Be ice cream making noob

>be ice cream making noob
>try recipe from internet
>says to mix beaten eggs, half-and-half, heavy cream, and sugar into pot, lightly heat on stove
>follow instructions
>egg yolks mix decently
>egg whites are mostly separated, some collected at bottom, some scrambled

Did I fuck up?
Will I get salmonella if I eat it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>some scrambled

You heated too much and mixed too little.

You curdeled the cream

>ice cream
>heat on stove

should have noticed the recipe was full of shit, you got duped

Do you have to use an ice cream machine to make ice cream?
t. ice cream noob

you will not get salmonella from raw eggs

Sadly I think so.

Also ice cream noob.


sh-should i eat it anyways?

It'll have shit taste and texture. Make a new batch, use a bain marie or something to heat slowly and without hot spots;
And start mixing in a bowl without heat.

how hot does it have to get? use a double boiler

>It'll have shit taste and texture.
I won't get sick though, right? I made it and god dammit I want to eat it, I don't care how bad it is.

You will not get sick from raw eggs.
Raw eggs don't give you salmonella.
You can crack open an egg and eat it raw with no issues.
It's raw chicken that gives you salmonella.

In Yurop yes, in 'Murica eggs are washed from their natural protective layer (aka dried hen pussy juices) and can contain salmonella. They shouldn't, but that'd be assuming they respected precise temperature of egg and water, and that's often a problem.

If you are not a infant, an elderly, pregnant or with a weakened immune system it should be OK. It can make you sick but not kill you (assuming you have access to a hospital.)

>assuming you have access to a hospital
not for free they don't. OBSESSED.

Anyways, op, do it in a bowl over boiling water, not directly heating on a stove, and NEVER STOP MIXING. sereously, you don't want clumps and the egg to coagulate evely, mix it all the way.

Why does washing that off cause salmonella?

You can make ice cream by just whipping heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk together with whatever flavors you want and freezing it.

the texture gets a bit flaky over the time, but it's good the first couple of weeks.

Hen's don't have a pussy they have a cloaca, stupid

If you're really scared about getting salmonella from raw eggs, you can pasteurize them. Allow them to come to room temperature, place in single layer on bottom of pan fill with water to cover and slowly heat until temperature reaches 140F. Hold at that temp. for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

You overheated the egg and it cosgulated. Basically you scrambled some of it. Too much heat and not enough mixing will do that. Next time either
A) heat it in a bain marie while mixing constantly, or
B) temper the eggs. Heat the other stuff up separately, beat the eggs in a bowl, then gradually add half the hot liquid while mixing, then pour your warm egg liquid into the pot with the rest and continue to cook.

>B) temper the eggs. Heat the other stuff up separately, beat the eggs in a bowl, then gradually add half the hot liquid while mixing, then pour your warm egg liquid into the pot with the rest and continue to cook.
That's what the instructions said, but I didn't really understand what it meant. What I did instead was beat the eggs in a separate bowl, heat the half-and-half and sugar on the stove, then lowered the heat and mixed in the eggs and heavy cream.

Not making a custard based ice cream :(

I make ice cream frequently (using a churning machine) with similar ingredients. The basic idea is heat cream and sugar together until sugar melts and mixture is reasonably warm (but not scalding hot) then add a third of this mixture at a time to egg YOLKS only while mixing. Then after everything is incorporated together you gently heat it all again until it is about thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Rapidly cool to under 40 and churn.

No you don't need an ice cream machine. You can sort of make your own with a container like a coffee can or plastic bucket. Fill container with a lot of ice chunks and some rock salt. Leave some space so contents can move around a little. Place a cooled ice cream base like the one I described here inside a large plastic bag and seal really well. Place this bag inside your large container filled with ice and rock salt. Seal the whole thing up really tight and shake the shit out of a it for a while (really shake hard and a lot in all different directions). If you got it cold enough and shook it enough it will end up perfectly edible although the texture will not be as smooth as made with a machine. Also most ice cream needs to be "cured" or hardened up a bit in the freezer for a few hours after churning.

Hey OP when I tried this basically the heating/cooking step resulted in something like custard, and I think after that I added it to chilled cream.
My icecream turned out pretty good so maybe give that a go.

Also, while on the heat just stir constantly. And at a fairly brisk pace if it sounds like it's pretty hot. Think I did this for like 15m.

Also to make the icecream I put the mixture in a bowl in another bowl that had ice water in it, and put that in the freezer, stirring every 30-60 mins. Helps if you turn your freezer down (or up? lower the temperature as low as it will go anyway because it takes forever otherwise).

Lies: The post

I've eaten two raw eggs a day for the past year.

Instant read thermometer is your friend OP. Don't take the custard above 170 F or you're going to have some scrambled eggs.

Try these recipes instead:

people fucking get sick from raw egg sometimes
you not getting sick isn't proof it doesn't happen, it means you're depraved

keyword: sometimes

you can get sick from anything if it gets contaminated. eggs are not inherently more dangerous than anything else in the west