Homeopathy? You're kidding me, right?

>homeopathy? You're kidding me, right?
>yeah I know what you're thinking user, but it works; and yeah, it's a real science
>my face when

I don't know why I thought listening to what a psychologist had to say was a good idea. I'm not going back there (after 9 whole months of useless therapy).

Other urls found in this thread:


you're an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. your brain is just a slut for a bunch of mass-culture memes that you obey because without them there'd be nothing left of you.

Well, this is to be expected. If we actually forced psych majors to take epidemiology and organic chemistry then this kind of thing would be a lot rarer, but then like 90% of them would fail out.

Shut up, brainlet.

If your psychiatrist doesn't actually use a pseudoscientific therapy method then you have no reason to react this way.

Not all people are perfectly scientifically literate, but to think that if one person believes in pseudoscientific theory like homeopathy that he is automatically curing you through pseudoscientific psychological theory like psychoanalysis or some shit is to think in black-and-white terms.

The only one here deserving to be mocked is you, not a person trying to help you.

I know what she was talking about; she was talking about fucking homeopathy. And she recommended "a friend of hers" who "knows a lot about homeopathy".

That's a fucking scam.

Would be better for everyone, tho. They would be able to charge more for their waste of my time and shit like this wouldn't happen.

He said psychiatrist not psychologist. A psychiatrist would be waaaay less likely to be fooled by homeopathy, as they have to go to medical school.

Homeopathy is a scam

I got it backwards. I meant to say "psychologist, not psychiatrist."

Yea, but still, a psychologist using CBT or R-EBT is still a psychologist using a scientifically valid method and it shouldn't matter if he is holding other unscientific believes. It's unreasonable to say "my psychologist believes in homeopathy, I am stopping visiting him", unlike saying "my psychologist believes in Lacanian psychoanalysis, I am stopping visiting him", because the first does not affect your healing process but the second probably does.

I think falling for homeopathy betrays such a severe a deficit in intelligence and logical reasoning that it would make sense to find a new therapist, or even attempt to cure oneself through application of stoic philosophy (which was the inspiration for CBT and R-EBT.) I think that would have a better long-term impact on OP's mental health. Even if the theoretical basis of whatever type of therapy the psychologist is attempting is sound, she's probably going to screw it up due to her very low intellect.

That is a reasonable complaint (specially because finding someone in Latin America who doesn't believe in Abrahamic bullshit of one form of another is almost impossible, but that doesn't stop people from being good doctors, or engineers, or whatever), but I didn't stop going there just because of this, but because in 9 months of once a week chit-chat for some of my hard earned money didn't solve the problem I wanted to. The whole "hey, try some pure water made expensive because it's disguised as medicine" bullshit was just the tip of the iceberg.

source? or are you just baiting. MD here, and homeopathy is certainly legitimate. It's much more widespread outside of America (due to the heavy influence of Big Pharma)

>are you baiting
I think you are user.

>I don't know why I thought listening
If you were thinking, you'd realize that it was your chance to talk, get things out and learn. Not to listen to his problems. Hopefully you didn't pay to listen to him. You get out what you put in: GIGO.

A lot of people mistake homeopathy for pharmacognosy.

>I think falling for homeopathy betrays such a severe a deficit in intelligence and logical reasoning

Aldous Huxley and Linus Pauling must have been inbeciles then.

Medical community has a much stronger consensus now than back then. Your example is misleading.

I have always thought Aldous Huxley in particular was a brainlet. Prove me wrong

What's your problem anyway? Can't you just try to get your shit together on your own?

Do they actually have a PhD in clinical psych? Anything less isn't really a psychologist. PsyD and masters in counseling might as well be a bachelors in nothing.

It wouldn't be hard to find smart people who believe in alternative medicine even today.

Yeah they both were imbeciles... about certain things. Pauling also believed taking large doses of Vitamin C cured everything and Huxley believed exercising your eye muscles could make glasses unnecessary.

That wasn't the point. Physics/chemistry and literature isn't as connected with medicine as psychology.

>Yeah they both were imbeciles... about certain things

I was mostly talking about their general intelligence, as measured by g-factor, not the kind of relativistic "multiple intelligences" or "smart about something, dumb about other things".

And no one is talking about that.

It wouldn't be hard to find smart medics or psychologists who believe in alternative medicine while maintaining their adherence to scientifically tested methods even today.

People who talk about intelligence as in high IQ do, since IQ measures g-factor.

Well give some examples then.
You have autism.

>Well give some examples then.

Well, if you need any examples as to why black-and-white thinking is fallacious, here you might find some examples:


Better example, however, is to prove why this kind of logic is wrong, and here is why:


>You have autism.

Only if being logical means being autistic.

You're probably just a retard and he was recommending homeopathy to test if your issues were real or imaginary, through use of placebo, since actually giving you a sugar tablet placebo would be unethical depending on the situation. Fuck off.

>are you just baiting
Kek. If you're an MD, you must have studied medicine in Zimbabwe.

Outlay your logical process to the conclusion of a singular intelligence-factor in favor of multiple.