Thought the americans eating well-done steak with ketchup shit was just a Veeky Forums meme

>thought the americans eating well-done steak with ketchup shit was just a Veeky Forums meme

>the President literally did it

it's called well-done for a reason

He's representative of all that is the worst with americans, so, y'know, big shock.

incoming waves of "muh leather boot" in 3..2..

Well done is for children



He doesn't represent Americans...

He's a germophobe. Like any true alpha male.

maybe not the ones in sodom (LA) and gomorrah (new york)

>irrational fear
>somehow superior

He also sells these

That's fake she specifically asked for that drink

Isn't that the correct way to eat McDonald's?
Like you eat your fries in the parking lot while listening to an audiobook?

Fun fact: Herpes transmission occurs more often without sex involved.

Wrestlers have wrestler's herpes.

That shows you that being a germaphobe kinda make sense.

What exactly is wrong with that drink?

let me know when cattle herpes is a thing, until then Ill trust in my immune system. Have fun running for purell everytime you have a human interaction.

From the same guy who beats his monkey to his ex wife like a cuck on the days his illegal immigrant plastic surgery model won't fuck him.

For starters martinis are usually served in martini glasses

you're a real weirdo

Ice, wine glass

>illegal immigrant
you're a fucking joke, drumpftard