Can we have a gum thread?

Can we have a gum thread?

What are some Veeky Forums approved gum?


Gum is fuckin shitty

I should have never left /g/.

Always love minty gums. I chew a piece atleast 5 times a week. Sometimes more.

Fruity gums can be ok as a sort of snack, but they always lose their flavor.

Cinnamon or "spicy" gum can be great too, but I dont tend to chew it.

My favorite has to be BLACK ICE. That shit is fucking good.

Fuck off weeb. This is an anti anime board.

/g/ is gay

Gum is a crutch used by degenerates and the weak of will. I recommend minty flavors.

Extra Polar Ice is goat desu

Can anybody recommend any good novelty gum?

I just tried some Starburst gum that tasted terrible.

What the fuck is novelty gum? Get some gum in the shape of a cock or something

/g/ died months ago
if you still browse there you must be retarded or confine yourself to select generals

Stuff like candy and soda flavered gum.

I kinda wanna try sour patch kids gum.

Minty gum always turns bitter and unpleasant for me, so I chew cinnamon. I stick to trident (preferred) or orbit usually, but I really wish 5 would make a cinnamon flavor.

Chewing a shit-ton recently, like 5+ pieces a day.

GOAT or pleb trash?

Orbit is where it's at you fucking mouth breather!

When i was a kid my dad told me that only girls chew gum and that chewing gum is bovine behavior like chewing cud

my nigga

I also like ice cubes just cuz I like soft gums

Oprah says gum is bad for you.

Oprah is a fucking nigger.


sean pls

it tastes like soap !

Is this worth importing to burger land?

Why is that all gums have the trash
"sugar-free is good" meme nowadays?

Have you tried googling it? Chewing sugared gum has legit documented negative effects on your teeth. It's not a dietary concern.

I used to chew dubble bubble gum when I played baseball as a child. We would go through buckets of that shit every season and I would always have a new cavity every summer. It's really not good for your teeth.

What about the extra preservatives like
phenylalanine and aspartame?
Although processed sugar causes physical
problems like tooth decay if you do not brush your teeth or drink water after frequently chewing gum,
I prefer the real stuff and its original flavorings (sugar).

You should have brushed your teeth more I guess
or at least drank water.

One common artificial sweetener (xylitol) actually has documented benefits to dental health.

how about a study thats not form the 1970

What about internal health?
I've just heard that our bodies can't digest them as
well and therefore cause problems in the long run.

love sugar free gum, but it ruins my taste buds for 24hrs, so I avoid it.

keep chugging soda you fucking retard.

Absolutely based. Never fail to have a pack on me.

I don't even drink soda,
sorry that good dental hygiene is so weird
for a fatty like yourself.

>aspartame delivery rubbers
Why do people chew this shit?

Whatever you can use to blow massive bubbles

Novelties keep you on the wild side? Add nicotine gum to that list

Peppermint is okay

Sounds like what a person with misophonia would say

>Why do people chew this shit?
it's candy. And freshens breath.