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>his wife's son is black

That's Pelé.





It's pretty common in the southern US

bad white balance is all

I am sickened but curious.

I don't see anything wrong with this. Savory pancakes are a thing.

Yeah but with cheese or bacon or tomatoes. I'm not sure fish is a winning combination.

If you make the batter with beer instead of milk this might not be bad bad at all.

I won't knock it til I try it

To use that much, really?

I'm as Southern as a collard green and I'd slap the shit out of someone if I saw them putting sugar on spaghetti. Especially if the sauce is already premade.


tuna is good
pancake is good

so the two combined must be good too

simple math retards

>doesn't realize modern spaghetti sauce already has sugar added

All the things you just mentioned go great with tuna.

The real crime here is that he's using tuna out of the can instead of making tuna salad and using that. I guess you could serve it with two or three cups of water.

Not op but you sir are my hero of the day. I definitely will try that today

>I am sickened but curious.
Like a fatal car accident. Doesn't mean you should actually do that.

My hands are numb just from looking at this



yknow with some dill sour creme and red onions, ok, but... wtf

I found myself literally shaking

I've always put sugar in tomato sauces when I make my own. Obviously I don't just like pile it on top of the made dish, but when I'm making the sauce itself of course you put in a bit of sugar.

>a bit

I thought you weren't allowed to eat fish on Friday

Well they're not wrong, but with that much sugar I wouldn't be surprised if one of their extremities has been amputated.

I have a strong suspicion this person used jarred pasta sauce which already comes with a shitload of sugar kek.

I don't really like overly sweet things so I only use a small amount. My sister likes her stuff ridiculously sweet though so I assume she puts in a ton. It's pretty disgusting honestly.

Wouldn't it depend entirely on what tomatoes you had? Some need sugar, some don't.

Why do people make sauces "their own?" It doesn't seem like much less work than just making a sauce by putting seasonings into a tomato paste.

Yes. But usually generic supermarket tomatoes suck.

Not sure what the hell you're cooking but seasoning in tomato paste wouldn't be a good spaghetti sauce.

Personally I use canned crushed tomatoes as my base. I definitely consider that my own because everything I season and cook I do myself. I'm just skipping chopping up my own tomatoes.

>His wife's son is Pelé

That's pretty much what I do.

I've always used a mixture of tomato paste and diced tomatoes.

>Ice cream is good
>Pizza is good

You've never had a dessert pizza with a tomato sorbet sauce?


Yeah that's probably about the equivalent of a can of crushed tomatoes.

I've been wanting a weekend to completely make a sauce from scratch, roast my own tomatoes and everything, just to see if it makes a huge difference (probably won't).

Nope, i've had real pizza and real dessert though

says who?

t. Houstonian

You need to live a bit more.

Says me
t. Georgian not from the Atlanta area

Nice memes, hipster. Tell me more about your grilled Santa Barbara squid beaks with spherical baby pine cone consomme and freeze-dried reindeer blood chips. Faggot.

Shhh, you hear that? Sounds like a plane high overhead.

How much of a pussy are you?

how much of a newfag are you?


i garden and have about 1,000,000 tomatoes at the end of summer/fall.. you can only eat so many of them. the rest go into jarring salsas or sauces

that looks like vegan cheese, since it didn't melt. but it probably tastes okay

How can anyone be this stupid and think they're not stupid?

i'm sorry user, did you make that casserole?

it just looks like stuff my vegan friends make sometimes. like throw all the veggies ya got in the kitchen in, and then throw your parmela brand vegan cheese on top and call it good. that's exactly how vegan cheeses 'melt' in the oven. just get sorta sweaty

it seriously looks like they tried to make shepards pie or something, mashed potatoes on top of corn and carrots, and then used one of pic related to top it. i mean sorry if i'm missing a huge meme here or something


I agree with you user. Don't be so easily baited.

I've lived in TN most of my life and I have never seen this shit anywhere.
Not to say that sugar isn't widely used in massive amounts, but I've never seen it in spaghetti ever.

as if I needed another reason to hate you flyover hicks even more.


blame the movie The Godfather (the book doesn't mention it at all)
there's a scene where a dude makes a tomato sauce and includes red wine and "his special touch", sugar.
if you don't like fucking acidity you shouldn't eat tomato sauce jesus christ. "this habanero is too spicy, let's hollow it out of all seeds and fill it with milk to neutralize it" fuck

autism alert

sorry you like sweet tomatoes, they don't grow that way, maybe try a candy store instead of the produce aisle

i guess i didnt understand why anyone would call someone stupid just because they typed 'vegan' or something

They do though. Just not the pink grocery store abominations. The natural sweetness in a tomato will offset the acidity, but if your tomatoes are basically tasteless, that's where it comes in.

>pretty common in black ghettos of the southern US

I worked at an Italian place with this nog who always made himself spaghetti with butter, sugar, and cheddar cheese. He literally called it "ghetto spaghetti"
t. Memphian

Geez, you fags need to go to the bad side of town more often. That's where all the good, unhealthy spaghetti is. It's much better than the shit that spills out of your pockets


View at your own risk.

>about 1,000,000 tomatoes

No, you don't.

I think I have had enough internet for today...

so is type 2 diabetes

That's cool, but where's the pic?

>hollow it out of all seeds
the spice is not in the seeds, tho

What am I missing here?

i feel sick

>Seasoning the water
>That amount of water to the meat
I'm gagging

>Boiling ground beef
>All that fucking seasoning
>All that fucking salt in the pasta water
>Ragu pasta sauce
>A jar of cheese whiz

Jesus Christ that shit looks foul

The girl who made that is like 14 to be fair.

That looks delicious, though. Make the crepes with sour cream in the batter and add chopped onions to the tuna and that's a great lunch.

tuna patties are thing..

I actually gagged when she started putting in the fucking cheese whiz

dumb nigger couldn't even think to call it "spaghetto"

>Badia and Goya

No me digas. Dios Mio, save their soul. This white devil knows not what they do

I was gagging from "Add water"

I don't see a problem... it's basically bread and fish.

I've had plenty of savoury pancakes before, they are good. Just because you associated pancakes with cloying toppings doesn't mean these versatile planar bread foodstuffs are limited to such diabetic and sophomoric parameters.

She's not white, she's hispanic

she has a fucking mustache

Well yeah she's hispanic.
The one on the left at the beginning is who made the "spaghetti" though.

oh fuck that's good.

>I'm so fucked up.jpg

>Georgian not from the Atlanta area
So am I, you're full of shit.


I've never heard of that in my entire life until I see memers on Veeky Forums talk about it.

t. Birmingham

>when you realise it's ketamine

are you serious? I guess I'm glad I am a proud New Englander

You ever had KoolAid from a black person's house, 3 parts sugar to one part water and they only drink purple

Just pick it up and lick it off.