Having a grill over tonight for a blind date

Having a grill over tonight for a blind date.
What should I order?

Just get the sweet BBQ bacon user no need for anything else

>blind date
OP guaranteed to get laid.

Pepperoni an mushroom pizza with cinna sticks

Impress her buy building your own

Pineapple pizza with extra pineapple and a pineapple crust.
Delivered by a Hawaiian surfing on a giant pineapple.

Ejaculate onto the pie

>Boned appa teat

That'sa spicy meetball

What the fuck is up with your prices?

>Blind date
>Coming to a house, not going out to a restaurant
oookay then

Get the 2 for $5.99 deal. Chicken + banana peppers on the pizza, and a 16 piece specialty chicken.


>>Blind date
>>Coming to a house, not going out to a restaurant

This. That girl is insane. Last time I had a girl do this I accidentally raped and murdered her.

Pretty romantic desu

Banana peels on the floor?

Shot up a school because of those slippery cunts.

>Pussy! Pussy!

Pizza Hut you dumbfuck
today is the last day for 50% off
Get Stuffed crust supreme extra pepperoni and replace beef with italian sausage.



I live in Canada an we don't have that deal.
Also Pizza Hut is utter shit

It's only shit when you overpay for it.
But since you're getting Dominoes for me it's the Pan pizza, It's the only good pie they have

What the fuck where do you live, why is that so expensive

Where employees are paid much more than $5 an hour so restaurants have to charge more.

>lying on the internet
kys cucktarian

In nz workers get $15.25 an hour now and I still get pizza for $5

Lying about what? Being Canuck?

getting paid that much to work in food service fuckn fagt KYS

either that or don't visit ottawa mcdicks tomorrow

>blind date
>she already knows where you live

Christ, someone needs to teach you about women.