Me again

me again

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Do you live in a the gulag?

So, you burn them on purpose?

Cured meat like those shitty hot dogs already promotes cancer, and you just added a fuckton of heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by burning them.

Good on you, I guess?


taste good though

almost forgot celery salt

This is why I hope to never settle in a city.

Jesus, you're not only fat, but really old according to the hands. Are you sure your forefinger fits in the trigger guard? I doubt it.

Thats the fattest hand ive ever seen. Looks like that fat chinese kid on his cellphone.

Love you, pg
You should do something nice like steak au poivre but with cheap shit

Yum charred Hotdog is the second yummiest hotdog right next to one that's been simmering in water for an hour or more.

At least his deck is concrete.
I'm told my apartment building has burned down three times before. Must be why there's fucking fire sprinklers installed EVERYWHERE.


Hello OChem!

Which gulag were you in that had a balcony?

they're definitely charred

enjoy your cancer

where's the popcorn

enjoy your oatmeal and water in you secluded cabin faggot. Everything from bacon to cell phones give you cancer

Nothin' like sippin' on a good cup of wiener tea.

PG, you could get a verticle smoker that would fit on your patio. dyna glo makes some charcoal only with offset firebox that are quite decent. they also have propane models, but i don't use propane, so i've never tried one.

I like the look of that bicycle. Could you post a proper picture of it please?

>I like the look of that bicycle
you might be gay

fuck man, i dont know you or your life and i have never clicked on your damn threads before only see OP post and move on to the next thread, but god damn last night i dreamt a whole fucking backstory for you. it was some devastatingly sad shit and holy fuck i feel like i need to give you a hug despite it all being a figment of my imagination. Every time i see the image of your small grill a part of me weeps just as i weep at the end of homeward bound.

tl;dr dreamt of you bro

you might be gay

Wheres that cheese popcorn at?

The frilly, girlish decoration on that plate juxtaposed with all the manly man vodka, marlboro reds and handgun made me kek a bit.

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like


superior bike song

>user requests a "proper" picture
>tripfag posts a non-driveside picture anyway, literally the definition of improper
>the tires aren't even inflated
>chain hasn't been lubricated since the nixon administration
>fender fork crown tab has too much slack causing the front lip of the fender to jut upwards awkwardly
>kickstand is extended but bicycle is leaning against the wall for support
>no evidence that any lighting systems were ever mounted in the current configuration, yet the spoke reflectors were removed, showing blatent disregard for CPSC regulations, local traffic law, and safety itself
>dutchbike configuration without tan sidewalls as required by fashion
overall 1/10 kill it with fire

i don't ride the fucking thing. it doesn't even belong to me.
i have a car and a pickup truck.

steamed dogs are best dogs