Why is Elon Musk so retarded?


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> be me
> muslim mudlsime
> just arrive to americuck and looking for something to bomb
> see giant pressurized american gas tube full of innocnets
> allahwillsit.cp
> throw a lethal 1 metric kg brick at it
> boom.govaid
> entire thing blows up hundreds killed
> falcon 9 v2
> NASA keks

You could do the same thing to a bus or a train

Retarded argument, back to >>>/reddit/ you go

If it isn't doable, then the project will die before it ever gets built.

> implying a bus or train is anywhere near as fragile as the memeloop which is literally a pressurized bomb only held together by thin metal walls


Yes, yes it is.

Literally anyone can strap a bomb under their shirt and hop on a train or a bus full of 60 people

It's far harder getting through security with that compared to driving out near the 400 miles of unprotected loop with a hand gun and shooting it.
HSR would be far cheaper and safer than the memeloop

its pretty obvious musk wants this for his mars city, not really for earth, same as his "boring company". too bad mars city will never happen.

also that guy has the most annyoing way to talk i heard in a long time.

Literally no different to going to an exposed train track and planting something or shooting at a train

Just admit there is no difference, bud

except for 300thousand tons of air rushing into a vaccuum from anyone shooting a rifle at it.

>linking a thundercuck video

Yeah, no, you're a faggot.

He seems like a very high functioning autist; maybe even an idiot savant.

You're severely sick and need help: serious medication.
Shouldn't you be babbling with all the retards on fakebook or with the twits on twitter?

Yes but the train or bus is far cheaper than the hyperloop.

I'm sure there is more to this than what is presented.

Musk isn't a scientist. He's an ideas guy with enough money and influence to fund and gain funding for his ideas.

The whole video is about why a 600km hyperloop wouldnt work. A shorter one doesnt have most of these problems. There are a lot of urban areas on this globe where travelling 30km takes hours. there this technology could very well be a good alternative.

So would not driving everywhere. If people saved the money they normally spent on a car and gasoline and invested it in a private train company or something, then there wouldn't be any insanely long commutes.

Are you sane? I will admit my argument was a tad informal but by my means i got my point across. Theres no need for such a mindless and retarded reprimand.

any arguments?

well he doesn't worship god emperor trump therefore he is our enemy.

I suppose you're also a respected scientist that published in nature?

T00t just sells the feeling of winning arguments to unpleasant idiots. Mostly, he just attacks stuff that's so obviously absurd that it doesn't really need any serious refutation so he's not in danger of embarassing himself, but when he tries to tackle anything harder, he mostly just does handwaving and napkin math (with relevance supported only by more handwaving).

Nobody reasonable is going to watch him beat around the bush and repeat himself for over half an hour, pedantically making points that would fit on one page of text that could be read in a minute or two, just to respond to the kind of garbage who thinks posting one of his videos then being smug is a substitute for expressing and supporting a position.

So when you, an incredibly unbearable person to interact with, post a video like this and normal people refuse to engage with this time-wasting garbage, you get to go away telling yourself that you "won an argument" and are even more sure that you are right. Behaving like this doesn't make any sense to anyone else, but there's something deeply wrong with you that makes it seem like perfectly reasonable, even laudable behavior in your own mind.

He got his criticisms of hyperloop published in Nature? Link please.

>Why is Elon Musk so retarded?

He is extraordinarily clever at getting governments to hand hi free money, in exchange for attempting to do something the government wishes could be done. My beef with him is that he does not seem to care to much if he actually DOES what he is taking money to do.

But the retards there are the governments, not Musk.

>There are a lot of urban areas on this globe where travelling 30km takes hours.

But that is not due to limitations in the technology that hold speed down to 15 km per hour.

well, obviously hyperloops are in concurrence with high speed trains. i wouldnt necessarily say they are definetely going to lose that battle.

you are a troll

just like the super hadron collider but they still managed to waste billions before giving up

I always wince when i hear "centrifugal force"

>So when you, an incredibly unbearable person to interact with

stop projecting

why? (i dont sciene)

centrifugal force isn't real.

it's a meme that troll scientists tell normies to make them look stupid in front of other scientists.

true story.

Fuck off retard. It's perfectly acceptable to refer to fictitious forces when you work with a non.inertial frame of reference.
You must literally be a ledditor if you think you're hot shit just because you know centrifugal force is fictitious.

Why does Thunderfoot have such a hate boner for elon musk anyway?
I swear this guy has made more than a dozen videos bitching about musks companies for one reason or another in just the last year.

>It's perfectly acceptable to refer to fictitious forces

oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

How can you you even rely on your calculations if you are using fictitious forces to describe the system?

He is still whining about solar roadways years after anybody still cared about that idea.

>shoot .308 at train
>maybe 1 person gets hit with shrapenel
>he is treated for minor wound
>shoot .308 at bus
>hit maybe one person directly, moving bus is hard shot
>get arrested for shooting at people near urbanized bus route


>shoot .308 at any part of the hyperloop
>every person in the loop is violently killed at the speed of sound
>entire loop is compromised and is out of commission
>all done from 1.5km away in a forest

a bullet hole is not big enough to let air in the quantities in that are needed to cause a catastrophe that you are describing.

He's a Marxist.

sorry im stupid, what do you mean it isnt real?

it doesn't exist

oh, well i was asking maybe for an elaboration and not just saying the same thing. but if that all you want to do thats ok.

Then he's an idiot one. How are we going to build space communism without people like musk?

>what is a massive pressure gradient

>this guy is the posterchild of the MRA movement
What went wrong?

thunderf00t's analysis was debunked


can i get a basic gestalt?

I put those pipes up there. I've worked for hyperloop one for over a year. AMA


no thanks, bye.

What do you do for work user?

absorb your tax money. brb, going to go have you buy me groceries.

Trips don't lie

>Jelly NEET leech confirmed

do you think it will work or turn out to be a giant bomb that kills hundreds.

you guys hiring civils?

im jelly? i fail to see how user. or are you just pulling redit comebacks out of your ass?

your life is a meme
kys my man

Decompression is a concern, but it's not going to be what makes or breaks the success of the project. There are other engineering problems like keeping the spline straight enough and turning at high speeds that pose more problem than avoiding decompression. Political resistance is probably the biggest hurdle.

yup , hes from redit.

you seem like a cool person man. thanks for sharing. im being serious.

what about the heat of the sun causing the top of the tube to heat up and bend out of shape?

what about the extension of the tube form heat?

asking because that's what the guy in the video said could go wrong.

how are you going to keep some random guy form shooting the tube and making it implode?

>can i get a basic gestalt?
Thunderf00t can't into the square-cube law.

His argument is basically like claiming that a human-sized ant could lift Mount Everest. (when it, in fact, would be unable to stand on its own legs)

possibly. not as many hires happening now because we are finishing one project and plan on doing small research and development type stuff from here until we build a full scale usable prototype. probably in Dubai. but hey, put in a application.

we are characterizing the deformation of the tube from the heat. our biggest problem is the tight tolerances needed for magnetic levitation to work at such high speed and compensating for the shrinking and growing of the tube. as far as extension of the tube from the heat we pretty much have that licked, just a matter of having the tube float along the X axis down the spline.

i dont know what we will implement to keep decompression from happening. perhaps an outer wall thats also decompressed? i figured we would just have sensors along the route that detect sudden increase of atmosphere long before it actually reached a vehicle. the sensors would either emergency stop the vehicle or partition that part of the tube so the entire thing doesnt fill with air.

that still doesn't answer how you are going to keep terrorists form targeting the hundreds of miles of unguarded tube.

thing about planes is once they are in the air they are hard to bring down form the ground.

this thing you could incapacitate with a homemade bomb or gun you bought at a show.

i mean, yeah, you could do that to a pipeline anywhere, oil piplines. or subways. those seem to be viable ways to transport things. why wouldnt this be?

why wouldn't it be able to stand on it's own legs

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

who should I believe?

>youtube faggot


>elon musk and an army of world class engineers

good try faggots.

the lure to attack this and not a subway or pipeline is because subways are underground and hard to get to without attracting attention. Pipelines don't have people and are usually underground.

hyper loop is above ground, has people, has unguarded areas in the middle of nowhere, and is explosive.

maybe the hyper loop should be built under ground.

>Pipelines don't have people and are usually underground.

nvm pipelines are above ground.

but they don't have people.
and for a terrorist it's all about the show.

You know this makes me wonder why people who protests pipelines don't just go up to one and shoot it...

>You're severely sick and need help: serious medication.
He was posing a hypothetical scenario, dummy.

what makes you think its above ground? it hasnt been built. its a concept. there would be some spots above ground and some below, like any other pipeline.

well dude its made out of almost an inch of steel, you cant just shoot it with a gun. i mean you can i guess. it would be a nuisance for sure.

>that still doesn't answer how you are going to keep terrorists form targeting the hundreds of miles of unguarded tube.
Same deal with keeping terrorists from targetting hundres of miles of unguarded road, train track, power line, or fiber connection.

Imagine the carnage a guy with a rifle shooting at people on the busy Interstate could cause, like if he waits for a tanker truck.

>this thing you could incapacitate with a homemade bomb or gun you bought at a show.
Basically, you'd just require traffic to stop until it could be repaired. You might kill one or two carloads of people if you use a bomb at the right time.

They have accounted for the catastrophic pressurization problem, you know. Don't get your information from jackasses like T00t. In order to depressurize it rapidly after maintenance and make it tolerant of small leaks, they'd have pumps connected to the outside distributed along its length, which means they'd also be able to pressurize it rapidly and evenly. Even if you sheared the thing in half, the system would emergency-stop the cars and start letting air into the rest of it, so the gust would meet more and more air pressure and lose momentum before it got terribly far.

>why wouldn't it be able to stand on it's own legs
Because they're too skinny and at screwy angles, with not enough muscle attached (setting aside that it would promptly die due to the scaling factors of its internal organs).

>unguarded road, train track, power line, or fiber connection

those don't blow up and potentially kill hundreds when you shoot them.

At 30km it doesn't make any sense to use a hyperloop. Their advantage is the speeds they can reach. To get to the speeds where you get this advantage and then stop again in 30km would be incredibly uncomfortable for passengers.

No more jokes on this oriental dragon drawing imageboard user!

oh this is the oriental dragon drawing board? I'm looking for the Taiwanese lizard painting board. reddit told me to come here

>oriental dragon drawing imageboard

heard that one before, try another one

>Elon Musk and an army of engineers who require continued grants and gibs for their livelihood won't bullshit for funding

were privately funded. you dont know what youre talking about at all, haha

so why are we funding this?

>hurrdurr trains aren't safe because anyone can make a giant cement wall to derail them

you're retarded fampai

Who's "we" here? You realize Musk is a multibillionaire and he's funding it.

The pressure gradient isn't massive. It's only about 1 atm. Bike tires are inflated to higher pressures than 1 atm.

Not to mention the mass transfer rate will be limited because of choked flow.


what would you say are the biggest challenges you face to complete the project?

are you at work right now?

A Hyperloop tube wouldn't blow up just by being shot either.

As for "potentially killing hundreds", this is certainly possible in an attack on a train, maybe possible in an attack on a busy highway, likely possible in a coordinated attack on heating/energy infrastructure in winter, and probably not possible in Hyperloop with a single-point attack.

Hyperloop's top speed is around 330 m/s. Suggested passengers per car is 28, with car spacing in time no closer than 30 seconds (at least 6 or 7 km apart at all times). To kill "hundreds", you have to get eight cars.

Only cars moving toward the break are in real danger (those moving away from it are moving with the in-rushing air). At 3g braking, it would take under a dozen seconds to stop, travelling no more than 2 km.

To get eight cars, the pressurization gust would have to rush in over 40 km, against the rapidly-growing resistance of the repressurization system, with enough force to destroy a stopped car.

I think it would be very unlikely to even get three cars, with a big, powerful bomb that cuts the tube right in half. A passenger train attack would be much more deadly.

i left early today usually do 5 12's a week. biggest challenges are keeping everything aligned within tolerance over the long distances required. everything else we can handle more or less. if it works it will be the biggest thing built this precisely by far.

5 12 hour days?

how do you propel the capsule in the tube?

Muh terrorism gets my blood boiling when any major construction is discussed.
Not a proponent of hyperloop but not an opponent either.

How is the issue of energy usage & time to pull the world's largest vacuum addressed?
What happens in the event of regular breakdown/ unexpected damage and the system needs to be revacuumed?

Will it still be usable under these conditions or will such a length require a double walled vacuum for redundancy?

They'd have a bunch of pumps along the length of it, at regular intervals.

The plan is that it wouldn't be perfectly airtight, so they'd need to run them pretty much all the time. It's also not (and can't be) a perfect vacuum.

>the issue of energy usage
The whole thing would have a solar roof over it, and batteries built in. It's supposed to be more than energy-self-sufficient.

>Will it still be usable under these conditions or will such a length require a double walled vacuum for redundancy?
False dichotomy. It won't be usable under repressurized condition, but there won't be a double wall. It'll tolerate small breaches, and large ones will mean a shutdown until repair is complete. A double wall wouldn't provide any guarantee against the kinds of things likely to breach it.

I didn't realize chemists were also susceptible to know-it-all physicist syndrome.

thunderf00t claims the acceleration would be like being shot out of a gun, the first video does the math on what the acceleration is based on the mass and frontal area and finds it to be 1.6 g.

however, this does not take into account the fact that the capsule would be moving relative to the air. IE to the capsule, the air appears to be moving at mach 2. Thunderf00t didn't take this into account either though.

I'm not so sure I like the second video and their analysis of compressible flow. Although thunderf00t doesn't seem to know much about compressible flow either.

REDDIT WARNING! Some dude on reddit points out one could stop the pod, before the pressure wave reaches it, meaning the top analysis is valid. They also point out it is nearly impossible to determine peak pressure for short distances without detailed information on the pod, but make the case that is probably survivable.

Someone who actually knows compressible flow needs to make a nice model and publish about it.

Now, even if this situation is fatal, with proper engineering and operation it can be made unlikely. Planes can crash into the ground, but in most cases they don't. Scenarios such as terrorism where planes get blown up, do occur, but are rare.

so thunderf00t supposes that this will lead to a local increase in pressure in the tube which causes the compressor to explode, which makes a big hole in the tube causing explosive repressurization.

Thunderf00t supposes that there will be a 0.1 atm air pocket in the tunnel and this will cause the compressor to explode. Such a scenarios is flat out ridiculous. However, it turns out that real jet engine compressors have withstood pressure transients of 0.2-0.3 atm without exploding. pic and link related


faggotf00t and any queer that watches it are the absolute worst kind of cancer.

If another retard makes the terrorist argument again they should be beaten up.

Terrorist attacks are incredibly rate and it's literally no different to a train or a bus.

A bus is even worse because it has fuel as is a train as it can collide with another one.

Jesus Christ
Doesn't anyone ever research anything.
Hyper-Loop does not maintain a vacuum, or exist in a pressurized state, just waiting for you and your bullet.
The only portion that will have a vacuum is directly in front of and behind the travel pod
The vacuum bubble is created by the pod
Air is pulled in and passed through and behind the pod as it travels
Jesus Fucking Christ