Ethnic differences in Obesity risk

Why are whites more genetically predisposed to obesity than blacks, who in turn are more genetically predisposed to obesity than Asians?

Which theories about it have you read?

Other urls found in this thread:–Israeli_conflict–Iraq_war#U.S._reaction_to_the_conflict

>no links to anything

It is an estimation using a number of SNPs know to confer genetic risk to obesity:

I thought it was higher in blacks. Anyway, it is wayyy less important than culture, location, and money. I mean, just look at white people in Alabama vs California or something.

We should bow down to your Japanese overlords already.
>Live longer
>Morally better
That or let Askenazi Jews take full control over us so they can lead us to glory with their superior intelligence.

Among blacks it varies highly with gender. Black women are much more predisposed to obesity than black men.

why do most studies exclude hispanics? :[

So why then are blacks so much fatter than whites in the United States?

Especially women, they all seem to balloon after 20.


WHO Data from most Sub-Saharan countries, both developed (Gabon or Botswana, for example) and underdeveloped (Congo or Nigeria, for example) countries show a higher mean BMI for adult women than for adult men:

What is the y axis supposed to represent? Is a difference in risk factor of .5 really that huge of a deal when you didn't even tell us what "risk factor" is?

I think it is more about lifestyle than race, in this case. Look at what western lifestyle has done to peoples like Mexicans and Hawaiians.

Even China has a massive growing obesity problem directly due to the encroaching western culture.

>obesity is genetic

Its about obesity due to genetics, not due to lifestyle.

But that isn't true. It is life style.

Races have different life styles for the most part. Now that everyone is starting to share western lifestyles, everyone is starting to get fat.

Probably because Hispanics aren't one single race
t.mestizo maligno

Thrifty genes that encourage calorie storage and more prevalent in famine prone populations IE africans, (dot) Indians and Pacific Islanders.

Race is a social construct and your image is a hate crime

This but unironically.

I have functional eyes

>Black women are much more predisposed to obesity than black men.

All women have a higher proportion of fat than men because pregnancy is so energy intensive.

>there were no famines in Asia.

>Obesity due to genetics
>Obesity due to anything but self control and understanding of calories in vs calories out

Did you actually read the OP?

>>Obesity due to anything but self control and understanding of calories in vs calories out
Most thin people don't exert any particular self-control or count calories, their appetite and metabolism adjust for them. After they go crazy on all-you-can-eat pizza one night, the next day they only feel like one slice of toast for breakfast, skip lunch, and only want a snack-sized supper.

Fat people, on the other hand, go crazy on all-you-can-eat pizza one night, then the next day they're hungry for a big breakfast, a big lunch, and they want to go back to have all-you-can-eat pizza again because it was good last night.

The effect of exercise to reduce the chance of obesity isn't even particularly the amount of calories burned. All sorts of things go wrong in the body when you don't get enough exercise, stop being regulated properly: appetite, digestion and elimination, mood, sleep, etc.

The regulatory processes in the body which affect behavior aren't something you can just set aside with willpower. Fat people trying to lose weight with calorie counting diets actually have physical changes in their brain, including the loss of myelin. They suffer anxiety, depression, inability to concentrate, and develop compulsive behavior and memory problems.

When you exert willpower to defeat some behavior-regulating mechanisms, your brain may change until you no longer have that willpower to exert.

How many things in your life that you didn't like about yourself, that you decided to change by force of will? How many did you succeed in changing? The conscious mind has reins to steer the body, but the body has its own reins to steer the conscious mind, and it's especially strong at steering you to eat.

Obesity is a complex phenomenon. Genetics, environment, overall lifestyle, attitude toward food, information about nutrition, habits formed in childhood, etc. all play a part.

>Here we show that West-African genetic ancestry may afford protection against central adiposity in African American men, but not in African American women," says Yann Klimentidis, Assistant Professor at the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department of the University of Arizona, the study's lead author.
>Central adiposity ("belly fat"), the build-up of excess fat under the skin of the lower torso and around the internal organs, is a strong risk factor for obesity and diabetes, as well as for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, disease of the heart, liver, and pancreas, and some cancers.

Doesn't seem like they are according to this graph

>Obesity due to genetics

Yes, user, weight has pretty high heritability estimates.

Is it proven that's not just because those parents project their own appetites on their kids?

But races are a social construction m8. Because they were kings and are superior to the white race. I hope my wife gets a black, Latino or Muslim bf to satisfy her wishes. And I hope drumpf gets impeached because I want lots of poor Muslims in the USA because it's our fault they're terrorists.

You don't know much about the subject, right?

I don't ask to be smug, I'm trying to understand how to better explain this.

Anyway, no, it's not, children adopted at birth who have obese biological parents are more likely to be obese than children adopted at birth who don't have obese biological parents.

No that's why i asked.
Interesting to know though.

As a rule of thumb, every trait that you can think of physical or psychological is heritable, that is, its heritability estimates are non-trivial, usually in fact quite significant. Of course, I'm referring to post-ww2 first world countries (and in part second world), third world countries with shit-level environment don't house populations with high heritability estimates for lots of things, since the environment is so shitty.

The biggest determinant of obesity is how much food you shove in your face, you fat fuck.

This is literally the worst post ever.

Hi /pol/. Delusional as usual I see.

I don't know about northern europeans, but italians definitely are more prone to obesity than most races. I'm not italian, but my family is, and almost everyone is fat or has been fat at some point in their lives.
About northern europeans, I'd say that they might have some predisposition, but not as much as italians. Of the few northern europeans that I have seen in my country, not many are fat. They must be fat in North America because americans in general have eating junk food deeply ingrained in their culture (that's why you see even asians being landwhales).

>because it's our fault they're terrorists.–Israeli_conflict–Iraq_war#U.S._reaction_to_the_conflict

I'm not saying Muslim terrorists are in the right, but this shit didn't come out of nowhere. It is more or less the logical conclusion to actions taken place long ago.

And similar to it, while there is a genetic component to obesity, environmental pressure and social circumstances will always be the main catalyst in how much a given trait will be expressed.

So a more accurate view to obesity between different populations involves ones placement in a given system (economy) and within a given ecosystem (country/ community).

obesity correlates with intelligence which correlates with self control. there is a reason why the biggest health problem for poor people is obesity

obesity is a choice so if you want to analyze this issue you will have to look into why some people choose to be obese

Except that's isn't correct, some countries with the lowest obesity rates are from countries with low IQ's while some of highest have moderate IQ's.

And you can't even pin it on self moderation because the population with the highest obesity rates are the Somoans and other Polynesian people who genetically are predisposed to high fat storage but also have low diabetes rates. The Somoans aren't getting fat because they over eat, they're getting fat because a slight change to their diet puts their body out of wack.

So really the issue is about measuring the moderation of a given population's diet against their previous ancestral diet tendencies.

well because those countries with low IQ are so poor they are unable to eat enough food to become obese

there are no genes that make you magically obese. conservation of mass and energy is valid even for delusional fatties

intelligence IS an important factor as diet comes down to habit and self control / intelligence allows you to change your habits more easily

your ancestors' diet is not stored in your DNA

>Delusional as usual I see.
At least we memed a business man to the White House. What have you done of useful for society.

How many things in your life that you didn't like about yourself, that you decided to change by force of will?

My weight and overeating
My apathy towards work of any kind
My terrible physical shape

>How many did you succeed in changing?

All of the above.

>Get raised by people who don't eat well
>Don't learn to eat well
>Become fat
It's not hard.

He's wrong, by the way.

Weight is as simple as what you eat vs what your body uses.

>he thinks trump is useful for society
Hi Russia.

user I just gave you link that specifically states that certain polynesian populations have genes that make them more prone to obesity.

There is also the link here that states certain west African genes (which are sex specific) that make you less prone to obesity.

Both of these genes are in populations with sub 90 IQ averages. Your ancestor's diet apparently can be stored in your DNA.

you don't get the point that I am making

Apparently I don't, so what is it exactly?

the only way genes can cause obesity are indirectly, for examle through intelligence

no matter what your genes are, you can't become magically fatter than a normal person from eating the same amount of food

calories in vs calories out applies to everyone no matter what genes or other excuses you have

Sorry, to busy looking into why some people choose to die on the highway and thus screw up our balance of trade.

cultural practice. asians eat better, white people have more money so they can afford more bullshit

>calling it genetic

like 99.999% of shit isn't genetic.

forced meme

'correlation does not equal causation' is a fallacy, not an argument

Your position is that correlation equals causality?


yet an other fallacy. are you incapable of applying basic logic?

I'm pretty sure all studies involving genetic disposition of obesity are funded by the food industry. What a load of shit.

>the only way genes can cause obesity are indirectly, for examle through intelligence

Technically hypothyroidism which lowers metabolism can cause obesity without direct intellectual awareness. Which is why you have older women in all populations suddenly gaining weight despite their eating habits not changing.

>no matter what your genes are, you can't become magically fatter than a normal person from eating the same amount of food

The problem with your statement is the implication that there is a "normal" person to weigh against. There isn't, which also goes to the problem of there being a "average" to weigh against itself. The "average" in respect to social science refers to an "ideal marker", but the ideal marker is more or less a benchmark established by either human agency or an ecosystem (which is more a rough equilibrium of environmental fitness). In medical science it has already been debated that the traditional BMI system that is used to measure human weight is flawed due to the fact that various populations have their own averages in weight, different bone densities and genes that respond to certain nutrients. So a universal normal doesn't exist.

>calories in vs calories out applies to everyone no matter what genes or other excuses you have

Yeah the rule applies to everyone but not everyone is working with the exact same genetic tool set. Again it has been shown that some populations and their respective demographics particularly sex or age have genes that can influence the likelihood of being obese. So a daily intake of x calories isn't going to affect everyone the same way.

self control and your varying degrees of impulsiveness are heritable.

I agree with that. I will also add how you experience hunger. Perhaps early childhood diet as well. I had way too much sugar as a kid :(. Keeping slim is a daily struggle for me.

Meanwhile skellingtons are all like "lel I forgot to eat again."

You're a moron, by the way.

Nothing you said invalidates anything I've said. CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT is literally "I'm a dumb fuck who can't understand shit tier so I'll just spout truisms as if they're relevant".

How is your body maintaining or gaining weight without input equal to what you use in a day?

You are vastly, vastly overstating the effect genes have on obesity. Conditions such as hyperthyroidism and the differences in metabolism between individuals account for minor variances in weight, most commonly 15-20lbs. You make it sound as if these factors alone can cause someone to be obese, and that is simply not true. Diet is absolutely the number one factor in weight management.

You are also being pedantic as fuck in regard to that other user's post because he wasn't descriptive enough for you.

Take two individuals who are the same height and have a roughly equivalent TDEE, feed them calories above their maintenance, both will gain weight. Feed them calories below their maintenance, both will lose weight. There is no genetic condition that can change this fact.

Stop being a butthurt fatty.

There is not enough of a difference to show any predisposition to fat, sloth and indifference. People in all their self-identified races are mostly susceptible to fructose (alcohol) addictions.

>Take two individuals who are the same height and have a roughly equivalent TDEE, feed them calories above their maintenance, both will gain weight. Feed them calories below their maintenance, both will lose weight. There is no genetic condition that can change this fact

This is true, but the topic of thread isn't about the act of simply gaining or losing weight. It is about obesity and how different populations have different rates of it.

Obesity is more than just excessive weight gain, it's a threshold where the body begins faulter due to overworking itself to maintain even basic functions. Eventually this will cause the body to be more susceptible to to conditions like diabetes.

And genetics can and do play a role because not everyone has the same metabolism rate nor the same propensity to store fat. This is important because in one of my earlier post I pointed out that Somoans are more likely to become obese because they genetically inclined to store fat better than other populations. But unlike other populations despite this likelihood of obesity they are less vulnerable to diabetes. Which means their threshold in how their body functions is different than whites, blacks or asians.

>Obesity is more than just excessive weight gain, it's a threshold

According to whom? What in the fuck are you talking about? Obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30.0 or greater, that's it.

Not to mention that one could hypothetically be obese and not notice any "faults" (what is your definition of a faultering body function?) until they had been obese for a prolonged period of time. On top of this, simply being overweight, not necessarily obese, greatly increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, etc. Everything I just said also applies to someone who is severely underweight. Here is a graph to help you understand. Note how underweight individuals and class 1 obese individuals have roughly the same risk. Please point out the "threshold."

I see now why you fail to understand the role genetics play in obesity; it is because you don't even properly understand what obesity is. Yes, genetics play a part in how your fat will be distributed, as well as determine somewhat your risk for disease, but genetics in no part determine your diet. Whether you be Asian, Samoan, Black, whatever, your diet is the number one contributing factor to your weight.

This is the study to accompany the graph:

This is a study to help you understand the importance of diet:

You honestly have no business posting on this board.

***Note how underweight individuals and class 1 obese individuals have roughly the same risk of lower body limitation, while obese individuals have a lower risk of everything else\

neither the great game nor the "new great game" have any correlation to terrorism in islam
your other two examples are very debatable as well

Again, you're a moron. It's as if I was talking to someone about war tactics and you just came here saying "WELL IT'S A MATTER OF PARTICLES MOVING". No shit, but it's a useless way to fram the issue.

>Take two individuals who are the same height and have a roughly equivalent TDEE, feed them calories above their maintenance, both will gain weight. Feed them calories below their maintenance, both will lose weight. There is no genetic condition that can change this fact.

>take this scenario that doesn't reflect how people behave in real life and is just an idealization of the issue
>see? They behave like in an idealization of the issue!

>equal to what you use in a day
And that's where the problem of your thinking lies, because that number is highly variable and genetics, hormones etc. are all significant players.

So what other factors are contributing?

It's not varying that much actually. And just because it's varying doesn't make it impossible to eat the correct amount. I don't know what my TDEE is, still not overeating. I just know when I'm hungry and when I'm not. And even if I didn't, I'd figure it out eventually and adapt my diet to that. It's not complicated as obese people often like to believe.

>And even if I didn't, I'd figure it out eventually and adapt my diet to that
If you weren't invested in keeping yourself thin, I highly doubt that you'd prefer underfeeding to the taste of food you like

t. BMI19

We do a lot of things even though it would feel better to do otherwise. We do it all the time, fighting the urges. Some of us are apparently better at it than others. However in a framework of self-responsibilty and accountability it is inconsistent to exclude certain traits from this. If I rape a girl nobody gives a shit whether I just couldn't help it, and they shouldn't. In the end, we live in a society where bad behavior should be punished to collectively condition us to do better.

>We do it all the time, fighting the urges.
With an end goal in mind. Why would you fight an urge in order to do something you don't want to do however? Some people simply don't care about being slim, or don't consider it a high priority.

I guess then you wouldn't. But that doesn't mean that that person should not be held accountable for his/her actions. It's a decision you make.

If I was raised since childhood to eat above my expediture, how is that a decision I make?

You can turn around every day. And every day you don't. Nobody says it's easy or anything like that, and it sucks that your parents fucked you up, but it's your life, whether you like it or not. If some guy grows up among thieves that steal all the fucking time and eventually steals himself, his ass gets busted nevertheless. You can't just void that concept whenever it feels better. The world must not work like that.

I'm still BMI19fag so I don't need to go through the fatty treatment. However, I do find the general disdain for fatties I see on Veeky Forums (in the more "serious" discussions not general shitposts) ridiculously overstated to a counterproductive level. As if you're somehow trying to convince a fat person that being thin makes you snarky and smug. However take my opinion with a grain of salt if you will for I prefer women in the BMI 25-30ish range.

It was supposed to be more of an anonymous "you", I know you are not fat. I think the disdain is not so much directed towards obesity itself, but for how the subject is medially treated these days and the association of that with feminism. It's just this ridiculous "feel good" scheme that is tightly connected to outright anti-scientific ideas, look it up, it's absolutely crazy. What makes me mad is not so much the fact that people are fat, it's that they think they are somehow not responsible for that. If they would just claim that they don't give a fuck about the obvious upsides of being a normal weight and they overeat because they think it's worth it, and so be it. Generally however, this is not the case. Instead what you see is passive aggression.

>However take my opinion with a grain of salt if you will for I prefer women in the BMI 25-30ish range.
I will, I appreciate the honesty.

>how the subject is medially treated these days and the association of that with feminism
I guess it's more regional then, I'm not sure how prevalent this is on yankee tv.
>it's that they think they are somehow not responsible for that
Usually these are the fatties embarrassed of being controlled by their own urges. It's why I insist that we shouldn't be so hostile about the whole fat issue since it inevitably creates people like this, which usually retort passive-aggressively.
Although I must anecdotally say that back when I had a gf I ate way more than her and we both stayed about the same weight despite her trying to slim down so whatever.
>If they would just claim that they don't give a fuck about the obvious upsides of being a normal weight and they overeat because they think it's worth it, and so be it. Generally however, this is not the case
I also know people like this though, and not just a few.

>take this scenario that doesn't reflect how people behave in real life and is just an idealization of the issue

you are the reason why there is an obesity epidemic

>Jews control everything
>Jews are subhuman
As a dirty goy myself I can at least accept that Ashkenazi Jews are really smart.
There are white hispanics, asian hispanics, et.
The are pretty diverse.
You might mention how blacks are too but I think that American blacks are mostly studied and they aren't diverse.

>low-iq blacks are obese
>high-iq asians aren't

Because we are kings and all the bounty goes to us

Our genetics haven't changed much in the past 50 years but our diets surely have.
Still I wouldn't want to deny a genetic difference between normal and obese people, just that it isn't wholly responsible.

Obesity is basically a correlate to addictive behavior. Blacks are simply more prone to poor self control. No different than their crack addiction or high birthrates

Well, I am just speculating here, but I would think probably for similar reasons that some people are white and some people are black.

Whiteness and eating more food is useful in colder regions. That's just pure speculation though.

If you want to learn how genetics and help determine whether someone is skinny or fat, you might want to Google Scholar "satiety" and "satiation".