I think we should call element 119 "vonneumannium". Thoughts?

I think we should call element 119 "vonneumannium". Thoughts?

I think it should be Banium because that's a big atom 4 μ

We should name it "Niggerium", because it's completely useless and cost the taxpayer a lot of money

Has it actually been synthesized?

Wildbergerium because elements with atomic numbers greater than 118 don't exist

Honestly, who gives a shit about those new elements anyway? I mean, we get it, you can synthesize all kind of shit, but it's not like we learned anything at all from this in the last decades. It's the same procedure, over and over.

but all those fancy synthetic elements are useless garbage.

>it's not like we learned anything
that's not true at all. we've learned alot from synthetic elements; how to utilise nuclear energy, the effects of nuclear weapons, how the nucleus works at higher nucleon counts. we've even done actual chemistry with these elements. just because they don't have any ubiquitous roles in society doesn't mean they are pointless and irrelevant. they're no more "useless" than, say, scandium or ruthenium, elements used for basically nothing.

Good on you trying to educate the ignorant

Fuckin kekd

Whoever first synthesises it gets to name it, this is the convention and I see no reason to deviate from it in this case.

i'm sure the discoverers would be open to suggestions, no?

4chanium. First element with a number in the name.

Why do we even bother with these meme elements? They don't exist in nature and we just create single atoms which exist for fraction of second.

Read the thread you stupid American.

Except that ruthenium is very important for Ni-base superalloys used in aircraft turbines and I'm sure Scandium is also useful somewhere.


they do have their niche uses, to be sure (just some examples i plucked from my ass). my point is that superheavy elements have their own niche that only they can fill


What did he mean by this?

Bitches can't even handle all of those electrons