He doesn't drink Turkish coffee

>he doesn't drink Turkish coffee

>he doesn't smoke Turkish cigarettes

takes to goddamn long to make a proper cup.

For you.

that's greek coffee OP

coffee is SHIT.

energy drinks are MORE POTENT shit.

GFuel is smooth, clean POWER - shit's like taking half an adderal or something. it's got choline bitartrate and theanine as well as mucuna pruriens extract in it. which contains BUFOTENINE (hallucinogenic frog venom) and 5-MEO-DMT (the latest anti-depressent).

buy GFuel and fuck off with your SHITTY stimulants.

How do i make Turkish coffee

Greeks are wannabe turks

>He's Turkish

Fucking shill. Let me know when you start a gfuel thread

>roach water

I've tried to make it several times using several different methods, but it's never turned out quite right. I blame the electric stove.

I prefer the turkish tea

it's my favourite tea

As someone with a masters degree in history, your post makes me livid.

I smoke Camel Turkish Gold

Turkish coffee is shit.
I don't like having coffee grounds suspended in my drink.
The coffee grounds give me explosive diarrhea

Are you homeless?


Not supposed to drink the grounds you clown

>he doesn't like Turkish traps

report all t*rkroach threads
hide all t*rkroach threads
dont reply to t*rkroach threads


Bruh I know what website we're on but anzu is all woman

>He doesn't own an authentic hand grinder, and pot bought in Turkey in the last 1970's

When was the second last 1970s?

1970 BCE duh

Aw shit, now I have to wait for the 11970s.

But I do. Dirty as fuck though, I'm not using that

Hahaha you did a masters degree in history ohhh my lord hahagaha I can't contain myself

that's when I bought mine

What does her dad think of her

who gives a shit?


>as someone with a masters degree in being unemployment

I don't care what that is, I just want to fill its holes with my cum.

Kill yourself

Maybe you mean GREEK coffee