Childhood is when you idolize drumsticks. Adulthood is when you realize flats are more tender

Childhood is when you idolize drumsticks. Adulthood is when you realize flats are more tender

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Adulthood is when you realize it doesn't fucking matter because it all tastes the same.
I always cringe when I hear people order only flats or only drumsticks.

More meat in flats as well.

Lets just admit that both have their pros and cons and none would be complete without the other

>more tender
It's fried chicken man what the fuck are you retarded?

Manhood is when you just want some nice tits

Chicken breast is for soccer moms though

I agree with this, but I still enjoy an equal mix of both. For variety sake. If you don't enjoy both, I can't help you.

Are you fucking kidding? That's kiddie tier.

Adulthood is eating both with gusto

When I was a kid, I liked flats more because I could stick my tongue between the bones

An actual adult man eat the whole bird you fucking manlets.

flats > drums

Flats have more tasty meat, and are easier to eat.

They don't taste the same. Flats are tastier.

Didn't realize manhood meant wanting food with absolutely no flavor of it's own.

Enlightenment is when you realize boneless wings are the best.

Old age is when you realise eating genetically modified mass produced meat is degenerate

>boneless """"wings""""
No one should even be legally allowed to call those wings.

Where the fuck are you people from? I'm almost 30 years old and I've never heard anyone refer to the non-drumstick portion of wings as "flats". It sounds like something a child would say.

What the fuck do you call them then? The official term is flats, as far as I know.

soccer moms and Veeky Forumsizens
tfw Veeky Forums co/ck/ suc/k/er and my diet is retarded strict now

This guy has the right idea

i never liked the drumsticks
i always pushed the meat through the bones of the wing with my tongue

They've always just been drumsticks and wings to me.

You're a moron

In Chinese, they are called chicken middle wing. Just chicken wing typically refers to the whole wing (drumette, flat, tip).

Jesus fucking Christ, user.

i would buy only flats if i could

>Americans call chicken wings "flats"

>fucking FLATS

they are both parts of a chicken wing, you have to differentiate them somehow you obsessed faggot

That's because we are more precise. The flat is a section of a chicken wing, not a chick wing. Also OBSESSED

they sell only flats pretty much everywhere

not where i live

>not cooking with the bone in to add more flavor

Kill yourself, pleb.

Do you eat the cartilage Veeky Forums?
....I dont

Yes but I also eat ass so...

>mfw i also eat cartilage and ass

>Not the thighs
Why not? More meat to eat.

My nigga. Thighs are the only answer.

>when you have a friend who like the opposite one that you like so you can perfectly split a big order of wings with each other

There is no truer camaraderie.

Only rational post ITT

I actually prefered the flats as a kid because i would shove my tongue through the bones

You are correct

It will have to do until I can grow my own genetically enhanced meat.

I don't agree to that

Are you implying that boneless wings are still wing meat?
Because you're stupid if you are, boneless "wings" are hunks of breast meat, like any other chicken nugget.

>I don't know how to read, the post

T..that's pretty hot, user.

There are no bones in a chicken breast

>I don't know how to read part 2, electric boogaloo

I agree with you Senpai

adulthood is when you realize thighs make more sense

middle of the road cuck

This is how we say it in the city. "Flats" must be a flyover thing

I don't want to grow up

>two daddies brainwashed coastie doesn't even know they're both part of the wing

This is the most patrician way to prepare them. You all have zero class.

Thighs are great, but wings have a higher skin to meat ratio, when you want to be indulgent.

kill yourself


Literally the only people in the world that prefer chicken breast are soccer moms and tendie only eating faggots.

America is literally the only country on the planet where white meat cost more than dark meat.

Stop misusing "cringe" you fucking redditor


based chef john taught me well

I fell in love with boneless chicken thighs last year. Just cooked in a little oil and butter and seasoned with salt and pepper. So simple, and surprisingly tasty. Never dry either.

you know what else is never dry? MY MOM

As I grew up, I realize that the only reason I preferred drums was because it was easier to get to the good parts. As an adult, I wasn't embarrassed to disassemble flats anymore.

Yep, further proves how childish of an eater my 54 year old mom is. She likes drumsticks more than flats and she hates onion/garlic in her food unless it's completely melted away.

Fucking hell. Companies here proudly put notices and ads saying they "only use 100% white or breast meat", to the point people now think dark meat is somehow inferior or lower quality.
That coupled with factory chickens already tasting like nothing you just get these horrible extra flavourless meals. It's terrible.

>she hates onion/garlic in her food unless it's completely melted away.
It always really saddens me to hear things like this.
Like, how does anyone dislike onion and garlic?
They're so amazing and are key to the flavour of so many great things. I just can't imagine these people liking food much at all.

Wise old age is when you realize tendies were superior all along

>accuses someone of using Reddit
>says "redditor"

literally gtfo

this. fucking niggers and crackers I swear. why can't we build a wall to keep out basic eating cucks instead of immigrants.

>eating meat

I can fit a fullsized drumstick in my foreskin.

>Every bite is a roulette of cartilage, skin, unidentifiably slime, or a little piece of meat
fuck em
