the name of the fat change anything?

so tired of seeing this disgusting cunt on every fucking board.

just how deep does the herbivore-male pit go?

I don't watch this stuff I listen to it.

Goddamnit teenage girls are so annoying.


Extremely pathetic.

looks like a man

Dumb shit like ASMR.
The amount of trash that is supported by lonely men is depressing.


I don't know what that is, but it sounds like the nastiest porn ever.

>le fat is bad meme

Friendship simulators are top of the line autism and so fucking pathetic.

I like the ones from yuka kinoshita cause she eats for like 2 hours and it's always a ton of food. I can't stand watching most though, because they end up talking about their life and shit and that just ruins it for me.

>Dumb shit like ASMR

ASMR is not bad in and of itself

Redneck Mukbang is the only way to go