Why do flyovers love shitty ground beef so much?

Why do flyovers love shitty ground beef so much?

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>posting a thumbnail

Maybe when you learn to download not a fucking thumbnail you retarded frogposter

We don't really love it per say but we definitely accept it as a way of life and embrace it.

Oklahoma here. We eat a lot of steak. Hamburgers are typically for children and the women mostly eat chicken breasts. But never the thighs. Pork for thanksgiving and every christmas we make tons of pies and have a big barbecue around a bonfire while we chant some christian songs. I love my family :3

That sounds comfy as fuck. My family is kinda like that but I live in PA.

why is this so common now?

It's a meme you dip.

Flyovers like fly beef not ground beef lmao

lol sounds like u guys are stuck in the 19th century

>the women mostly eat chicken breasts
I'm guessing your family also frowns upon women driving cars, right?

>every christmas we make tons of pies and have a big barbecue around a bonfire while we chant some christian songs
Is that before or after the child molestation?




>I'm guessing your family also frowns upon women driving cars, right?
To be fair, anyone reasonable does that.

I live in flyover and have always called it flyover
it's so flyover indians should avoid it, they may get mistaken for arabs

Women are shitty drivers, user. You'd know if you actually drove.

i have slow internet

Ironically most of the "otherkin" types i know are flyover ohio transplants
t. New yorker


Is Alabama considered a fly over?

No. Nobody flies over Alabama. On purpose.

Nasty shit like ground beef made me vegan.


How are the Somali refugees treatin' ya?

Daily reminder to all seattle/portland/whatever irrelevant city cucks YOU are FLYOVER

>spic containment centers
They will be the first to be destroyed.

>saying good bye to 50%+ of the US GPD because Mexicans took yer jerb.


who the fuck would care about gdp if they are unemployed?

inbred (((economists))) are so fucking dumb


Indiana here, we do the exact same thing. Men eat lots of steak and brats, kids eat burgers and swede meatballs, women stick to chicken breast and fish. Sing Christian song and eat Christmas dinner which in my house was usually corned beef and sauerkraut plus taters and pumpkin or apple pie for desert. We also ate corned beef hash by the ton.

>he lives in a nigger and leftist infested overpriced containment urban area

>he lives in a pig trough state which receives $2.50 for every $1.00 federal tax contributed yet calls the coastal cities leftist.

Oh, fuck, my sides.

I'm dating an Asian chick, nothing wrong with keeping women away from cars.

Which part?

Mostly the pies and having pork for Thanksgiving, homemade scrapple for breakfast.

I got moved to rural Texas for work and I eat more steak now for cheaper than I ever did in a major city. H-E-B is fucking great.


The stats disagree.

south florida will strike back

Thinking I give my rare Pepe's away

>Young men tend to deal with the mechanics of driving extremely well but as soon as they have passed the test they are more likely to push the car
Young men have a lot of testosterone. They cool down once they hit their 30s.
>According to2014-15 government statistics, a female 17-year-old driving test candidate was 7% less likely to be passed on her first attempt than a male candidate of the same age. This figure more than doubled to 15% for those taking their first test at the age of 20, and increased to 25% at 30, 41% at 35, and 50% at the age of 50. Statistics showing pass rates at second and later attempts reflect a similar pattern
Women get even worse with age.

>tfw the one good thing about turning 25 is my auto insurance rates will drop