Anyone using the Forest App?

A productivity app developed in Taiwan that prevents you from dillydallying on your phone when you need to study :

You set a time (usually 25min) and plant a tree, it will keep growing as long as you ignore your phone. If you give in and use your phone, your tree dies.
The more you plant trees (aka work) the bigger your forest gets. how lush it is gives you an idea of how much work you've done.
There's a global ladder where you can see others' forests

I use it like a pomodoro timer, set periods of 25 min and take 3-5 min breaks.

Download here :
And add me, my Forest name : Nayun
so we can see who's the most studious

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>not using phone while working

Wow, I dont use my phone for anything but checking the time

can people seriously not resist using their phone at work?

Children are raised with a phone in their hand these days. No need for parenting or physical social interactions at all.

Go ahead, try to take the phone away from them and see what happens.

I envy people whose biggest distraction is their phone.

I don't. I'd much rather be doing something. Like shitposting on Veeky Forums at the very least. Though, I hear people can do that on their phones now. which is sacrilege.

Posting in this thread from my phone. Watcha gonna do kid?

i guess this works in asia wherein phones are constantly in use but this wouldn't really work for me or a lot of people...


I honestly almost never use my phone while working and I don't really see why I would. I use a computer in my office and every application on my phone is also on my computer. If someone sends me a message or calls me, I can just as well read it or take the call on the computer.

Arguably, it's the same distraction. Then again, I'm just fine with handling distractions. In fact, I kind of need the off time to think freely. I don't magically become more productive, if I force myself to stare at the problems constantly. It's about some kind of natural balance between actual effective work, socializing, dealing with other shit and plain old procrastination. Then again, I really love working in research and I have absolutely no problem with 12 hours days. And believe me, you won't be able to sustain 12 hours when you don't allow yourself a healthy amount of distraction. Whether it's your phone or whatever.

>Wow, I dont use my phone for anything but checking the time
>can people seriously not resist using their phone at work?

>not being able to do your entire job from a phone


A game to be serious about learning, rather than lazy and uninterested? Funny!

>not having a wristwatch.

>that front girl's pout
They really have got that "generation" down to a tee. Got a few on my facebook...

Cool. There are some rpg productivity apps as well, .

Psst. That is a sign that you are aging.

Why does it need so many permissions? Are they watching me? Selling my data?

Yes and yes. But then again, is is everyone else.

I remember back when they didn't used to do that.

i used it for like a week and then i realized i could do the same thing without the gimmick plus self-discipline.

You got it right. 80% of the people in the top 100 (who use it the most) are chinese or koreans

>Psst. That is a sign that you are aging.

Tell that to my grandmother who is a techno wizard. She's on her 20th phone I think and has a "1337" Javascript club. Lots of old farts fucking love smartphones.

>that time dad emailed me a gay porn story because he found it and thought it had to be some satire joke