How do i generate a random number in my head?

how do i generate a random number in my head?

Not sure. i did it just now and came up with 17 - 23 - 8

You can't

so what number am i thinking of

define random

83 - 19 - 12

36 - 52 - 97

If you think of a number, what makes it random?

all right let's say "as random as possible"

let's hear some formulas

as effective as possible yet as simple as possible

Generate two pseudo random numbers between one and ten in your head. Multiply them and then add their sum. If the result if greater than five, it's a one. Less than five and it's a zero. Do this for as many bytes as you like and you get a pretty ok random number in binary.

Just generate a random numerical formula that you don't know the answer to. For instance, a quintic polynomial, a summation, exponential functions with factorials, ... .

feels like if you were to ask people to generate two random numbers they'll tend to pick numbers fairly far from one another a disproportional percentage of the time. can't see asking someone to name two numbers 1-10 and getting an answer like "2 and 3".

who knows though, supposedly even when asked for a single value 1-10 people tend to pick 7 a lot so maybe the seed value is just a huge problem no matter what

Maybe they all randomly pick 7

Choose a bunch of arbitrary, unrelated things to derive numbers from?

For example, write down:
Filename of the first gif in your gif folder
the first word from the book or magazine nearest your left hand
the title of your favorite movie

Select the third character of each word, lookup the ascii, add up these numbers and divide by 3. Or something like that.

Have a stroke.

Vaguely disguised free will thread.

Except that leads to an over-representation of sevens in the first step.

The reason for this is because in the western world, the number seven is associated with luck. It's most people's "lucky number". Therefore, when asked to think of a number between 1 and 10, most pick seven because they believe it's special. It's not scientific, but it works.

You still need a source that will provide you with an equally probable input

From there you need to devise a formula that will again provide you with equally probable output

I mean if that is how you define random, where all possible outputs will have an equal(or similar) probability of occuring

think of a number between 1 and the largest number your pea-brain can think of, call it A
now take the square root of A
think of another number B
the first B digits of the square root of A is your random number

>but that's not random
you'll never know the fucking difference so what's the point?

What was von mememans random number algorithm?

Something with taking a number, doing something too it, and then dropping the first and last digit

That's not why. It's because 7 is the most complex single digit number in division.

Have disorganized thinking from a psychotic disorder. I have Bipolar and I think of random numbers all the time during mania. I literally can't do math or even count during that, though.

From random import randint
Print (randint (a,b))

>how do i generate a random number in my head?
Start by thinking about 0

Then, whenever you think about cocks add 1 to that number

Then at the end of the day see the number you got.

Like this.
Check my 7

But that number is not defined under ZFC

How not?

Look at your watch/phone for the time, you should get a number like 11:15:20 => 111520
Take your bithday 01/06/1975=>1061975
Calcul in your head 111520^1061975
then take the nth digit of that number where n was teh last digit of the time.
Take the nth root of 111520^1061975, take the middle digit of this number, it should be a random number between 0 and 9.

you see, OP is so obsessed with cocks that the number of his cock thoughts per second exceeds every large cardinal including rank-into-rank embeddings, in fact the number of OP cock thoughts is so large that it even exceeds the Reinhardt cardinal, making undefinable under ZFC.

Congratz for figuring the real shit out of this thread, brother.

Do it the exact same way it would be done elsewhere. Common "random number" is to take the time then run it through some randomising processes. Make a system that inputs the time (hours:minutes:seconds) and generates a random number. Won't be that great or robust however and for more seemingly "random" numbers, in other words what we think of as random. You need to make it more spread out, so there is no possibility of say generating the same number 10 times or never generating a number in 100k tries.

meditate in front of a lava-lamp for five hours and and then shout out loud the first number that comes to mind

Wew lad, see

In what situation outside of technology (therefor already semi possible) do you truly need a random number?

Professor asks the class to pick a number?
Count how many people are wearing red shirts or something

I dont get it
A number is either random or not
50/50 chance
100 if you know statistics like myself

>im vegan

Roll a fair n sided die, observe the result. You now have a randomly generated number in your head.

Take your name
Encrypt it with RSA (you do already have the keys, right?)
Take first ten bits
Congtars, you've got yourself a number from 0 to 1023?

You can test the quality of randomness in a set of generated numbers statistically.

Like this

Take the date, multiply it by the temperature/your wheight and add it your height.

>how do i generate a random number in my head?
think of a random decimal of pi. pi is truely random.

Is that a question, retard? What the fuck are you trying to ask?

69, but you will deny it.

Get a gieger counter probe and place it deep on your ear canal. With luck your nuerons will emit gamma rays which are a total 100% random system in neuron space.

>pick a random number generator
>set your current number to 2 (which I randomly chose)
>run the random number generator in your head and save your new random number
>repeat step 3 with your new current number when you need a random number

Blink twice

Actually, there is evidence that we suck at generating random numbers, especially when given an anchor number to start with.

15. Try to make another random number.