Hi Veeky Forums, highschool senior here who was accepted to both Stanford and Cornell...

Hi Veeky Forums, highschool senior here who was accepted to both Stanford and Cornell. I want to study machine learning and develop high speeding trading algorithims as an adult. With the influx of STEMfags will my value be low in the workforce, do you believe I would be making the right choice by choosing this career path? Or should I just go with something medical to be safe?

Is this board just going to keep going on psuedo-intellectual ramblings or help me out? The most unscientific topics get the most replies.

You should do what you find enjoyable.
Chances are you'll hate machine learning.

>hurr how do I make money
fuck off.

I enjoyed Multivariable and want to pursue a math intensive field, do you know people who tried Machine Learning courses? How did they feel/perform in them?
It's a valid question

Do you feel entitled to a bunch of strangers on the internet making career choices for you? Fuck off

No you guys have much more experience than me, I was hoping you could help a Veeky Forums bro out and give me some tips before uni. I'm not entitled at all.

>It's a valid question
There's free speech, anything is "valid". But it's retarded and really doesn't belong here.

Either way, why do you want to do machine learning? What do you know about CS?

As cliche as it is, do what makes you happy. You'll find by about junior year of college that studying something that is anything less than fascinating to you sucks balls and you will lose all motivation to continue the subject.

You have a better chance of succeeding in machine learning if you love it even with the competition than you have of succeeding in medicine if you only kinda like it.

I took AP CS and really enjoyed working with Java and Python (although that will not prepare me AT ALL) and I've been browsing Veeky Forums for about 5 months now and am interested in the trading scene. I'm still inexperienced to the working world and was hoping user's could share some light on what's extremely lucrative.
Any tips on finding my interests if I haven't by now?

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.


It also says to not ask for homework help but it seems this board doesn't mind that. Honestly the stigma against ivy students is disgusting.

No. The stigma is against plebs not respecting the houserules.

If you observe properly you'd see most homework threads are getting ignored and getting posted in the goingon SQT thread.

Nevertheless, fuck off.

>if I haven't by now?
This takes years and is not easy. user is quite spot on about figuring it out in junior year. It takes time, the only sure way is to take plenty of classes in anything that might interest you. Hop around, join research groups, find interesting extracurricular academic groups, talk to experienced people in different fields and try to spend several months getting introduced to every field you might like.

Start with a handful of choices. Sounds like CS and Math are two to try early for you. ocw.mit.edu course 6.00SC is a very good intro to CS using python. Check it out and see what it has to offer, the same site has a good class on algorithms.

Me, personally, I found what I liked in junior uni year, and switched majors. I'm happy now. You're supposed to feel fulfilled and fascinated by your field. If you don't hop around. If you hop everywhere and you're still not fascinated, which happens, then settle for something ok-ish while you keep looking.

It's not that, it's your coming here asking how to get money, thats silly.

Cool stay as a hater. Also I'm no plebian, I worked hard to get where I am now.
Okay Veeky Forumsbro I'll try to branch out and take some online courses.

>I worked hard to get where I am now.
Let's say a lot of people do/did that. No need to feel entitled you little snowflake. Someone needs to get you out of your little fantasy world.

You may call me hater or whatever term but in the end you're just a twat with no reallife experience (academical, work-life) whatsover.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
you must be a nigger to have gotten accepted but are too stupid to read the sticky.

The only thing that matters is diligence and the drive to excel. People lol at poly sci and psych majors but the people that are the best all have jobs. So pick something you like so you can keep motivation.

t. not a poly sci or psych major ;^D

Don't treat these schools as academic institutions. If you don't spend every moment trying to fuck every hot lawyer/stockbroker/doctor's daughter you see, you're wasting your prestige.

Go into finance, get an MBA, make a killing on Wall Street to pay for all the babies you just conceived in school.

Then you can worry about going full-on STEMfag while smoking Havanas on your private island.

How did you get accepted to both if the Early Decision only allows you to apply to one?

That sounds cool OP. You probably don't have to worry about safety if you're interested in finance and machine learning. Just work hard and make friends! Also leave this board while there's still time

I hear a lot of good things about ML research and teaching at Stanford, nothing from Cornell though. You've probably heard this a lot, but Andrew Ng's lectures are available for free on youtube - You can watch them at 2x speed if you're bored, and apparently they're much better than his coursera course. It's best if you have a strong background in calculus, linear algebra, and statistics, but it might sort of get you excited for ML and show you what you need to work on to reach that level.

idk what means. my experience with ML classes has been really rewarding.

t. statistics undergrad