Beer general

What are you drinking today boyz?
I finally got around to trying le merle and it's fantastic. Very unique for a farmhouse/saison, while still staying close to the traditional style. Will definitely buy this again. North Coast is always great.

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I had 120 minute IPA with dinner last night.

just Stone. good IPAs but not very interesting

couldn't be bothered to walk to beer shop so Supermarket will have to do

Young's Special London Ale
Brewdog (kill me) Grapefruit IPA
Lagunitas IPA

read somewhere this has the same recipe as the Westvleteren 12, can't wait to taste that one day.

Fucking nice day out in NC so I went to a local brewery and got a pint of pic related. Love brown ales and this one is pretty funky and tart.

West coast beer is overpriced, over-hopped swill produced by meme breweries and slavishly consumed by yuppies and trust fund brats who are either blind or afraid to reveal that the emperor has no clothes.

La merle was my first ever Saison. I never found another Saison that tasted like it until I had my first Biére de Garde, a Finnish one, (Iso-kallan Biére de Garde). It reminded me strongly of it but had a lighter body and was easier to drink.

This was the most recent beer that wasn't a shitty domestic I had. Pretty good.

question: i need to sell my cellar, mostly sours from northeast brewers (grimm, hill farmstead mostly). what is the best website for me to use to make some fucking money? thanks.

Best IPA

I'd guess untapped or craigslist

picked up the last one of these at the store, figured I might as well try them out

anyone else given this sampler a shot?

inb4 the ipa memes

Got some from my aunt who works at the local SN brewery, really enjoyed the black IPA, the peach was my least favorite, but still bretty good.

[email protected]

email me a list mate, temporary email is up for 48 hours or you can add me on steam

Pretty burnt out on ipas, which sucks because I want to try the new ones but don't want them taking up space in my fridge for very long. They have a golden one available that sounds good

I assume you're referring to this golden IPA

Bought a 6 pack a few weeks ago - definitely citrusy, but pretty unremarkable in my opinion. I really liked the hoppy lager beer camp from a couple years ago

Yeah that's the one. Unfortunate to hear. That hoppy lager ruled though. No one bought it in my area and I got a bunch of 12 packs for dirt cheap

not at all what i asked for but thanks

me emailing you a list doesn't exactly comport with market demand. plus neither of us know FMV of these beers, we both may lose.

i checked mybeercellar, 90% of my shit isn't on there. fucking dumb.

Pic related. It's my go-to.

what is the most Veeky Forums beer and why is it corona?

one of the best shelfies when fresh.

try founders azacca 15 pks if u havent already


Feel free to send a list when your autism subsides, willing to cover shipping as well.

You can communicate with others interested in beer on untapped and Craigslist is easy to use. I think both are very viable options, you dink

This stuff is a classic and delicious, got me into Citra/Mosaic/Midwest IPA in general

Guys, I am in San Diego right now, what beer should I try?

Pizza port or stone. Everything else is a meme

The big ones that don't have a really wide distribution are Port/Lost Abbey, Green Flash, and Alesmith.

To clarify, I can easily get Stone, Ballast Point, Alesmith, Coronado and Green Flash at home, so mostly looking to try other stuff. Stopped by Mikkeller earlier today

This, or really anything from Port (Mongo, Hop-15, Board meeting).

Their tap room is a good 45 minutes from SD proper, but you should be able to find their stuff around town.

Try Lost Abbey and Modern Times. Stone is worth a stop just for the food (at either the Escondido location or the one downtown by the airport).

Port and Lost Abbey are the same brewery, btw, just under two different names for their US and Belgian styles.

Yeah I just mentioned them in particular because their tasting rooms are a lot nicer than Pizza Port from my experiences. Pizza Port has good pizza but they're always busy with mediocre service and full of kids running around, not really a good experience if you primarily care about the beer.

You're not very interesting.
IPA shills leave, it's cold outside and no one wants to drink beer that tastes like bitter chalk and gives you a headache. Post some dark beer goddammit.

You can stay

Port is different from Pizza Port, though they both make good beer. I think the head brewer at Port was one of the original brewers at Pizza Port, but now they're completely separate.

>You can stay

I live about 10 minutes from one of the Dogfish Head alehouse's.

They have 90 minute IPA almost always, and frequently have 120 minute IPA on tap.

I love north coast but not le Mer. Can't get into it. Pranqster on the other hand is one of my atfs

huh, I didn't know that, thanks for the info. I'm not a local so little details like that escape me

drinking my last Arrogant Bastard with the matching glassware. Can't drink it every day but I love it

Green flash ipa

this stuff is great

I don't trust California with pale ales. SN excluded


Nice autism! I like the social boundaries that you set. Everything has to be in it's place, right?

Is there anything outside of stouts that fits the sweet and strong theme?

Been drinking this. Super boozy taste, but very roasty and sweet. 8/10

What is the best website to look up beer reviews/new styles to try? Is ratebeer the biggest thing?

Having a bottle of this right now. Brewed with agave and aged in scotch barrels.

ratebeer and beeradvocate are the biggest, but the best idea is generally just to go to your local beer shop, preferably one that sells a lot of international stuff as countries tend to stick to certain styles, and try whatever floats your boat

I have a suitcase of Miller Lite.

I'm going to a bar today to do a lefty meetup with my crew, probably going to get whatever sour they have on tap.


It's my go to atm, v v drinkable and very available. The best thing you'll find in a small supermarket in Scotland.

Brewdog are pretty meme but that occasionally results in something cool, is this any good?
