What's the secret to good pico?

What's the secret to good pico?

Go south young man.

Boku, no?

Lime juice and time. Should be giving it at least a few hours for the flavours to mingle before you tear into it.

Im actually in the south. Im wondering how its so good here.

Its really spicey. im not sure how. i dont see any peppers

this and also enough salt and good quality tomatoes

Not pico without peppers.

Add tomatoes. If they're sweet they won't need any sugar to offset the acidity. If they're the pink things from the grocery store, plan on doing that. Won't be much. If anyone thinks that's dumb, then you're fags. Minced onion. Cilantro, lime juice. Garlic if you like. JalapeƱo and/or Serrano peppers without the ribs for heat. Add a small amount of salt and stick in fridge. Add more salt after tasting again. Taste for sweetness, heat, and salt. That's about it.

Equal parts seeded jalapeno, onion and tomato. Half as much avacado (optional) and cilantro. Lime to taste. Let it rest a few hours. Try it coarse cut and fine cut.

I feel like I can never get the level of onion and tomato just right.

Salt. I add a fuckin chunk of salt to this shit.

thank you

Use serranos and habaneros over jalapenos


Can of clam chowder


You go straight to hell.


>equal part jalapeno and tomato

enjoy your brown mush

Usually there's small diced or chopped jalapeno, (sometimes larger bits) and they'll let it marinate at least a few hours before serving, typically overnight.
You should be able to see peppers if you look close enough. Even if you don't see the peppers, you're getting some of their heat from the juice. Peppers can vary quite a bit in heat too, even within species.
Pick your ingredients well for good pico.
Seed your tomatoes and peppers.

>I feel like I can never get the level of onion and tomato just right.
This is because these things vary in ripeness. Tomatoes and onions are not the same batch to batch. Thus, there is no perfect exact recipe. You taste it, and adjust it. I suggest you also add a little salt, which seems like common sense

I have great luck with Tasti-Lee tomatoes having a ton of flavor when I need ready to use ripe tomatoes. I think plum tomatoes are only useful for roasting, and about the worth thing you can buy for salsa. I like more lime and cilantro than the average person, and I use serranos, which I deseed so I can use more of them before the burn becomes too much. I do not use garlic in my pico or guac (some do).

I don't think pico absolutely needs hours, but 1 hour or so is great, but it may need additional fresh lime and cilantro just before serving. Feel free to blend a couple Tablespoons of it, and stir back into the batch, if you need to get those flavors going fast.

yes there was a tonnnn of juice. that must be it. im 100% sure no peppers just tomato onion and a green seasoning

>>equal part jalapeno and tomato
>enjoy your brown mush
Literally WTF are you talking about?

Do you really need sugar if you're adding lime juice? Also, peppers without the ribs for heat? I thought the heat was in the ribs and seeds, perhaps I'm mistaken

Good tomatoes. Cherry or grape tomatoes will always do you good, just a bit more $$$.

Good cilantro. Most cilantro taste likes mud. Choose cilantro that smells "bright".

>green seasoning
I fairly certain that was chopped cilantro and finely chopped jalapeno, maybe even minced if someone got a little crazy with the processor.
I mean, it's possible that the strained the peppers or some weird shit like that, but then it's not really pico de gallo, and no one in their right mind would do that, anyway.

no, coco and chico

sounds exactly how I make my pico. No garlic either.

After the the pico is done. I make guac by cutting up a couple of avocados & throw a big spoonful of my pico in along with more lime juice , salt & a dash of some hot sauce.

Fresh ingredients. Fresh garden cilantro will blow you away.

Thinly sliced serrano

You don't use any

No sugar. Ever. As for the heat, that depends on the pepper. Serrano's are hotter and great, but jalapeno's are the traditional pepper. To get the right proportion, you should seed them so that it doesn't get too hot for the average Joe. The most common mistake is lack of peppers.

half red and half green = brown

did you not pass the first fucking grade

try to make this recipe

6 scallions
1 large tomato, finely chopped
1 small bunch cilantro leaves and small stems finely chopped
3 to 4 large garlic cloves minced
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons spicy red chili sauce, like meme sriracha or some jalapeƱos
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 tablespoon crushed red chili pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, plus additional to taste, lime juice

cilantro all over it, good onions and fresh tomato are keys

>whats the secret to good pico?

Just keep it simple stupid

Elbow grease goes a long way .... take the effort to show the pride you have in what you have done especially since its nutrients to live well

fruits aren't oil paints fuckwit

>I was not aware of basic color theory I should have learned when I was 7 years old and I'm so confused and frightened right now that I must shitpost right this very instant to keep from subconsciously reminding myself of how much of a fucking dunce I am

Literally a painter. Fruit chunks are far too large to blend at any distance anyone would approach salsa dickbag.


Idk why you guys get so upset over salsa

do bocu, no pico

what in the fuck


I made way more pico than I meant to, what are some good ways to use it up? I think I put too much onion in, it has a hell of a bite to it.

It's simple. You just need really, really good produce.

It's pico, mofo.

This. It's a raw dish with minimal added seasoning (spices, etc.) Therefore the quality of the ingredients is essential.

Boku no

You have to remember to add the gallo. Some places charge extra for the gallo but I think it's very worth it.