Which do you choose?

Which do you choose?

On the left lies gluttony and solitude; on the right, health and sex.

I have no self control, so i eat both, smoke weed, and then play videogames until 3am.

I choose both, so fuck you.

Right, only because gravy is fucking disgusting.

Neither, I'd rather chose option C: Chicken breast, brown rice, and kale.

God tier meal


wait, restaurants still serve stuff like this? this looks like some 1960's shit

hipster detected

That's a full meal for me wtf are you talking about

tfw right legit looks more appetizing to you than left (both look delicious)

wth are you talking about?

neither, I'll have the fried okra

>at a restaurant
>given choice of side
>french fries or green beans
>order green beans
>they give me a small bowl of green beans, french fries get nearly a whole plate
>beans are covered in bacon grease
>bite into beans and the texture reveals they were obviously frozen
>no one even orders the beans so they were probably 20 years old
Just get what everyone else normally gets when you're at a restaurant.

The mashed tatters looks like instant double bullshit and the broccoli is over cooked.


Or just don't expect much from shitty restaurants that serve bar slop...

More like Veeky Forumsizen

>and sex
yeah cause everyone knows there's nothing chicks like more than a guy who eats broccoli

Yes, women generally prefer a man who takes care of himself. Tell us more about how you got your gf by eating mashed potatoes and being a soft body

Oh yeah i'll need both

As i usually lay pipe for over 90 minutes ill make use of both yet most of all ill need plenty of fluids as i also sweat like crazy throughout amd continue until cramping non-stop is prevalent

I will consume 3liters per session and still go dry, even when already very well hydrated prior
i end up hardly able to walk, with my ears ringing, commonly dizzy, with cloudy vision yet fully satisfied

>He doesn't eat both

Good luck leaving humanity behind

What model is your sex doll? Homemade or one of those expensive ones?

Why can't I have both with a lean protein and a balanced diet?

>and sex.
The ladies sure do love dutch ovens.

Or don't live in America.

don't worry. the fries were frozen too

>what model sexdoll

My galpal is a sweetfreak sort of country girl who is quite ready to enjoy my companionship on the sack

She most enjoys these lasting sessions as she is married with a guy who has crystal dick amd can usually no longer get it up kust my luck she is readilly available as i am regularly quite the horndog as these last 42 months have proven

Right, though I dip the broccoli into the gravy and mash once to check if I like it yet, and I don't, so I just eat the broccoli.
Result: Health and solitude

Lying homo

Oh you poor man.


You mad


I can never read the world Galpal and not hear chrischan.

he meant gaypal

I think he means it's unfashionable these days. Which it is.

That's a bit generous, calling him a man.

I'm just going to have some of that pepper, thanks.

Realistically I'll pick at both and finish neither.

Small town here. Every restaurant within 20 square miles serves their sides in small white bowls like in OP's pic.

I do a lot of my own cooking but, to be fair, some of those places have excellent fried okra or green beans.

I gotta tell you right now I have sex with mashed potatoes
It feels so good and it's more than I can handle


Im afraid not my lover is one sexy fuck a total sexpot and not hardly ashamed of it

In case you need clarification i will bet both my nuts that she is and always has been 100% female


It's literally just food.

I'm from Poland.

Just learned about this chrischan guy
Gonna wish i hadn't desu

>He replies almost 18 hours later just to be like "naw dude shes totally hot."

Nobody who is really slamming fine puss is this desperate to convince someone that they're slamming fine puss.

Reminder : Don't bump a shitty thread just to say "I'm a newfag", sage in options field.

speak for yourself
that sensibility isnt mine not in the least

>My galpal is a sweetfreak sort of country girl who is quite ready to enjoy my companionship on the sack
>She most enjoys these lasting sessions as she is married with a guy who has crystal dick amd can usually no longer get it up kust my luck she is readilly available as i am regularly quite the horndog as these last 42 months have proven
Had to look up crystal dick.

So you are the side fuck for a redneck girl married to a meth addict?

Yeah not jelly at all. Presumably she does meth to, or is at least and overall fuck up to be in that kind of life.

Hope Trump brings back coal, then maybe you and your people can work and get off the welfare and meth.

>your people can work and get off the welfare and meth
nah fucking is too much fun to worry about work desu ill leave teh work to the slave types you know the niggers and fruit pickers

>not using broccoli as spoons to eat mashed potato and gravy

wew lad! It's like you only want to have silent sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation!