Do your worst

Do your worst.

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This is the best one I think.


now that you mention it, I haven't seen that poster in a while


last one shoulda been flat earth

Post more, plz.

Do one with the meme degrees tier list

fuck me I was struggling for the last panel for like 5 minutes too, that would be better

Nah doubting climate change is funnier

To lazy to make it but here's mine

/pol/ raider

Believing Veeky Forums is about science and math

Shitposters making fun of different fields of STEM

Laughing at idiots and shitposters on Veeky Forums


i dont know how to feel about this
is it saying engineering is the best or the worst

>is it saying engineering is the best or the worst


It's saying engineering is the worst but really that's just a meme on here. Engineers are up with doctors and lawyers in society. Whenever I tell people I'm an engineer they are impressed and interested in my work. Most people aren't interested in maths or physics majors and perceive them as autistic losers, which they are. They also earn less money despite their degree being relatively hard, although not as hard as a real degree such as med, eng or law. Making it a very very stupid decision to do. It's basically like the SS + GOMAD troll on Veeky Forums.

>Engineers are up with doctors and lawyers in society
>I tell people I'm an engineer they are impressed and interested in my work
keep tell yourself that kid

salty math major

>omg your an engineer user? wow!
>oh an engineer! what type?
>omg that's so cool what stuff have you built?

>you're a math major? oh
>haha i dont like math
>oh you must be smart i guess, heh...

they are probably more interested in why you are sucking their dick

someone make one about politics


>not faking your way into a comfy research position, barely going by regurgitating science other people do and making a decent sum of money in the process

ishyggity diggity


> not knowing about Congo space programe

Are you female by any chance?

dumb meta gorillaposter


Lol. That's was fun until they said "supported by the authorities". What the fuck. Why if a country full of poverty doing research into rockets.

Not even our first world countries should do it, and these third world motherfuckers decide it is a good idea anyway.

The world is fucked. We need to genocide all engineers because those motherfuckers ruin everything. Instead of solving poverty, lets fund a fucking rocket.




this wins

Chemistry is underrepresented here.

>3d nmr



>morality is subjective
Wrong. Most morality is based observations we can make about reality and axioms based on those observations. Most morals come form Golden Rule logic.

>Love is just a chemical reaction in the brain!
When someone says that just punch them in the face and tell them at pain is just a chemical reaction in the brain. The nature of knowing something does not change its significance.

>many paths of learning about "actual" human condition...
Oh hey, look everyone! This guy knows the "real" truth and everyone is just too scared to admit it!

That's borderline personality.

Jeez you're an emotional little guy!

*or girl

Humans are by definition emotional, social beings.

>I'm not going to argue with an overly emotional monkey

>Most people aren't interested in maths or physics majors and perceive them as autistic losers, which they are.
Well said my brainlet friend





So, what do you people think?

> messure

What a brainlet, doesn't casually use french to convey intellectual maturity.

That would have worked if 'measure' were actually 'messure' in French. Good try though.




>path integration
>sigma finite measures exist on infinite dimensional vector spaces

lol, brainlet detected.

Yet the pilot wave is the true solution. Enjoy your mathematical circlejerk.


>pilot wave
it doesn't even account for relativity. how can it be correct?


Why are Wittgenstein and Schopenhauer clumped together? Completely unrelated thinkers.

The same with Derrida and Foucalt

Well at least they're both continental philosophers. Aside from sharing a German style rooted in aphorisms, Wittgenstein and Schopenhauer are really part of distinct traditions.

>computer science

T-that's sexist! Wom-n are in a disadvantaged position in society... we should do anything we can to help them.


If I gave enough of a shit to edit a map of the earth onto a Klein bottle and a Calabi Yau manifold, I'd do it and add them onto this image. Too bad I'm not autistic.

Hmm, you are not very good at this, are you?

The img doesnt't draw parallels other tha "x is more intellectualy superior than y", the subjects in each cathegory can be comptely unrelated.

Get a load of this nerd


where the fuck is that first notation even used


>omg your an engineer user? wow!
>oh an engineer! what type?
>What do you mean you're not "that kind" of engineer?

Time derivate. Physics.

it's the superior form for ODEs, dynamical systems, and mechanics.

said nobody ever
t. salty math major

laymen don't know the difference between ee/me, they're essentially the same unless you get an exceptionally retarded person that thinks of "electrician" when they hear "electrical engineer"

so in terms of laymen being impressed it goes

NukeE > AeroE > PetroE > me/ee > everything else

Physics, bastardizing mathematics as always. Are you surprised?

the physics and that notation came before the rigorous mathematics

>essentially the same

Are engineers actually this retarded that they're incapable of differentiating mechanics and electrodynamics as two completely different physics?


> using qm to describe macroscopic phenomena

how retarded are you?

That doesn't make any sense, and if you weren't retarded yourself, you would have called me out on the fact that I said quantum mechanics instead of relativity.

So kill yourself.

can you read you chubby brainlet?
i said laymen can't differentiate, which is what we're talking about to begin with

how retarded are you

how retarded are you?

but.. but... but.. muh velocity addition


thank you

I recognize the topological one, but what the shit is the other ones.


here's one i made for Veeky Forums but i'll post it here because i'm banned there for the time being







>using genius intellect to sway society and politics for the benefit of mankind

>Most morals come form Golden Rule logic.
Why is the Golden Rule objectively right then?

that edge, wew

I really like this picture user
